Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 357 The Living Saint of Guilliman (Please subscribe)

   It will take a long time for an orc warlord to evolve into an orc emperor.

  Ufre was soaked in the huge WAAAAAGH energy pool just like that.

  Guilliman did not leave in a hurry.

  The huge fleet just suspended in the void, waiting for the evolution of the orc warlord to complete.

   Waiting for the opening of the final battle on the Cadia battlefield.

  Many legions are all recharging their energy.

  Everyone knows that once they leave, it means that the Cadia battlefield will come to an end.

  The Empire will go straight into the Eye of Terror.

  Time is on the side of the Empire.

  Every minute that passes, the strength of the empire will increase by one point.

  Those theoretical technologies will be transformed into practical technologies, strengthening the empire visibly.

  The longer the time dragged on, the more obvious the disadvantages of the gods became.

  After the establishment of the firewall, the battle between the gods and the empire has been reversed.

   Cannot draw emotional power from humans, nor can they use the waves caused by human actions in the warp to strengthen themselves.

  The means by which the gods manipulate reality can be said to be getting weaker and weaker.

  Empire is strong, but Chaos is weak.

  All kinds of warbands were almost out of breath by the expanded Imperial Loyalists.

   There is no longer the carnival of the whole world being sacrificed and slaughtered on a large scale.

   Such a result made the already weak Chaos traitors weaker and weaker.

  If the believers did not offer enough blood sacrifices, they would not be able to bless them, and they would be hit harder by the empire.

   Formed a vicious circle.

  After being hit by the emperor once, the many demons that were originally active rarely reappeared.

   All hide in the domain of the gods, repairing the terrible scars left by the cursed ones.

   After observing the orc warlord for a period of time, Guilliman returned to the strategy room with the imperial guards and guards.

  He still has government affairs to deal with, so he can't keep looking at the orc warlord. -

  As the ruler of the empire, Guilliman's daily life is not easy.

  Reports from various departments will eventually fall on his desk so that he can control the entire empire.

  Just the daily government affairs can be said to be piled up like a mountain, enough to exhaust the energy of a mortal's life.

  In addition to daily government affairs, Guilliman also needs to supervise and promote the smooth implementation of various plans, as well as the progress of the inter-universe war.

  If this position were filled by a mortal, it wouldn't take long for him to be overwhelmed by the heavy workload and become insane.

  After careful consideration, he ordered Celestine, and Clovis and others have declared war on the reincarnation game forces in Universe 03.

   The empire is currently exploring many universes.

  The exploration team got a lot of information.

  After the synthesis, the reincarnation game should be the easiest to deal with.

   Judging from the method of the other party's exhaustion, Guilliman guessed that the other party should have fallen into some kind of crisis, so he adopted this method of using all means to drain the real universe.

  If the war between various civilized races in a universe is very fierce, it is often a war between civilization and chaos in the real universe.

   It's like the Empire and Chaos before Guilliman woke up, a purification order for three days, and a big scene for five days.

   Both sides were bewildered.

  Do whatever it takes to win.

   Various things that refresh the lower limit continue to happen.

   Chaos did all kinds of things for victory, but the Empire did not do the same.

  If there is no Guilliman to turn the tide, the ending of the empire must be a weak version of chaos.

  If a universe maintains peace, it is very likely that the civilization of that universe has no power to resist chaos, and even regards chaos as their ruler in order to maintain the so-called peace.

  The development of civilization in those universes is often very low, at the level of the medieval or industrial age, and very few will enter the interstellar age, but generally they will not involve too deep a microscopic field.

  The overall atmosphere will be much better than that of the Empire.

  Looks democratic, peaceful, not so much violence.

  It's like universe 02.

  Divided into so-called multi-parallel universes, those superheroes wear tights and do all kinds of "supporting justice" things.

   Harvest in a relatively soft way.

   The essence of Chaos Gods is non-divided, that is to say, they themselves have no distinction between justice and evil.

  Justice and kindness are only human concepts.

  The wisdom of the Chaos Gods is beyond the imagination of mortals, and the space and time of the real universe are meaningless to them.

  All they need is enough playthings and food.

   don't care how mortals interpret their existence.

  If a mortal regards Khorne as a God of War full of courage, then the image of Khorne in front of him is a muscular, brawny man with his upper body naked.

  If mortals regard Slaanesh as the **** of love and beauty, then the image of Slaanesh in his eyes is sacred and full of brilliance.

  The images of the Chaos gods depend on the observers themselves.

  Universe 02 doesn't have so many wars, and it's easy to figure out where the problems lie.

   Different parallel universes are like puppets, and when and what happens are clearly drawn.

   is like a program.

  The entire universe has become a breeding ground.

  The turkeys in the wild were all driven to the farm and harvested in captivity. Naturally, the farmer no longer broke out with the turkey.

  Even if a war breaks out, it is not a farmer's war that the turkeys in the farm can know.

  The reincarnation game behaved very strangely.

  Use those copies to reshape the values ​​of the players, thereby making them crazy, distorting the world they belong to, and making everyone live in a world of depression and despair.

   Such an approach can easily lead to a subspace storm caused by intense emotions to break through the barriers of reality, and eventually the barrier between the entire real universe and the subspace will collapse, leading to the destruction of the entire universe.

   Like the Eye of Terror and Universe 01.

   In the fallen orgies of the Eldar Empire, those twisted emotions exploded with the "birth" of Slaanesh, tearing down barriers and forming the Eye of Terror.

  Universe No. 01 is completely eroded by chaos.

  The laws of physics collapsed, as did concepts such as biological races and civilizations.

   In such a universe, there will be no new races and new civilizations.

  The only function is to keep the undead reveling for eternity.

  Universe 02 looks easier to deal with than universe 03.

   But it's just an illusion.

  In the report sent back to Guilliman by Sanguinius, they basically fought against the so-called superheroes, and there was no **** behind the scenes.

   In other words, the empire dealt with a group of captive turkeys from beginning to end.

  Such a victory is at best a loss of property for the farmer.

  For things like turkeys, as long as we increase the breeding efforts and encourage three or four, five or six, then we need to have as many as possible.

   For this reason, it is a very unsafe thing to declare war on Universe 02.

   Reincarnation games are different.

  The copies of the reincarnation game are behind those farmers.

  What they do is to squeeze those worlds as hard as they can, with no regard for whether those worlds will perish in despair and oppression.

  A company unscrupulously cuts leeks, even shaves the roots of leeks, injects growth hormones into leeks, and desperately wants to extract the maximum benefit in the short term.

  The only possibility is that the company is going out of business.

  Those shareholders want the last cash.

  Or it's almost too late to last, and I can't take care of cultivating leeks.

   Maybe you can't compare gods and a company.

  However, these seemingly irrelevant things often follow the same law.

  Many things seem incomprehensible, but if people can see the hidden chain of interests, they will suddenly realize that those abnormal and weird things are actually the most reasonable.

  No matter what happened behind the reincarnation game, they couldn't hide the fact that they were in trouble.

  Beating a dog in the water is a low-risk thing.

  Guilliman stayed alone in his exclusive strategy room, thinking about how to let the empire get the most out of this inter-universe war.

   At this time, an information window popped up.

  Valano sent him a new message.

   "Your Majesty, those inter-universe travelers have arrived, and they are waiting for your reception."

   "Their timing is ingenious." Guilliman laughed.

   "Your Majesty, are you meeting them? If not, I will ask someone to arrange a place for them to rest."

   "Let them come here, Valano, after all, they have traveled so far, proper respect can reduce some resistance to the empire's local rule." Guilliman said.

   "I understand, I will take them to your strategy room in half an hour."

"who I am?"

"where am I?"

   "Where am I going?"

  Konstantin's mind fell into a state of confusion from the moment he stepped out of the magnificent inter-universe train.

  He has a very grand vision of the power of the empire.

  But when he witnessed the countless warships occupying the entire starry sky.

  He still opened his mouth wide, staring dumbfounded at the giant battleship that exudes light like a star.

  Every one is so magnificent.

   is a giant that even the gods cannot create.

   Those miraculous technological creations and otherworldly spiritual things appeared in front of Constantine, making him feel like a primitive man entering a modern city.

  Everything was so mysterious, full of mysteries he couldn't comprehend, operating on a principle he couldn't imagine.

  Zatana is not much better.

  She felt deeply ashamed.

  I felt that my previous self was so ignorant and ignorant.

  The supernatural knowledge passed down by the family can be seen everywhere in the empire.

Any book that records the supernatural is [Three years of psionic energy and five years of meditation] [Learning psionic energy from entry to entry] [Thirty days for you to learn to use psionic energy in the name of the holy emperor] [The spiritual prophet tells you How should psionic energy be used] [100 psionic spells available for multi-universe verification] and so on.

   Open it and take a look.

  The top-secret knowledge that magical families and forces regard as inheritance is about to rot.

  After getting off the car, the inter-universe passengers boarded the ship directly after being checked, and went to the Emperor Supreme to be received by Guilliman.

   Then, they will go to Terra, the sacred homeland, to study.

   After the ship docked at the port of the Celestial-class warship, a series of complicated inspections were completed again.

   A group of warriors in golden armor escorted him to the surface of the Supreme.

  The magnificent throne sits on the surface of the Supreme.

   Right under that huge artificial light source.

   It stands on the horizon like a majestic mountain.


   Arriving here, Constantine and the others also became tense.

   They were about to meet the greatest of the empire.

   Greater than Sanguinius with white wings.

   His prestige and achievements have been sung by countless people.

  Walking along the way, I have seen countless statues of him.

   Fortunately, the other party did not choose to meet them on the throne.

   Instead, they were given some preferential treatment, allowing them to go to the private strategy room to have an audience.

   Walk all the way to the end along the wide corridor, and arrive at a huge room.

  The door is carved with gilt murals.

   A huge, balanced scale and a huge sword.

  Konstantin believed that this mural implied the just rule and the determination to protect this justice.

   Both of these are great qualities that belong to a ruler.

   "Perhaps it is some kind of self-encouragement or self-admonition." Constantine said in his heart.

  The door was slowly opened.

   Surprisingly, there is no luxurious decoration inside, and there are no scenes that radiate light.

   Very ordinary and simple, no different from ordinary people's study.

  The only difference may be that it is very large, built to the size of a giant, not a mortal.

  Konstantin and his party walked in.

   A giant sits at a desk, watching them come in with a smile on his face.

   I don't know why, Constantine felt his face was a little warm, and when he reached out to touch it, his face was already full of tears.

He cried.

  Constance never thought he would cry.

   Even if you fall into **** and suffer.

   Abandoned by those hypocritical angels of heaven.

   Betrayed by lover, friend.

   He never cried either.

  He just raised his fingers to despise those guys, and straightened his lower body, telling those idiots that as a man, he would not be defeated.

   But now, he was crying.

  Just seeing the giant for the first time, his tears fell uncontrollably.

  Konstantin turned his head to look at the others and found that they were the same.

  Zatana's face was full of tears.

  Damn it!

  When she broke up with me, she didn't shed a single tear, but now she's crying like this for a stranger.

  A trace of jealousy rose in Constantine's heart, but he took it for granted.

   Who can keep calm in the presence of such a great man? ?

   "The glory of the empire will last forever, and the glory of the great emperor will live forever. I will always be loyal to His Majesty the Holy Light, the All-knowing and Almighty." A fellow traveler performed the eagle salute and roared his oath of loyalty loudly.

  Konstantin did the same.

  Before, he felt that it was a shameful thing to roar his allegiance like this.

   But now, he feels happy.

   To be able to declare my allegiance to such a great man is a happiness that no one else can imagine.

   "Don't be so reserved, please sit down." Guilliman said softly: "I am just a mortal, you don't need to have any fear, just talk to me like a friend."

  Guilliman's words didn't make these people stop crying, on the contrary, they cried even harder.

  Konstantin became more and more determined in his heart.

   This is a true God.

  Only a true **** will not prove his nobility and status by intimidating and threatening believers.

  It is many times more real and noble than those high-ranking false gods who always use a posture of contempt for mortals.

  He can completely show majesty and inviolability like those false gods, and use all kinds of clumsy tricks to deceive those stupid and ignorant believers.

   But he didn't.

  He just sat there, without any pretentious gestures, nor any condescension.

  He can extinguish a star to declare his might.

  He can bring down seven days of plagues on a world to claim his holiness.

  He can send floods to those who offend him to show his greatness.

  He can do everything the gods can do, and he can also do everything the gods cannot.

   yet sitting here talking to them like a mortal.

   Isn't this a manifestation of the true God?

   "I'm glad you can endure the fatigue of the journey and come here." Guilliman saw the excitement of these people, and knew that there might not be any meaningful topics to talk about today.

"This is our honor." Constantin said: "This trip has benefited us a lot, expanded our horizons, and made us realize how sad our previous cognition is. All of this must Thank you, Your Majesty the Great Emperor, it is your kindness that allows us to have this opportunity."

   "Yes, everything is thanks to you, Your Majesty." Zatana also spoke.

"I just provided a possibility, but in the end it is up to you to fill it in. Don't put all the credit on me, don't think that everything is bestowed by me. Your courage and hard work are equally important. You have shaped yourself It is an extraordinary courage to face our destiny and our future."

   Guilliman pointed this out with a smile.

   He is not one of those hypocritical gods.

   I will not lightly say to those who have suffered so much to achieve success, everything about you is arranged by me, kneel down and thank me.

  Constantine listened to these words.

  Something unprecedented grew in his heart.

   It was as if the body was burning with flames.

  The other party is a great king worth following, a true **** wandering in the Mortal Realm.

  His name should be spread throughout every world, so that everyone can get his blessing and enlightenment.

   Make every world as beautiful as his home world.

  There are not many effective dialogues between the two sides.

   Facing the Emperor for the first time, Constantine and others were in a mess.

   When the meeting was over, the only thing they could remember was Guilliman's noble face and gentle tone.

  As for what they talked about, they were all in a daze.

   Throughout the whole process, Guilliman asked some questions, and they answered them stiffly.

  Fortunately, Guilliman didn't make things too difficult for them, instead he sympathetically allowed them to rest, arrange another meeting after getting used to it for a while, and allowed them to ask some questions without leaving any regrets.

   It is also better to use these people to convey the concept of the empire to the local indigenous people, so that they can be more closely united with the empire.

   Dark, endlessly dark.

   It's like the eternal cold deep space of the universe.

   There is no warmth and no light.

  The soul falls in it, and keeps falling until it falls into the dark abyss full of madness and horror, unimaginable.

   There was a maddening low, indistinct evil laugh.

   Devouring every desperate and painful soul.

  The creator of the reincarnation game hides there greedily devouring every soul that falls into it.

   Once Shion Asakami falls asleep, she will be immersed in that dream.

  Her subconscious mind kept reminding her that those were not just dreams.

   It is the truth of the reincarnation game, the truth of this universe.

  Whenever she fell asleep, she would be drawn into that dream, repeating that horrible experience over and over again.

  The most terrifying thing is not that she was swallowed by the endless abyss.

  It is to re-experience those once beautiful memories time and time again, but now they have all turned into despair and pain.

   "Shiyin, don't always have a sad face, you have to learn to laugh, you know? Laugh, and everything will pass."

  A tired man in military uniform looked dotingly at the crying little girl in front of him.

   "Okay, give me a hug, Dad, stop crying. The more you cry, the more those children will bully you, because crying is showing weakness, understand, Shiyin."

  When she was 8 years old, the world she lived in was pulled into the reincarnation game, and the player appeared for the first time.

  Some players who gained power chose to act recklessly.

  In order to maintain the final social order, after the father who was a soldier went out for the last time, only the tortured corpse came back.

  The reincarnation game starts, and the power of players rises.

  The conflict between the players who master the props and the ruling forces who use hot weapons is becoming more and more intensified.

  Individuals with power are unwilling to compromise with the interests of the collective, and start planning to put individual interests above the collective, creating a ruling class dominated by players.

  Conflicts between the two sides became more and more frequent.

   Until after a military operation.

  The players used props to ensure the sanity of a group of captured soldiers, and they tortured the soldiers captured by them live. They skinned and cramped, cut off their fingers, and tortured for dozens of hours before the last prisoner swallowed his breath.

  The players used the most ruthless means to defeat the armed forces of a regime, completely smashed the government's attempt to maintain the old order, and established a new order.

  Asakami Shion's father was one of those soldiers.

  At the age of eight, she watched her father being tortured to death by the first batch of players.

  Two years later, her mother was involved in a player fight, and half of her body was smashed.

   Qianshang Shiyin remembers it very clearly.

   That day, my mother was wearing a white dress and planned to take the two of them to eat some delicious food.

   This is a rare happy event for them who have a bad life.

  After Dad died, they didn't get any compensation.

  The old social system was abolished.

  Those soldiers who stood up to protect the civilians and died at the hands of the players turned out to be diehards who prevented the players from saving the world.

  It is a good thing that there is no liquidation, so how can there be compensation!

   "Shiyin, you can't act too cowardly, you can't cry when you encounter things, you know, otherwise you will be bullied."

   "Brother, remember to take good care of your sister, how will this idiot survive without you!"

  After leaving this sentence to my brother, my mother died.

   No one is responsible for this.

  When she was thirteen years old, she entered the reincarnation game.

  Brother entered a year earlier than her.

  Even if it is difficult for her to exercise very hard, she tries very hard to get rid of her cowardly personality.

  But she is still just an oil bottle for her brother.

  Brother has been in danger many times in order to protect her, but he has no complaints.

  Asami Shion asked her brother to give up her many times.

  My brother never did that either.

   Instead, she has been trying her best to ensure that she can survive in the dangerous dungeon, even if she puts herself in deep danger.

  Until her cowardice and stupidity made her brother fall into a trap and be ambushed by other players.

  Until the moment of death, my brother was still worried about whether she could survive.

   "Remember what I taught you, Shiyin. Remember not to cry. Crying is a sign of cowardice. You have to learn to laugh at your enemies, like a madman."

  When her brother closed his eyes and lost his breath, Asakashi Shion collapsed.

  In dreams, these scenes will reappear again and again.

  Torturating Shion Asakami again and again, trying to drive her completely crazy and into the endless abyss.

  Let her go to slaughter, to vent her inner hatred and unwillingness.

   "Legion Commander."

  A voice awakened Asakashion from her nightmare.

  She slept on a chair in the strategy room of the Imperial battleship.

  The holographic projection was suspended in front of him, emitting a faint gleam.

   When she opened her eyes, she saw her subordinate, a player who had defected to the empire camp, and was also a subordinate of her legion.

  No words.

  She stared at the player like that, making the player swallow several times involuntarily.

   Facing Qianshang Shiyin, he felt great pressure.

   "We are about to go to the world controlled by the forces of the Temple of Heaven." The player said.

  Shion Asakami stood up, raised her huge sickle, and showed a sick smile.

   "Get ready to let them know what is the grace of our Lord."

  ps: To be continued.

  (end of this chapter)