Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 374 The End of the King (for subscription)

  Konstantin stood in front of the prison, watching the mad roar of the bald giant.

  His eyes revealed surprise.

   It was exactly the same as what the Primaris Warrior Veteran of the White Consul, Kitan, said before he came.

   It seems that the words of these traitors are not unfamiliar to many people of the empire.

   It's just that nobody takes it seriously.

   All see it as a traitor's lie, see it as a joke.

  The face of the bald giant is covered with scriptures.

  Konstantin didn't know those words, but with the instinct of a mage, he vaguely felt the sin and blasphemy contained in those words.

   But the bald giant still has a noble aura overall.

   That kind of temperament is very special, not something ordinary people can have.

  That kind of temperament, Constantine has only felt it in two people.

  One is Sanguinius who liberated them.

  The other is the Holy Emperor who met at the Emperor Supreme.

   Both of them have that special temperament.

   People can't help but want to offer their allegiance to them.

  The eyes of the bald giant also reveal a depth and wisdom that are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

  If this guy does not rebel, he will definitely have a place in the list that those people sing about.

  It's a pity that the bald giant in front of him is out-and-out a traitor who has been spurned by the empire forever.

  Constantine's idea is actually excusable.

   These treacherous archenemies come from the same creator as the loyal Primarch.

  Used similar genetic technology and materials.

   has these same qualities, and it's not an incomprehensible thing.

  They would have all stood beside the Great Emperor, as their father's angels, as heroes of mankind's victory over the gods of Chaos.

   Unfortunately, this great vision did not come true.

   Some of them chose darkness.

  But some chose to fight for mankind until the last moment.

   "What you said was a lie. The Holy Word was compiled by the Holy Emperor to praise his father." The guide retorted, "Don't think that they come from other universes, and you will be deceived by liars like you."

   "That's a lie, a complete lie, he's a liar, a liar."

  The crazy roar of the bald giant.

  Like an out-of-control volcano, pouring out its fury at will.

  He howled like a hungry beast robbed of its food.

  The chains covered with special runes that restrain the power of the warp rattled.

  The thick chains tightened under the body movements of the bald giant.

  He stretched out his hand to catch Constantine and others, wanted to catch them, and told these strangers the truth of the matter.

   However, everything he did was in vain.

  No matter how tight the chain was, it did not break.

  He was firmly restrained within the range of movement allowed by the chains.

  Even if he could break free from the chain, he would not be able to touch Constantine and the others.

   There is also a transparent barrier built with a variety of advanced technologies between them.

  With the strength of the bald giant, it is impossible to break through.

   "Lies." The bald giant roared again, his face contorted, but the chains trapped him tightly, making it impossible for him to break free.

   "That **** lied to you, don't believe him."

  As soon as the bald giant's voice fell, the soul siphon pipe trembled violently.

  Greater suction came from the main device of the astronomical torch, making the bald giant let out an even more bleak scream.

   "No!" The bald giant was in great pain, but still shouted.

  Konstantin looked at the notice projection in front of the bald giant's prison, and read it word by word.

   "Lorgar, irredeemable empire rebellion, a betrayer, a super stupid fooled by the gods, who only bullies the weak..."

  His voice is like magic.

   It made the bald giant suffer even more.

  Howling like a wounded beast.

  Especially when he read it out to be evaluated by the Holy Emperor himself.

  The bald giant roared in grief and indignation.

   seems to have suffered endless humiliation.

   Lorgar tried again and again to break free from the chain.

  But every time they returned without success, it was useless except to increase their own pain.

  In order to better imprison these Primarchs, the technology department of the Empire adopts atomic-level shaping technology.

  Use a giant generator to reshape the atomic distribution between iron and metal, compress the gap between them, enhance the attraction of the atomic nucleus, and allow its electrons to be firmly adsorbed on the atomic nucleus.

  Using such technology, they developed a chain with quantum inertia.

   This chain is capable of effectively restraining any supernatural entity.

  Suppress their power and isolate their use of subspace.

  Combined with the unique anti-subspace technology.

  Even the Demon Primarch, who has been blessed by the gods, cannot break free from these chains.

  The Primarchs could do nothing but howl in despair.

  After another failed attempt, Lorgar could only give up.

  As before, he cursed Guilliman that beast with vicious language.

  The guards guarding him responded very simply.

  Increased the strength of the soul siphon device to make it more painful.

   Lorgar really wanted to restrain himself from screaming.

  But every time, he would be tortured by the great pain to the point of screaming.

   That's why Guilliman didn't kill him.

   is to use this method to torture him.

  Show his pain and embarrassment in front of those blind and ignorant mortals to humiliate him.

  Guilliman destroyed his perfect city, mocking his faith as a piece of **** with a look of disdain.

  Now, he has suddenly become the spokesperson of the emperor.

   When it came to purchasing, it became the **** who led mankind after the emperor left.

   And treating him like a monkey in a zoo exhibit, entertaining the damned mortals with his pain.

  That damned, festering brute.

   Lorgar cursed in his heart, but with the roar of the soul siphon device.

   More intense pain came, flooding his mind.

   Lorgar let out a more shrill cry.

   That device was tormenting him every moment.

  Let him experience the pain that the former emperor had felt over and over again.

  Let him lose face and dignity in front of those tourists.

   makes him a pathetic clown.

   Become the talk and laughing stock of those **** mortals after dinner.

"What you say is a lie, traitor. No one will be deceived by you. All Primarchs have admitted with their own mouths that the Holy Word was written by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. You want to say that all Primarchs are liars Do you want to say that the great late emperor was also a liar?"

  The guide looked fearlessly into the giant's eyes.

  The faith in his heart makes him fearless.

   He will never allow these pathetic brutes to tarnish the Holy Emperor.

  Lorgar wailed in pain.

  There is not only the severe pain caused by the soul siphon device, but also a part of breaking the inner defense.

   That shameless Guilliman, how much honor does he want to take away from him?

   Seeing that the other party was so rebutted by him that he dared not speak, the guide stopped and looked at the people in the study group.

"These traitors are always ruthless and trying to confuse us. Don't pay attention to what they say, just know that these idiots are clowns and will suffer here forever. This Astronomical Prison is also one of the most famous attractions in Terra , the fiscal revenue that can be contributed every year is higher than the tax paid by an industrial world."

"Now that you see no one, it is to let you better understand the past of the empire. We have specially applied to the museum to suspend business for half a day. If it were normal, it would be crowded with people, and people would hold the emperor Or the holy emperor's icon walks past them, swearing at the traitors, proving his piety, and thanking his majesty for giving them the life they have now."

  Konstantin listened and looked at the bowed giant named Lorgar.

  The other party's desperate and painful appearance can't help but make people feel a little pity.

  But soon, Constantine threw away that trace of mercy.

  Because the guide led them to the Wall of Sin hung with photos of traitor atrocities.

   There are countless pictures hanging there, showing the study group the crimes that those terrible traitors once committed.

   Seeing those photos, Constantine felt extremely guilty.

  How could he have any mercy for those damned traitors!

  The Holy Emperor should use more cruel means to torture their bodies and souls, making them howl in pain day and night.

  The photos on the Wall of Sin are all from the Imperial Archives.

  Konstantin swore that even Lucifer would jump in fright when he saw these photos in front of him.

  Those terrible crimes are countless times more terrifying than the **** controlled by the king of hell.

   It only takes one look, and people will never forget those terrible bestialities.

  Wakes people up in the middle of the night.

   Makes people cry uncontrollably.

  The massacre and sacrifice of planet after planet is unbelievably large.

  When the traitors stood on the ruined world created by them and ravaged the innocent men, women, children, and old people to death, these beasts showed no pity or hesitation, only excitement and madness.

  Konstantin stood in front of a bunch of photos, the pictures made every cell of him tremble.

  According to the guide's introduction, these photos record the scene after a world was captured by Chaos traitors.

  After the empire liberated that world, the technicians extracted photos from the memory data strips of various devices that were not completely destroyed.

  Record the atrocities of those traitors.

  Among the ruins of the city, the victorious traitors used various materials to build countless stakes and gallows.

  Used to mutilate and abuse captives and innocent people.

   Just because the people of that city resisted them for their homeland, they will suffer the most cruel revenge.

  The protagonist of the first photo is a soldier wearing tattered bulletproof armor, like a cloth strip hanging on his body.

   The soldiers should not be very old.

  Konstantin estimated that there should only be around twenty-three or twenty-four.

  It is an age of cynicism and desire to make contributions.

  The soldier was hung on a wooden stake filled with sharp blades and bound with sharp wire.

  The dark red blood dripped down the wooden stake little by little, soaking the ground that was already blackened by absorbing enough blood

  He has had his teeth knocked out, his tongue pulled out, his hands and feet cut off, and even his eye sockets are left with **** holes.

  The face turned into a fuzzy mass of flesh mixed with blood and thorns.

   And those mutated traitors are still trying to torture him, trying to extract more pain.

  Such atrocious crimes are only a small part.

  The fate of the imperial people who fell to the world and the soldiers who defended their homeland is very sad.

  Some people were nailed to the gallows, tied with those wires with blades, screaming in pain.

   Some people were thrown into the razor nets, the sharp blades were coated with neurotoxins, the more they struggled, the more wounds were punctured on their bodies, and the more painful it was.

  Constantine sees an Imperial commander being mounted on a vehicle.

  The traitors stripped the commander of his skin, his tendons and bones, and hung him on a vehicle to dry out.

  Use the cruelest means to kill the child in front of the mother, to ensure that the child's painful cry can make the mother collapse.

   Kill the wife with a knife in front of the husband, make her suffer from despair and remorse, and then give her death.

   Every picture is so hopeless.

   Those desperate, thirsting for death touched Constantine and made him realize what an unforgivable crime the traitors imprisoned here had committed.

   Under such torture, death is the best ending.

   But their tyrants did everything they could to keep them alive and make them suffer.

   Even when the traitors realize that the world they have captured cannot be held.

   They also tend to destroy all destructible facilities before leaving, killing every imperial citizen they see.

  When the Empire reclaimed that world, those stumps blocked the huge sewers.

  The dead bodies are hung all over the buildings of the city.

  The peeled skin is plastered on every wall.

   Those terrible photos made Constantine feel endless fear in his heart.

  If you let him live in that era, in that world, it would be better to kill him.

  Every member of the study group fell into fear and silence.

  Those terrible crimes that they could not even imagine, went to commit them.

   The traitors have created a terrible **** that exists in reality.

  The craziest executioners they could imagine were as docile as sheep in the face of the atrocities shown in those photos.

   "This is the masterpiece of those evil gods and traitors." The guide said: "If it weren't for the Holy Emperor, these terrible photos would not be hung on the wall and become part of sightseeing, a part of your memory and study."

   "If you were in that era, as long as you go to a world that is in war, you will be able to see these terrible crimes, even worse."

"So don't have any pity for those damned traitors, and don't believe a word of them. They are full of lies, the most cunning beasts, the most shameless betrayers, and the most terrible executioners in this world. What you have to do Just like the billions of tourists who come here to visit, spit on them and tell everyone to always beware of these **** traitors."

   After walking through the Wall of Sin, the guide took them to the place where the traitors were held.

  This traitor is a little smaller than the giant just now, but to ordinary people, he is still a giant.

  He also had his hair shaved, and scriptures were engraved all over his body.

  The limbs are bound by barbed iron chains covered with intricate patterns.

  The soul siphon device was also installed on his body, causing him pain and continuous low-pitched wailing.

"His name is Erebus, a primarch father who bewitched himself. From beginning to end, he planned to send humans into the arms of evil gods. He was captured in the Battle of Chidi Star and sent here. Just like his father , doomed to suffer forever."

  The guide introduced information about the traitor to everyone in the study group.

   "Can't be God."

   "He can't be a god."

  Erebus muttered in pain, like an old man with a nervous breakdown.


   Obviously, the battle against Chidi Star broke his spirit.

   Already mentally demented, becoming a lunatic who can only talk.

  The people in the study group didn't pay much attention to him.

   No one cares about a traitor, let alone a mad traitor.

  Konstantin and his team followed the guide and then visited other traitor prisoners and various memory corridors and cultural relics that recorded the history of the empire.

  Those traitors were all firmly suppressed and held in prison.

   No matter how they roar and scream, they cannot change their fate.

   They are doomed to suffer until all things decay and the Empire ceases to exist.

  Konstantin could not imagine any power to destroy this empire.

  As long as the Holy Emperor is not dead, this power will not even be weakened, let alone destroyed.

   When the study group passed by, many traitors screamed and cursed Guilliman in various vicious languages.

  Screaming to the members of the study group, telling the truth, repeating Guilliman's deception.

  However, when the members of the study group who already knew the truth heard the words of those traitors, what they felt in their hearts was not suspicion, but anger and more pious support for the Holy Emperor.

  Many people even proposed to use more cruel means to torture those traitors and make them pay for their crimes.

  As for the so-called truth in those guys' mouths, no one cares at all.

   No matter how much they scream and curse, no one will keep the truth in their mouths in their hearts.

  Those who made it all the way, the only thing they could remember was the horrible crimes the traitors had committed.

   There is only one reason for them to understand.

  If they are not united with the Holy Emperor, those traitors and evil gods will make a comeback and bring them countless sufferings.

  The traitors knew nothing about it.

  They are still struggling to preach the so-called "truth" to every tourist.

   Enduring pain to enlighten what they see as stupid mortals.

   Still longing for their **** to save them and end their clown-like prison life.

  The Battle of Cadia is over.

   Chaos' plot was thwarted again.

  The enemies of the Empire are scattered and fleeing in all directions, in constant panic.

  The imperial troops did not stop there.

  They are striking out everywhere to surround the enemies of the Empire.

   Also trying to recover the planet inside the Eye of Terror.

   Repair the abscesses brought by the chaotic gods and reshape the order of the real universe.

  In this glorious moment, when a great victory was about to be recorded in history, the Holy Emperor left the battlefield.

   Withdrew from among his soldiers, planning to return to Terra.

   Handed over the relevant matters on the battlefield to his brother Primarch and his effective department.

   He has bigger things to do.

   If this huge empire wants to last long enough, then He has to strengthen the foundation hard enough.

   Countless new plans took shape in His mind.

  The slight defeat on the Cadia battlefield made him vigilant.

  Let him realize his arrogance and the strength of his enemies.

  Prompting Him to use more powerful means to promote those plans that have already been planned but have not yet been officially launched.

  When he returned to the Emperor Supreme, he summoned me.

  He needs the Custodians and the Sisters of Silence to complete a secret mission.

   A task that cannot be known to others until it is successful.

   The less people know, the less people interfere, the easier it is to approach success.

  The Holy Emperor alone carries out these plans and He alone knows all the truth.

  He selectively tells people, and makes people firmly follow His instructions to ensure that the final result can come according to His vision.

  Actually, there are some unavoidable difficulties.

   Nothing is perfect.

  Even with an almost omnipotent and fraternal existence like the Holy Emperor, it is difficult to satisfy everyone.

  With the invincibility of the imperial troops on the battlefield and the peaceful life away from war, the lives of many imperial people have become more and more prosperous.

  The liberalism and timely hedonism that emerged before have almost disintegrated the family structure of the empire, and the birth rate once decreased.

  In the end, the population growth of the empire was ensured through the promotion of the Social Support Act and the use of artificially cultivated technology.

   However, the crisis brought about by liberalism is not limited to these.

  Many citizens of the empire have expressed some dissatisfaction with the harsh censorship system of the empire.

  They want a more free speech environment.

   Want to be able to speak freely.

   Many scholars complain that their ideas can only be popular on their own planet.

  They asked the empire to hand over some power of public opinion so that their great ideas could flow within the empire.

   can allow more waves of thought to promote the progress of human civilization.

   "This empire shouldn't have just one voice."

  They often use such a slogan to promote their legitimacy.

  Besides those people, many people have complaints about the empire's massive resources on the cross-universe expedition and the cross-galactic expedition.

   It is believed that more resources should be used to improve people's quality of life.

   Pursuing war blindly will not last long.

   It should be taken from the people and used for the people.

  Some people also suggested that the empire should not be so strict, and should not always use the thinking of the past hundreds of years to do future things.

  Bravely delegating power, the administrative structure of galaxies and star regions should abolish the original Terra dispatch system, and use the method of referendum.

   People also complain about the unequal longevity of themselves and others.

  Why they can only live for more than a hundred years, while some people can live for centuries.

   All kinds of contradictions breed within the empire.

  The Holy Emperor tolerated this.

   Let officials and public opinion guide the tide of thought in the empire as much as possible.

   Explain to the world the relationship between the soul and the body, not everyone can accept the life extension technology of the empire.

   It is not only a question of resources, but also a question of the individual himself.

  He is still worried that his plans will be disturbed and destroyed.

   Those who don't like war and have been agitating the empire not to wage war will most likely sabotage this plan for their vision of peace.

   For this reason, necessary precautions are required.

  Before the emperor left, he handed over the power he stole from the subspace and the entire domain he worked so hard to build to the holy emperor.

   Before Chagatai, Dorn and others returned to the empire, they fought for the former emperor in that area and captured the human souls scattered in the subspace.

   For a long time, the former emperors reclaimed the souls of those heroes who died fighting for the empire, preventing them from falling into the hands of the enemy.

   Some of these souls became the Legion of the Cursed, while others were shattered by their fierce battles and are still recovering today.

  He plans to let those heroic spirits return to the real universe or turn into his Warp Space Legion.

   This is a very crazy move.

  The barrier between life and death will be broken down.

  The boundary between life and death is blurred, and all rules are bound to be broken.

   The entire universe will usher in a crazy shock.

   Of course, there is nothing worth saying about this point.

  The gods violated the rules first. If human beings abide by the rules, they will be too passive.

  Don't fight in the enemy's field, but force the enemy out of their field and fight in your own field, only then can victory be possible.

   To make the four hunters give up hunting humans, they must be killed.

  The emperor once verified this approach, but in the end he found that there was no way to kill those four.

  The Holy Emperor will choose another approach, and he will try again, even if he cannot kill them, he will expel them forever.

  The recalled and revived heroes will be the sword that pierces the hearts of the gods of chaos, and it will also be the moment when the halos behind their heads are broken.

  The only problem is that returning from the dead is not a simple matter.

   Even a Primarch like Sanguinius needs to get all the soul fragments together before he can be resurrected.

  Those people have been dead for tens of thousands of years, and it takes unimaginable energy and price to revive them.

  He had to collect all the broken souls of those heroes, use exquisite spiritual skills to repair them, restore them to their original appearance, and then create a flesh and blood body for them to resurrect them.

   This is an unimaginably magnificent work.

  Even though he is the Marshal of the Forbidden Army who holds real power in the empire and overlooks all living beings.

  I am also terrified of getting such a mission, worried that my subordinates will not be able to complete such a mission.

   But I also know.

  We have to do this.

  Failing Him means that we have failed the Empire and our Creator.

  Except for the black-robed imperial guards guarding Terra's nameless prison, other imperial guards and nuns of silence may be drawn to participate in this mission.

  They will wander around to collect the soul fragments of those heroes and pave the way for their resurrection.

  When the horn of the final battle sounds, those lost heroes will return to shed their last blood for mankind.

  Courage and blood will pave the way for mankind to the future.

   And we will be the guides for those heroes, bringing them back from the eternal nothingness, to the place they once fought for.

  A dying star hangs alone in the void.

   Its light has dimmed in the void, falling from the ranks of the main sequence stars.

  The Silent King sat silently on his throne as always.

  His throne is placed on a giant pyramid, from which he can see the vast starry sky.

  The body made of active metal does not require any oxygen, and can adapt to any extreme environment.

  Even without any protective measures, if he is directly exposed to the vacuum, it will not cause any harm to him.

  The Silent King stared silently at the aging, dying star in the distance, thinking about his own end and death.

  After escaping from the Cadia galaxy, the lion has been biting him.

   Like a pack of wolves, they drove him, the sheep, into a desperate situation.

   Now is the final harvest time.

  He has no escape and is doomed to die here.

  The light erupting in the distance is the last resistance of soldiers loyal to him.

   But it doesn't seem to be of much use.

   They are slowly failing.

   With the help of the Nether Dragon, human beings are well aware of all the weaknesses of the Necrons.

  The Cancer Legion also tried to get them to use other technologies.

   It's a pity that the opponent was defeated before he got much technology.

   Once the opponent's clone died, the story of the coalition forces also came to an end in Cadia.

  A strong flash came from the sky.

  A gigantic pyramid shattered into countless fragments in a silent explosion, flying in all directions.

  The defense of the fleet was breached by humans.

  A battleship depicting the double-headed eagle of the Empire passed the defense system of the Necrons and rushed towards the pyramid where it was.

  Accompanied by flashes of light, those human fighters parachuted to the surface through teleportation technology.

  The Silent King saw the enemy from those scarabs and the wizard's vision-sharing network.

   It was Primarch One of the Empire who came to end him.

  Son of Caliban, Lion Lion.

  His guards retreated steadily, being massacred by the commando led by Lion Lion all the way, all the wreckage was sparking along the way.

  A small pyramid appeared in the hands of the Silent King.

  The small pyramid was spinning in his palm, emitting a faint gleam.

  The switch to release the fragments of the Nightbringer has always been in his hand.

  You can open the dimension labyrinth that holds the nightbringer fragments.

  The Silent King looked at the pyramid in his hand, full of thoughts.

   But in the end he didn't press it.

   It is unknown whether the Nightbringers in their heyday can win against the current human empire.

  The Nether Dragons, restored to their heyday powers, have become pets on Guilliman's shoulders.

  What can Nightbringer change!

   It's nothing more than letting myself struggle for a few more seconds.

  As the supreme ruler of a race, he has his own dignity and arrogance.

  Using the power of the gods I once betrayed, I can keep myself alive for a few seconds.

   Listening to it, there is a kind of sadness at the end of the road.

   There is no way to escape anyway, so it is better to have some dignity.

  The Silent King chose to give up such a lack of dignity to resist.

  He hoped to die peacefully as a true king.

   Instead of a maniacal, hysterical, coward who longs to live, he falls.

  He sat on the throne and watched the lion lead the team to kill his guard army.

   Ascend the pyramid where he is.

   Watching those guards being cut down one by one.

  The Silent King didn't make any moves from beginning to end.

  He only occasionally watched the battle of the lion from the visual sharing of those guards.

   Truth be told, nothing can defeat these Primarchs.

   That witchcraft guy has created some incredible things.

  The Silent King just watched the lion cut down his guard and walked to his throne.

  The power long sword in the opponent's hand was jumping with electric arcs, and the tip of the sword was pointing at him.

   "You have failed, enemies of the Empire." The lion shouted, and his warriors guarded him, and let out a low roar together.

  The Silent King didn't speak.

  The guard next to him spoke instead of him.

   "Congratulations, you have become the real masters of the galaxy."

   "Put down your weapons and surrender to the Holy Emperor." Ryan said, "This is your only way out."

   "The king has the persistence of the king." The guard said on behalf of the Silent King: "You are better than us. We paid the same price, but we never got any future."

   The Necrontyr are born cursed, cursed by their star, with a short lifespan.

  No matter how life extension technology develops, they cannot get rid of that curse.

   Those warships built into pyramids are their graves.

  They slept in those pyramids to delay their own death before they could complete the interstellar voyage.

  Relying on tenacious perseverance, the Necrontyr still developed its own interstellar civilization.

   None of this would have changed.

   Until they met the Old Ones.

  The near-immortality of the Old Ones made them jealous to the point of losing themselves.

  They once tried to get the secret of the ancient sage's long life, even if they gave everything, they would not hesitate.

  Just to end their short-lived curse.

  The Old Ones rejected them without hesitation.

  The Necrontyr realized that there was no way to peacefully obtain the secret of life extension from the hands of the Old Ones, so they brazenly waged war.

  They've had that terrible curse for so long that they'll go mad at the sight of a straw.

   Give it all, they long to end the curse.

  In the end, they finally got what they wanted.

  The price paid was so heavy that the soul and thinking were almost annihilated.

  The entire Necrontyr race has become a hollow shell bearing the echoes of the past.

  What a sad and ironic thing.

  The Silent King recalls his own childhood.

   At that time, he was not a brutal ruler, nor did he control the Menek dynasty.

  Is still a child who studied with a mentor and mourned the death of a soldier.

   At that time, the first war between the Necrontyr and the Old Ones had ended.

   The Necrontyr fail miserably.

   All foreign colonies fell.

  The survivors were forced back to the small star area where their home planet was located, and all external passages were blocked by the Old Sage.

  The worsening environment made the remaining Necrontyr dynasties ignore the orders of the Trinity Council, and plundered the few resources left by the compatriots in the later period of the Old Holy War through war.

  The Silent King just watched his fellow race compatriots go to destruction bit by bit in the brutal fight.

  He inherited the ruling power of the Menek Dynasty and became the Queen of Silence, so he began to look for a way to save the race.

  The few witches who are still loyal to the Council of the Three Saints have discovered the traces of the star **** in the abnormal radiation of the dying star on the mother planet.

  With the efforts of the Silent King, they established communication with the Star God.

  The C'tan, who had also been expelled by the Old Ones, readily agreed to form an alliance, and promised true immortality and unity to the entire Necrontyr race.

  The only thing the Necrontyr has to pay is their cancerous flesh.

  After the signing of the covenant, through the life furnace, they used living metal technology to transform the painful and tormented body of the Necrontyr into a powerful and immortal metal body.

  Actually, at that time, there were still some Necrontyrs who had not undergone biotransformation.

   But those Necrophobes were too weak, and he never cared about them.

  At that time, he was more eager to make the Old One pay the price and avenge the shame of the past.

  Until the Second War of Heaven swept the entire galaxy, all ancient civilizations were engulfed by the flames of war.

  Crazy wars sent countless souls into the warp, like blood spreading in the ocean, and finally attracted hunting sharks.

  The arrival of the original destroyer made those Necrontyr who had not undergone biological transformation go to destruction together with the Old Ones.

  He just came to his senses and was deceived by the Star God.

  That mechanical body is nothing but a cage of fate, a merciless mockery of the Star God.

  However, everything is irreparable, and the Necrontyr who can continue the race is dead.

   Only the space undead transformed into a metal body remained.

  Even if he takes revenge on Star God, he can't change anything.

   It's too late.

  He buried the entire Necrontyr.

   It was sacrificed as a sacrifice.

  Those memories kept reappearing, causing the Silence King to show a bitter smile.

  At this moment, he is a little jealous of humans.

  Humanity gets a future they never got.

  The Necrontyr is a race mocked and played by fate.

   They tried their best to live, but the final outcome was so ironic.

  Lyn didn't have the option to mock the Silent King.

  He understands the opponent's choice.

  If one day, the human empire suffered the same destruction.

   He will not bow the knee to the enemy.

  The male lion performed a knight's courtesy to the opponent, then walked to the opponent's side, swung his sword and looked down at his head.

  This ancient king who won the second battle of heaven and forced the old saints to nowhere was thus terminated.

   Beheaded by an ape they once looked down upon.

  There has never been an eternal dynasty in this world, and there has never been an eternal king.

  Everything will usher in its own end time.

   Nothing can be exceptional.

   Ryan stared at the rolling metal head, the light in his eyes slowly disappearing, and sighed.

   "Disassemble this undead warship into an empty shell, and then put its body inside, as its grave."

   The end of the Battle of Cadia, the impact is still continuing.

  The original military layout has also undergone major changes.

   All major regiments and military units have new combat missions.

   After completing the mission of procreating offspring, Hawke and his wife Andy embarked on the journey again.

  They knew very well that their emotions must never override the great cause of the Holy Emperor.

  It is already a very happy thing to be able to leave a crystal.

   Their destinations vary.

  The corps of the Natal series were ordered to go to Universe 02 to support Titus.

  The corps of the Sara series were ordered to go to other galaxies to carry out colonial operations.

  Their child, Assas, was placed in Natal.

  This child's future is already sealed.

  As the offspring of two legendary heroes, Arthas is destined to sacrifice everything for the Holy Emperor.

  That day is not far away, even if he is still a young child.

   He had no idea what the departure of his parents meant to him.

   Nor did he know that a difficult mission was already waiting for him in the future.

  (end of this chapter)