Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 407 You should die outside (seeking subscription)

  The executives of Planet Velo let those students come over.

  It is nothing more than to create a warm welcome from Planet Weiluo to the empire.

   means that Planet Velo sincerely supports the wise rule of the Holy Emperor.

   Resolutely cut off from those stupid and backward guys in the alliance, and firmly follow the empire to a glorious future.

   When I asked these students to come over, I also specially asked them to come.

  Who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

   "Shut up, and if you call me again, you will all be sent to prison."

   "Defend, defend."

   "Take them all, take them all."

   Several executives shouted palely.

  What kind of behavior is going to be like this!

   Are you going to roast them on the fire!

   Too vicious.


  If these imperial auxiliary troops are angered.

  They are all going to be hungry.

   Now the empire's offensive is getting more and more terrifying.

  The army of the Wotan Alliance retreated in succession.

   Lost soldiers and generals along the way, and their morale was almost wiped out.

   After a while, the capital may be lost.

  The empire won the Wotan Alliance and became the ruler of the Andromeda Nebula, which is already a certainty.

   How dare you say such things without sticking up your **** and serving these imperial masters well! 1

   Isn't this an excuse for others!

   "A group of disgraceful lackeys." The young student said angrily: "A group of cowards without bones, you are a disgrace to the alliance, traitors."

   "Get out of our homeland, traitor."

   "Intruder, get out of our home."

  Other students also shouted.

   The momentum is majestic.

  The arrival of the Imperial Auxiliary Army has already been notified to all walks of life.

   At the space port, many people gathered.

  At this moment, everyone's faces were pale.

   It is said that the empire was despotic.

   angered them, the head would have to be snapped off.

  However, those students have a lot of backbone.

  It seems that before coming, he has already prepared and vowed to resist to the end.

  When the guards came, they held arms with the guards and stood firm and refused to leave.

   Still shouting various slogans loudly, asking the imperial auxiliary army to leave the planet Velo.

   They will never accept imperial dictatorship.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, these children are ignorant, ignorant." A female supervisor said: "I will definitely criticize them severely afterwards."

   "Yes, we will definitely investigate to the end, and we will never tolerate it."

  Several executives spoke one after another, expressing their attitudes, for fear that the great killers of these empires would shoot them with guns.

  There is nothing unusual about Wesker, and he will not raise his gun to shoot the opponent because of such a thing.

   Actually he doesn't have the power to order those students to be shot

   Instead, he watched this scene with great interest.

  If he hadn't experienced all kinds of frontlines, Wesker would definitely be as passionate as these students, desperate to defend his homeland.

  No way, the education of the Wotan Alliance is too good.

   The concept of loving the alliance and seeing oneself as a member of the alliance has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

   Without the Wotan Alliance, there would be no future for mankind.

  With the loss of the Wotan Alliance, human civilization has come to an end.

   Wesker once also kept such words in his heart.

   But after experiencing all kinds of frontlines, Wesker has a new understanding.


  What is betrayal?

  Why should you pledge allegiance to an alliance that does not regard itself as a human being?

  As a farmer who farms and does odd jobs, he can only live sixty or seventy at most.

  Ten years of youth, ten years of aging, only forty or fifty years in between.

  Forty or fifty years are divided into day and night, and there are still more than 20 years left.

  Taking out wind and rain, three diseases and five disasters, how much time is left?

  If you marry another daughter-in-law and raise a few children, the time that belongs to you will be even more pitiful.

  What is the purpose of human life?

  Even if you don't want to be rich and powerful, at least you have to pursue a stable life, and you can have a few days to do boring things when you are free.

  You spent your youth just for a few unrealistic slogans, just for an alliance that even you don't know who you are.

  If it really puts you in your heart, it can still talk.

  However, those people think you are a big wronged species.

  Eat it dry and wipe it clean, and see that you are worthless, so I will let you go far away.

  If you say something unpleasant to it, it will hit you with all eyes.

   beat you up, and slandered you everywhere as a heartless person.

  It also covers your mouth so that you can't open your mouth or speak, so you can only watch helplessly as it slanders you and encourages those ignorant people to insult you.

   Trying to empty your money, make you insensitive, make you a pug for money.

   "Why is there so much anger?" Wesker walked up to the students and asked, "I'm also from Planet Velo, and I don't think the empire is an invader."

"Bah, I'm ashamed to share a home with someone like you." The student looked righteous, like a **** standing on a moral height, bathed in holy light, and his eyes showed a traitor like Wesker contempt and disdain.

   There was hatred in his eyes.

   It can be seen that he really wants to kill these **** traitors.

   Wesker wiped the drool on his face.

   "It's a good thing for young people to be motivated, but this brain needs to be practiced more, don't listen to the wind and the rain."

   "My brain is clearer than yours, lackey." The student said: "Stop pretending, you **** bastard, and brought those **** imperial lackeys to invade your homeland."

   "Then what should I do?" Wesker looked at the student mockingly, "If I die in battle, the pension is not enough to repay the loan, I will go to the battlefield and lose everything in my family.

"This is your homeland, so you should fight to the death. Even if you die outside, it's better than being a traitor. What you lose when you die is only your life and those belongings. However, it is because of your cowardice that the alliance is broken. , Let our home become a colony of the empire, you are sinners through the ages."

  "Is the alliance necessarily good? Is what we insist on right?"

  "Our ancestors have lived like this for generations. What do you mean by saying that? You are questioning the alliance system, so what are the ancestors who lived in this way? You are an ungrateful, traitorous bastard."

   Seeing the students being so outraged by righteous indignation, I wish I could die immediately.

   Wesker couldn't help but patted his forehead.

  I just want to live like a human being, and I will be a sinner through the ages!

   Now this student, is his brain disabled?

   "Take them down." Wesker shook his head and said.

   "You will be cast aside forever, beast."

   the student shouted.

   But his voice became smaller and smaller.

   Guards drag them outside.

  Wesker glanced at the resentful student and shook his head.

  He looked at the executives, restrained the wry smile on his face, and became serious and serious.

   "The Empire plans to forgive all loans left over from the days of the Alliance as a grace of the Holy Emperor."

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of many executives who were pale just now became even more pale.

   What should come is still here.

  (end of this chapter)