Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 415 Seizing the Thorian Galaxy (Subscription required)

  The machines were crawling, moving fast like praying mantises clinging to the wall.

  The compound eyes emitting red light reveal endless malice towards organic life.

  They swarmed, and the mechanical prosthetic limbs supporting the heavy body left marks on the wall, clanging.

  Seth kept pulling the bolt gun in his hand, bombarding those mechanical monsters.

  The powerful bombs exploded on the shell shields of their insect-like heads.

  The sonic boom formed by the huge impact echoed in the hall.

  These mechanical monsters employ some dark technology that makes them incredibly tough.

  The power of the explosive bomb is specially enhanced, and it can explode all steel within a certain range into molecular-level existence.

   fell on those who hate machines, but did not achieve the desired effect.

   It just knocked off the first few hate machines, and didn't tear them to shreds in the first place.

   It can only be crushed after being subjected to seven or eight explosive bombs in a row.

  The shattered pieces of the abominable machinery fell to the ground and turned into liquid within a few seconds, wriggling and fusing together, becoming a whole again.

  Seth repeatedly pulled the trigger, firing all the bullets in a matter of seconds, until his retina display indicated that the magazine was empty, and the prompt popped up.

   At this time, the surviving abomination machine came in front of him.

  The hate machine at the front jumped up when it was seven or eight meters away.

  The sharp forelimbs waved in the air.

   Pounces on Seth, trying to split him in two.

  Seth bent his knees to avoid the attack of the first abominable omnic, and used the sawtooth sword to cut a terrible wound in the opponent's abdomen.

  With the roar of the energy field, the blade pierced into Cui Rui's sensitive mechanical device.

   Flying sparks represent a spurt of blood.

  Seth took care of the first one, but the attack of the second abominable machine followed closely behind, waving its sharp forelimbs and sending out a shriek of waste code.

  The cooperation between the two hate machines was seamless, completely blocking all possible paths for Seth to dodge and counterattack.

  At that moment, time seemed to slow down.

   Seth could see sharp, gleaming limbs slowly approaching him.

   It was only a few centimeters away from his armored body.

   It doesn't take a ten thousandth of a second to cut him in half.

  Seth teleported, dodging the blow that could cut him in two, and another sword split the third hate machine and pierced the fourth hate machine.

   And because the second abomination machine was too fast, it directly hit the first abomination machine that was disembowelled by Seth.

  The huge impact caused them to hit the wall, making a loud crash.

  In just a dozen seconds, Seth experienced a life-and-death crisis and eliminated the four hateful mechanical metals that rushed over.

   And this is not the end of the crisis.

   Those abominable machines that were destroyed, turned into liquid again, and fused together completed the reorganization and attacked him again.

  [Imprisoned, distorted. ]

  Following Seth's instructions, an invisible force fixed the two looming machines in the air, and then the fluctuations of the space structure dislocated their mechanical mechanisms directly.

   At the same time, Seth swung his sword and sliced ​​open another abomination machine.

  The wreckage fell to the ground, sparks shot out, melted like ice, and merged with other abominable machines.

   The loathsome machine was knocked down several times and dismembered into pieces.

  These abominable machines are restored and fused again and again.

  Until a super-giant mantis-shaped killing robot that absorbed all the abomination machines appeared in front of Seth.

  The mantis-shaped killing robot is fifteen meters high, comparable to a small metal hill.

  Besides the pair of huge praying mantis knives, there are hundreds of sharp metal limbs protruding from that monstrously huge body.

  They waved each other, attacking in 360 degrees with no dead ends.

   Without any shortcomings, it is purely a melee killing weapon.

   Seth gripped the chainsaw sword tightly, looking at the terrifying metal monster with vigilant eyes.

  The attack just now, if placed on a living body, would already be a fatal and serious injury that cannot be cured.

  These metals have no effect.

   Even cut them into pieces.

  They can also recover in a very short period of time.

  Such ability made Seth feel a little afraid.

   Without mastering the heart of the empire, these killing robots can consume Astartes monks alive.

   These abominable machines released by the Wotan Alliance, Seth estimated that if compared with the Space Necrons in their heyday, they would not be inferior.

  The reason why the human empire can easily defeat the space necromancers.

  In addition to the technological changes brought about by the Holy Emperor, the assistance of the Star God is also crucial.

  Many technologies of the Necrons of Space have been mastered by the empire.

   can be said to be easily crushed.

   It is by no means an easy task for the expeditionary fleet to conquer omnics that are no less powerful than the Necrons of Space.

  [A comprehensive scan of the target has been completed. The target: metal lifeforms, silicon-based lifeforms, intelligent metal robots created by ancient humans with the help of cyborgs, model -T2541 insect-type extermination machinery. ]

  [Molded by active liquid metal, has an automatic recovery program and cannot be eliminated by physical means]

  [Establishing a conceptual model and redefining the concept of the specified target. ]

  Seth's mind echoed the sound of the Emperor's Angel system template loaded in the heart of the empire.

   Countless data also appeared in his eyes.

  Including T2541 Bug Extermination Mech height, weight, moving speed, attack trajectory and so on.

  The giant praying mantis robot continuously emits screams formed by waste codes.

   With the support of the metal prosthetic, he rushed towards Seth.

  The huge mantis blade slashed down at such a fast speed that a phantom appeared, cutting through the thick metal pillar like mud.

  Hundreds of smooth metal prosthetic limbs struck out like a squall, with force and speed like thunder, and only countless phantoms could be seen in the air.

   Even thick steel plates are pierced like tofu.

  The battle between the two sides broke out at a speed that ordinary people could not predict.

  A series of sparks burst into the air with the dull sound of weapons clashing.

  Seth was only distracted for half a breath, and there were several pierced through wounds on his armor.

  The power armor worn by Primaris warriors is all made of high-density alloy compressed by strong magnetic force.

  The original pottery steel is like tofu in front of this material.

  In addition to the hardness of the power armor, a projection shield is often installed.

  However, the attack from the abominable machine directly pierced through the shield and power armor, piercing into Seth's flesh and blood.

  [Concept redefinition completed. ]

  The sound of the Emperor's Angel combat system echoed in Seth's skull.

  The huge mantis-shaped killing robot fell into a moment of stagnation.

   Its internal systems were briefly breached.

  A transient error occurred in the logic code program.

  Using the concept definition system, Seth directly temporarily paralyzed the code logic of the killing robot.

   A moment of stagnation allowed him to seize the opportunity

  The chainsaw sword in his hand pierced the opponent's core again.

  The pulsating energy field tears everything down from the subatomic level.

  The loathsome machine was dismembered again by Seth.

  After landing, the broken limbs turned into liquid, trying to reassemble.

  [The recovery program of the target is being modified. ]

  [Modification progress 1%; 2%; 3% 98%; 99%. 100%]

  [The target recovery program has been destroyed. ]

   Following the prompt of the sound, the metal liquid that was trying to gather spread out again.

  [The target has been destroyed, and it is checking whether the target is recoverable. ]

  [The core energy has been paralyzed, the atomic-level programming has been destroyed, and the molecular magnetism has been destroyed. The target has only a 0.00001% probability of recovery. ]

  Seth stood in a pile of mechanical wreckage and corpses, and there was no living thing in the entire hall.

  Heavy footsteps came.

   After a few breaths, a few flesh tearers rushed out from the gate.

  They also have scars and blood on their bodies, and it seems that they have also experienced a fierce battle.

  Gripping his weapon tightly, Seth, who was about to fight again, let out a sigh of relief.

  He didn't hide his wounds from the battle.

  The attack of the killer robot caused a gap in his armor.

   Liquid is constantly oozing from it.

   Worst of all are a few medial and lower lateral locations, where even without looking at his retinal display, you can feel the shattered fragments slowly digging into the wound.

   "Destroy this place," Seth said.

   A flesh tearer nodded, put away his weapon, and took out a black hole bomb.

   After setting the one-minute countdown, the start button was pressed.

   The scarlet countdown appears on the black hole bomb's timer.

   "Atonement, send us back." A flesh tearer issued an order to the battleship.

  The next second, Seth and the others disappeared in a burst of distorted light.

  When they returned to the deck of the Atonement, the black hole bomb whose countdown ended suddenly opened up a bright glare, as if simulating a star explosion, the light was extremely bright.

   Brightened up every corner of the hall.

  The next second, the light turned black, and under the interweaving of dense black mist and blue lightning, a black hole vortex that collapsed inward was formed.

  The entire hall was dismembered by the black hole vortex at an extremely fast speed, and was swallowed inside.

  The Atonement activated its engine again and moved away from the giant space station engulfed in flames.

  The unnamed machinery that is located in the center of the space station and used to power the artillery arrays and engines began to rumble and explode.

  After the flame erupted, it was swallowed by the formed black hole.

  The massive space station is torn apart in minutes by a black hole that blazes with black mist and blue lightning.

  When the black hole disappeared, the space station was reduced to an unrecognizable pile of wreckage.

  The space station was shattered, and the line of defense was torn open a small gap.

  The large-scale imperial warships launched an attack along this gap, tearing up the giant abomination machines and the Wotan Alliance army that were trying to support them.

  The strategy room of the Celestial-class battleship owned by the Explorers.

   The strategy room is circular.

  A series of iron lanterns hanging on the wall cast a dappled light, illuminating the neat pattern on the marble floor.

  The candlesticks depicting the images of heroes are placed at certain intervals, the candle flames flicker, and from time to time, melted tears drip quietly.

  The ubiquitous niches are full of stone carvings.

  The carved stone statue gazes at everyone who passes in front of it.

  The face and body of the sculpture are dimly illuminated by the light of the projector and candles, giving them a gloomy look.

  The towering dome is always echoing with various echoes.

  The crisp sound of the blade slicing across the stone, the thud of the reinforced ceramic armor stepping on the floor, and the rustling sound of the power armor sliding the data board.

  Chapter Leader Marrog stood in front of the giant holographic projector, examining the whole picture of this huge war.

   Seth, who captured the space station and tore open the gap in the defense line, is also here.

  His armor has been repaired.

   With the help of the pharmacist of the battle group, the fragments that penetrated the body have been taken out.

  The strong resilience of the Heart of the Empire made it only take a few hours for Seth's injury to heal.

  In addition to the two of them, there are several chapter leaders and imperial commanders who came for follow-up support.

  Andy, the legendary general of the empire, is also among them.

  She has short hair, a slender and strong figure, as wild as a cheetah.

   Fulfill the desire to conceive an offspring with the one you love.

  Andy stepped onto the battlefield again.

  As a woman, Andy is undoubtedly extremely successful.

  Of course, if you look at it from the eyes of those women who love leisure and hate work, they only know how to shout for power with their mouths.

  Andy's life is not considered a success.

  But if you stand on the side of a person who is constantly striving for self-improvement and eager to live out himself, Andy's success is as dazzling as the sun, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

  She led countless sons of Sarah to complete revenge one after another, winning countless honors and victories.

   The enemies killed by her are countless.

  Whether it is Chaos Traitors, Orcs, Zergs, Dark Lords, Space Necrons, the Son of Sarah has fought against them and won.

   Andy also has someone who loves each other.

  In this dark universe, that is undoubtedly an extremely happy thing.

   No matter how close a physical relationship, people will feel lonely.

  Many people don't want to admit that they don't know how to love someone, and they have never really gained someone who loves themselves.

   They give in to biological desires and define those desires as love.

  However, physical desire comes from the secretion of hormones and dopamine in the body.

  Both will not last forever.

  People will fall into confusion again and again, and will critically torture themselves in the middle of the night, whether they really love another person.

  The soul is always alone.

  This is why many people indulge in the short-term pleasure brought by psychotropic drugs.

  Everyone maintained a standing posture, examining the holographic projection in front of them.

  The above marks all the main living areas of the Thorian galaxy and the composition of the star defense system.

  The Thorian galaxy has entered a state of total war.

  The casting furnaces of the Wotan Alliance operate day and night, sending massive resources into the factories.

  A large number of steaming robots and armored weapons came off the assembly line and were quickly transported to the front line of the war with the empire.

  The greatest advantage of the empire, the use of time regression to avoid the risk of death is no longer effective.

   Those abominable machines can destroy the original time and space data, even if it is backtracking, it will fail because the time data cannot be found.

   The war strategy of the expeditionary fleet is also much more conservative because of this.

   Unlike before, I just go straight up.

"The defenders of the Thorian galaxy have gone crazy. They dismantled all the metal in the city and sent it to the furnace factory. All resources are used for war. The abomination machinery will also recycle the shattered wreckage for recasting. "Marrog, the Chapter Leader of the Explorers Chapter, introduced the current situation to the Imperial Commander and other Chapter Leaders, "We have broken through several lines of defense and caused a large number of casualties to the defenders of the Wotan Alliance. The problem is that, unlike before, these defenders not only have no fear, but are becoming more and more fanatical. As time goes by, the support from other galaxies continues to come."

   "These support not only brought soldiers to the Thorian galaxy, but also brought a lot of resources. These resources were quickly put into the furnace and turned into war omnics."

  Marrog looked around at everyone, and told a fact that he didn't want to be accepted by everyone.

   "We are losing our advantage. The empire's resources in the Andromeda Nebula are far less than those of the Wotan Alliance. If this trend continues, we are likely to be exhausted by them and fail."

  The technology of the Wotan Alliance originated from the Golden Age.

  Their void mining rigs can slice through entire planets.

   And use the thousands of meters of umbilical pipeline to transport it to the sorting factory, melt it, and extract the resources needed by the Wotan Alliance.

   Its efficiency is even more terrifying than that of Zerg.

  The particle excavator can also be used to completely dismember the star from the inside to the outside, and obtain energy and precious elements through fusion collection.

   One can imagine how many resources the Wotan Alliance has.

   Expeditionary fleets alone cannot win them.

   Keep fighting and it will soon turn into a tug of war.

"The power of those abominable machines is also increasing." Seth recalled his battle on the space station. Even the Astartes monks who have been upgraded by the original casting are easily injured by the attacks of those abominable machines. "Time The longer we wait, the stronger the enemy will become, and in the end we may be faced with an infinite number of omnics."

"They have given up our salvation, and my soldiers are constantly being attacked by old men and children with bombs strapped to their bodies, taking advantage of our kindness." An exasperated Chapter Master said: "Those soldiers did not die in the On the battlefield, they died on those despicable and shameless weaklings."

"In order to ensure victory, we can no longer be kind." Andy said in a cold tone: "The humans and dwarves in the Thorian galaxy have lost the possibility of redemption, and we should uphold the will of the Holy Emperor and purify them. I propose an extermination strike that will completely reduce Thorion to waste."

  As soon as these words came out, several chapter leaders looked at each other.

  Annihilation attack is to no longer take resources and casualties into consideration, and directly use various destructive weapons, only to kill the enemy.

  Black holes, space-time dimensionality reduction, time acceleration, compressed star evolution time and other destructive weapons can be deployed on a large scale.

  Originally, these weapons could only be deployed in a small area to avoid causing a chain collapse of the space-time structure of the universe.

   "I agree," Seth said.

   "I agree." An admiral nodded.

"I agree."

"I agree."

   Voices sounded one after another.

  Marrog just wanted to agree, but a communication interrupted what he was about to blurt out.

   Listened to the news in the communication.

  Marrog said to everyone: "The extermination attack may have to be postponed, and the trend of this war may change."

   "What happened?" asked a Chapter Master.

   "A man who claimed to be a member of the Wotan Alliance found my subordinate. He asked to meet with the high-level imperial army, saying that he had important information. My people are bringing him here. Please wait a moment."

  (end of this chapter)