Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 419 Hunting down Empire Players (subscription required)

  Su Xiao's voice was as cold as coming from Nine Nether Hell, which made people feel shuddering.

  His body exudes a palpitating curse.

  The weird curse pattern is scarlet and dazzling, and it hurts the eyes after staring at it for a while.

  The endless hatred revealed by the pitch-black pupils made the player feel as if he was being targeted by a ghost.

  The sharp bronze sword reflected a sharp cold light in the dim room.

   It only takes Su Xiao to use a little force to easily cut the opponent's throat, just like killing a chicken.

  The girls were frightened silly by this sudden scene.

   But they quickly reacted.

   "How can you do this to brother."

   "Bad guy."

   "Bad guy."

  They pointed at Su Xiao and cursed, and tried to rush up.

  Seeing their actions, Su Xiao not only didn't panic, but also smiled.

  The empire introduced protection laws for civilians in the reincarnation game world.

   It is required to reduce accidental injuries to civilians and assist civilians to leave the dangerous area as much as possible during missions.

   Those who violate the law will be rewarded less, and those who violate it will be expelled, or even become the target of hunting.

  In Su Xiao's eyes, this is another sign of the empire's weakness.

  He has been unable to complain about the incompetence of the top management of the empire.

   I really don't understand that those weak people can build such a huge empire of the heavens.

  Su Xiao felt that if he was in the position, he would definitely be much better than those wine bags and rice bags.

   What kind of nonsense civilian protection law has been introduced!

  The incompetent and weak are natural candidates for cheap labor and slavery.

   Treat them with no mercy.

   Giving them food and clothing is already a great kindness.

   Still expecting this and that.

  Those women rushed towards Su Xiao with teeth and claws.

   want to use their power to save their idol.

  Unaware of how terrifying the cruelty revealed by Su Xiao's dark eyes is.

  They are too young to have an adequate worldview and awareness of danger.

  The parents tried their best to let them live in a relatively safe environment and keep them happy in ignorance.

  This approach also makes them lack of misjudgment of the real crisis.

  The protection laws that the empire has promoted over the years also make the empire players who are on missions in this world have to protect their safety, and even compromise when necessary, to avoid the reduction of their rewards due to civilian casualties and complaints.

  The high-ranking players were held down by the empire and lost their sense of mystery.

  Many people who don't know much about the past think that players should be like this.

   is for them and needs to take care of their emotions and needs.

  As long as they make trouble, the other party will make compromises and explanations.

  People, I always feel that what I see at the moment is the normal state of the whole world.

   I don't know how terrible those players are without the empire's favor and protection for them.

  Su Xiao didn't kill these dazed girls immediately, it's just that the protection law doesn't allow it, not because he has kindness in his heart.

  The protection law only protects those civilians who are willing to abide by the laws of the empire, and will not protect those civilians who actively attack the players of the empire for the sake of the enemy.

  Black thunder shot out from Su Xiao's body, grabbing those girls like tentacles.

   At the moment of contact, a scorched black mark was left on their skin.

   Crazy screams of pain rang out.

  Their vitality was deprived little by little, and they fed back to Su Xiao along the black thunder.

   This is the dark power of Zeus formed by the fusion of the power of curse and the divine blood of Zeus.

  Although it is not strong yet, it has shown infinite potential. Not only can it release the corrosive and powerful dark thunder, but it can also absorb the life energy of other people to further strengthen itself.

  Those girls seemed to be accelerated. In just a few seconds, their young and energetic bodies were drained dry, turning into a decayed mummy, which finally turned into white-gray dust and fell to the ground.

"It's really comfortable." Su Xiao stretched out his tongue and licked his upper lip. The influx of life energy gave him a feeling of electric current flowing down his whole body, his spine was numb, and he had a kind of peak happiness that enjoyed the physical desire finally vented. .

  The handsome player covering his broken arm, seeing Su Xiao like this, showed a trace of fear in his painful expression.

   This guy looks like a complete lunatic.

   He said in a crying voice.

   "What do you want to know?"

   "How many of you are there?" Su Xiao stared at the player with those pitch-black pupils, which gave the player a feeling of staring into the abyss.

"only me."

"wrong answer."

  Su Xiao's movements are as precise as a skinner.

  He pierced the opponent's eye socket with his fingers at a speed that ordinary people could not react, gouged the opponent's eyes, and then pulled them out violently.

  That handsome face is like the most perfect artwork of God.

  Men and women will scream for it.

  Su Xiao enjoys the joy of destruction.

  The satisfaction of tearing up a beautiful thing bit by bit is something people will never forget.

  The other party let out a howling sound with crying.


  Su Xiao showed a cruel smile.

  Looking at the eyeball, he squeezed it suddenly, and it burst.

   The juice and blood in the eyes shot out along his fingers.

   "I can take apart your legs and feet little by little, just like Ling Chi. I will let you live to feel how your body leaves your body little by little."

   "Twenty-three people."

  The handsome player finally gave in.

  He is also a player, he knows what this group can do.

   Don't wonder how twisted and perverted a player's morality is.

  Everything that can happen in **** will happen in their hands.

   "Do you know this?" Su Xiao turned on the projection function of the watch and played his mission goals.

   "Ye Xiao. Her name is Ye Xiao, and she is a female player."

  Su Xiao stared at the other person's eyes, and after confirming that he was not lying, he continued to ask.

  He spent a long time interrogating the other party.

  Many questions are repeated and asked out of order.

   This is a simple interrogation technique that can ensure that what the other party says is true.

  Most people's memory is very mediocre, and they cannot lie continuously.

   After repeated confirmation, there is no problem.

  Su Xiaocai stood up satisfied.

  The other party has been tortured to death by him.

  The handsome appearance of the past has disappeared without a trace, leaving only a monster with one eye and mouth, no nose, face full of turned out flesh and blood, tongue cut in two, and most of the skin peeled off.

   While using life potion to maintain the opponent's life state, he tortured him to ensure that the opponent could not survive or die.

it's all over.

  Su Xiao reached out and grabbed the opponent's forehead, while holding the bronze sword with the other hand and placed it at the opponent's throat.

   "May the Holy Emperor protect your soul. Sorry, forgot, you are not an imperial player. May your soul be cast aside, idiot."

  Amidst the other party's painful crying, Su Xiao held the sword and slowly swiped across the other party's throat, slashed along the neck, and cut off the other party's entire head.

   After finishing all this work, he turned and left.

  Leaving a headless corpse beyond recognition.

   Those lurking players are very cautious.

  They used various espionage and undercover methods to hide among the survivors.

   Maintain a single line of contact with other people to ensure that they will not be found.

   This gave Su Xiao a chance.

   This is simply a large sending team.

  A city that has been reduced to ruins.

  The once bustling streets have also become dilapidated.

  The bustling, busy streets have become ruins and wreckage.

   Collapsed buildings and flying dust can be seen everywhere on the road.

   The smell of despair and death permeates the ruins.

  Survivors shuttled through the abandoned buildings, searching for usable supplies.

   Not far from this ruin is a survivor base established by the empire.

  The construction there is already quite large.

  Some empire players who are good at management are trying their best to restore the order of this world.

  They exist like new shoots in a forest that has been burned by fire.

  If time passes, that survivor base will become the embryonic form of a giant city.

   But some people don't want that future to appear, they want to cut off the sprouts directly, and then pull out the old forest from the ashes.

  The sunset dyed the clouds red.

  Golden light splashed on the ruins of the city.

   has a magnificent cathedral.

   At this time, most of it has collapsed.

   It was destroyed in the hands of a player who was good at releasing magic attacks.

   There are no resources here.

   Survivors don't want to waste time praying in a church that has been destroyed.

   But there is no one here.

  A woman stands on the ruins of a church tower that has been shattered in two, looking out at the ruined world.

  The woman has long black hair, her skin is as white as snow, and her face is even more delicate, like a woman who came out of the 3D area.

  The flowing air blew around her ears, causing her black hair to fly with it.

  If you listen carefully, you can hear the screams of the dead spirits from the wind.

  She was wearing a set of tights full of technology, which set off her perfect figure extremely attractively.

   Especially the majesty of the chest, it feels a bit crumbling.

  Just standing on the tower, the graceful figure set off by the tights is enough to make countless nerds raise their guns and salute, crazy about it.

   "After the empire came, everything changed." The woman said: "The group of lunatics took over the world and turned it into ruins. Those fools bowed to them, and they really have no bones."

   "If it's just groveling, it's fine. If those guys didn't destroy the protective formation, the fall of this world wouldn't be so fast!"

  A man with tattoos on his face and looking rebellious stepped out of the shadows.

   "That's why I hate them, no loyalty, no faith." The woman's delicate face showed disgust.

"Don't talk about them. When the world is reincarnated, those who betrayed us will have to pay the price." The man said: "This time, your mission is to kill the imperial players in the survivor base, We have investigated it, and his strength is not strong, and he is better at operation and construction."

"How did the controller behind the empire build such a huge force? His actions seem unreasonable. Waste without combat effectiveness can also be reused by them. If this continues, the empire will soon become a Gather on the trash heap of the incompetent."

  The man smiled, spread his hands and said.

"Who cares about it, one day, under the leadership of the lord of reincarnation, we will enter the mainland of the empire, capture their emperor alive, and execute his harem concubines, descendants, brothers, sisters and parents. Let other forces Look, this is the price of offending the Lord of Reincarnation."

  The woman smiled.

   talked for a while.

   Confirmed the details of the mission.

  The man disappeared into the darkness again.

  The woman nimbly jumped down from the dilapidated tower, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, she rushed to the survivor base built by the empire under the cover of the ruins.

  She likes the time of dusk very much.

  When the blood of the dead gushes out, there is a little golden glow in the dark red, what a beautiful scene it is.

  Assassination is not very difficult.

  Find a good location, wait for the opponent to appear, and then harvest the opponent with one shot.

   She has done this kind of thing many times.

   Never missed a hand.

   Never got caught either.

  Her talents and abilities focus on ranged kills.

   To be honest, such an ability cannot survive in previous reincarnation games.

  The controller behind the scenes of the reincarnation game does not need any professional skills.

  What they need is a series of wonderful scenes full of betrayal and killing to serve as food to feed themselves.

  The invasion of the empire changed the fate of many people.

   Let those players who had no chance to survive get a chance.

  The woman found a suitable location and hid.

  She held her breath, activated her ability, and observed every move of the base through the scope of the high-level gun exchanged from the reincarnation game.

  As night fell, the survivors wandering among the ruins began to slowly return to the base.

  The ruins at night are not safe.

  The pollution left by those monsters slain by the Empire still poisons the land.

  Strange undead and flesh-mutated monsters will move at night, and those who do not pay enough attention to safety will easily become their prey.

  The woman stared at the survivors through the scope, suppressing the disgust in her heart.

  These **** bugs always give her the urge to shoot.

   Shooting their kids or their wives in front of their faces, watching them grieve the loss of a loved one always turns women on.

  The inner sanity suppressed her madness.

   Tasks are the most important.

  The woman said this in her heart.

  As long as the empire is driven away, they can resume their previous life.

  The player who was responsible for building the empire base and was included in the assassination list has never appeared.

  The woman is not in a hurry either, she has enough stamina.

   It is also normal to lurk in one place for seven or eight days in order to complete an assassination.

  But when the night fell, the woman suddenly felt creepy in her heart, as if she was being targeted by a natural enemy.

   "It's really sharp." A vague voice came from the darkness.

  The woman held a gun and scanned the darkness covering the ruins with a stern expression.

  Someone is lurking in it.

   "Who are you?" the woman asked, pricking up her ears to see where the voice was coming from.

   She is good at one-hit kills and escapes.

   Within one move, no one is invincible.

  Besides one trick, people can be bullied.

   After making a move, she will leave directly no matter what the result is.

   This is her code.

   "This question needs to be asked!"

  The sound came, and a figure flew towards him.

  The woman instinctively pulls the trigger.

  The bullets containing fate and truth were fired silently.

  Ignoring defense, distance, and cause and effect, it directly penetrates the opponent's body, giving the definition of death.

  The woman's firearm is a regular item.

   Hit means death.

   No matter how high the level of the player is, as long as they don't have the concept of transcending life and death, and don't have the ability to override the law, as long as they are shot, they will die.

   It will not involve any cause and effect, and it cannot be discovered by those targets with the ability of death premonition and danger intuition.

   is an excellent assassination weapon.

   That figure was shot through.

  The power of the rules comes into play, forcing the opponent's state to be defined as death.

  The woman who received the death reward showed a smile.

  But when the body fell to the ground, it was unexpectedly discovered that it was the companion who had given her the task before.

  The opponent's eyes have been gouged out, his tongue has been cut off, and his body is covered with wounds. It is estimated that he was only breathing before he was killed by her.

  The woman who realized the crisis rushed to the side, used her natural ability to open a dimension entrance, and escaped in.

   But soon, she fell from the sky not far away.

  The bright red blood was splashed down.

   That perfect body, which is enough to drive countless otaku crazy, has been cut into two sections.

   Those slender legs and smooth buttocks fell to the ground just like that, and blood gushed out.

  If you are interested, you can still take advantage of the heat.

  Su Xiao came out from the darkness, holding the bronze sword that could cut a **** in his hand.

  He opened up the space and forced Ye Xiao back who was trying to escape.

   "I didn't expect that Ye Xiao, who made many players in the empire frightened, turned out to be such a beautiful woman."

   "Don't kill me." The woman struggled to support herself with her hands, and crawled towards her lower body.

  If such an injury can be treated in time, it will not be a serious problem.

   "Why did you let you go?" Su Xiao said with a faint smile.

   "You won't regret it, I can make you want to die." The woman said every word.

  Su Xiao grabbed the opponent's black hair, put the bronze sword on the opponent's slender, snow-white neck, and cut open the throat in the opponent's panic and despair.

   "Killing you will also make me happy."

  The head of the woman was cut off.

   That beautiful face slowly turned pale in the continuous bleeding.

  Su Xiao threw it in the ruins.

  Time will turn this beautiful woman into a bloated, fetid carcass, and then into a bone among the ruins.

  No matter what she has experienced, what she hates, and what she resents.

   No matter how proud her figure is, how perfect her face is, and how slender and perfect her legs are, in the end she is nothing but a skeleton that no one cares about.

  Su Xiao got a reminder that the task was completed.

   Mission rewards are sent directly to his personal warehouse.

  The rewards for those reincarnation game players who were killed by him and lurking in this world were also distributed together.

  The resources accumulated in this mission and the previous missions are enough for him to go to the next level.

  He has taken another firm step away from his dream.

  Universe No. 03, Empire sub-universe, intelligence team work area.

  Qiuchen, Li Te, Dawen, Chen and others sat around a round table.

  In the data board placed in front of them is the content of the guidance statement issued by the Terra Council on the players of the Empire.

  The floating holographic image is about the speech of the female prime minister who just took office.

  The female prime minister is the head of the Terra Council, responsible for the coordination of the imperial bureaucracy, the General Chamber of Commerce, the Mechanicus, and the Technical Guild.

  Generally, the parliament makes the candidates, and the Holy Emperor decides.

   or directly elected by the Holy Emperor.

  The term of office is uncertain, but generally between ten and twenty years.

  Even if they are strengthened by genetic surgery and mechanical surgery, the huge workload will overwhelm them.

   It may be due to the consideration and needs of some gentle images.

  The position of Prime Minister is generally handed over to women.

"It is necessary to give full play to the thoughts of the great emperor, the theory of the holy emperor, and the guidance of the Primarch, give full play to the advanced system of the empire, fully implement the action goal of liberating all mankind, enhance the sense of identity of the people of the empire with the empire, and strengthen The ideological transformation of liberating the world made them fully aware of the power and hatefulness of the enemy, and realized that only by insisting on standing with the empire can they usher in a better future."

  "The history of our empire is a history of constant confrontation and the pursuit of the liberation of all mankind. It is a history of continuous advancement of human civilization and the pursuit of a better future."

"It is necessary to fully optimize the application of technology and psychic power in the empire, enhance the living standards of the people of the empire, and encourage people to innovate and create more, but the bottom line must also be strictly controlled. Crossing the red line is not allowed, and no collusion with the enemy is allowed. Behavior and thought. Criticize and control some free thoughts that are rampant in the empire. Freedom must be limited, and indulgent freedom is not only the root of self-destruction, but also a cancer implanted in human civilization."

"The rise of some extreme theories in the state religion also needs to be vigilant. The Holy Emperor has given clear instructions that the empire must always adhere to the purpose of the happiness of the whole people. It is wrong to sacrifice the well-being of the collective for any individual worship The ones that need to be criticized and knocked down."

   Everyone in the intelligence team's work area watched the video while discussing in low voices.

   When the new Prime Minister of the Empire took office, there were three fires.

   One of the fires is to strengthen the management of empire players and prevent more vicious incidents from appearing in the name of the empire.

   "The empire also has such bureaucratic things!" Chen shrugged and looked at the imperial prime minister who was speaking speechlessly.

   Chen has become a super player.

   Super Player is a player level beyond the SSSSS level.

   Only a very small number of players can reach this level, and their status is extremely noble.

  Of course, such a statement is limited to reincarnation games.

  The status of the players on the empire's side is not high.

   Even super players are not very important.

   Asakami Shiyin's Purifier Legion, there are a lot of powerful players in it, and a lot of SSSSS players and super players.

  Recently, the empire plans to add a few more levels to the super players.

  Top Player, Mighty Player, Supreme Player, Supreme Player and more.

  The main reason is that there are a lot of props and experience distributed in the recent war.

   Many people upgrade quickly.

   Adding a few more levels can tap the potential of those players again, allowing them to play the afterglow spirit and continue to fight for the empire.

"Otherwise, what do you think?? There are so many empires. If you want to manage them well, you have to rely on bureaucrats, or you have to learn the extensive mode of the reincarnation game." Lite shook his head and refuted Chen's statement: "The empire is worthy of us." Isn't that what you are loyal to! It is powerful enough and secular enough. If you learn a few specious oracles from those messy gods, you will collapse."

   "The main reason is that someone was so crazy back then, what was called the Salvation Society to fool people." Dawen looked at Qiu Chen speechlessly.

   At the beginning, it was the other party who pulled me into the gang with a look of sternness.

   Claim the divine light, the all-knowing and all-powerful savior will save them.

  Salvation is saved, the problem is that the way of saving is somewhat different.

  The imaginary salvation, the savior takes great health care to overthrow all enemies and bring peace to the world.

  Rescue in reality: work overtime to write reports, apply for funds, and recruit intelligence personnel to carry out work.

"The holy emperor has said that there is no savior in this world. You guys are just not enlightened enough." Qiu Chen looked disapproving, resolutely not showing a trace of shyness and annoyance over his previous pretentious behavior: "We have to rely on Myself, and I'm not wrong, you see, when the savior comes, you can sit here and complain and work overtime! If you don't come, you don't know where you died. How can there be light in this world? The savior doesn't work , the oppressed are only enjoying themselves."

"Okay, there's no point in discussing this matter. Now it's time to discuss some players. Most of the Empire players are transformed from reincarnated players. They live in an overly distorted society, and they have also developed the idea of ​​​​regarding human life as nothing. Morality, after being criticized, will restrain a little. However, as soon as it enters a war zone, it will still kill and vent its distortions in its heart, completely unaware of its own mistakes."

  Little stopped them from continuing to discuss that useless topic.

   "It's better to ask someone to draft a warning letter to the players of the empire, and warn them again." Chen said.

   "Have you become so bureaucratic too!" Lite looked at Chen who just said that the empire was bureaucratic, "You can think of such a perfunctory thing as a circular."

"The matter of the oracle is done by those liars. We are a secular organization, and we must solve it in a secular way." Chen said: "That's what you said. And the announcement is not perfunctory, it is the only one we currently have. Way. You can't really execute those players just because those civilians haven't surrendered to the empire!"

"Punishment won't work. Too many rewards will easily lead them to take advantage of loopholes. After all, in the final analysis, the ideological education is not enough. Although these people surrendered to the empire, they still maintain selfish individual thoughts deep in their hearts. The idea of ​​dedication to the liberation of human civilization that the empire preaches. My suggestion is to strengthen ideological construction, such as holding more criticism meetings, organizing empire players to speak out the shortcomings and evil deeds of reincarnation players, and encouraging those who know The insider of reincarnated players, preaching the hatefulness of the enemy. Reward those imperial players who perform well with 0 rewards, so that players who abide by the imperial code have a good feedback mechanism."

   Qiuchen took a sip of tea before slowly expressing his opinion.

   After speaking a paragraph, he opened a data interface.

   Inside reveals a young man.

"This man named Su Xiao is a good example. As long as there are no civilians who pose a threat, he ignores them. Although this attitude is average, he can be regarded as a short man picking a general, so he can get by. He also developed a combined curse. The fusion of texture and Zeus's bloodline, such an innovative idea is worthy of praise, and it has added another commodity that can be exchanged for the empire's exchange library."

"At that time, arrange a few interviews, let him express his thoughts, criticize those players who behave perversely and do not obey the rules, and then reward Su Xiao for his spirit of abiding by the rules and daring to innovate, so that those players can see the attitude of the empire. As long as you abide by the law and do things seriously, the empire will not treat them badly."

  (end of this chapter)