
Thanks for clicking on my book and for taking the time to read it.

The beginning won't be great ,but one thing am promising you right now is that the ride will be fun.

Follow me on my journey and you won't regret it.


Trust me


I woke up a bit late today…. So much for been invisible,

" Manuel!!!! It's almost time for school, get your lazy arse up from bed and get ready, you don't want to make a bad impression on your first day!"

My mum shouts from the kitchen.

I didn't wait for her to repeat her words as I ran towards the bathroom.

I did my morning business, took my bath and brushed my teeth.

As I entered my room, I discovered my mom have already set out my school uniform.

Did I fail to mention my mom enrolled me into a private school?

yeah I probably did.

I wear my uniform which consists of a navy blue trousers with sky blue shirt and navy socks to match, put on my black sneakers and take my backpack downstairs.

My mum have already set my breakfast on the table.

"You're a real life saver." I smile at her as I sit on the chair.

"I bet I am." She smiles brightly.

I hurriedly eat my breakfast of custard and fried potatoes.

" Bye mum!!" I yell as I run out the door.

I reach the school few minutes before the assembly bell was rung, a and I followed the other students to the prayer hall where we had our morning devotion.

I went straight to the vice principal's office after the morning devotion to collect my terms timetable

"Welcome to Young Scientists Academy hope you enjoy your stay!" She smile obviously faking her enthusiasm.

I take the books and give her my heart stopping smile, " thanks ma and I promise to enjoy my stay!"

I say with a roll of my eyes sarcasm dripping from the words... You probably know what I mean.

Yeah yeah I know you people are probably judging me without really knowing who I am. Am not normally sarcastic, I just am when duty calls for danger.

I walk to my first class been chemistry. I resisted the urge to groan as I walk.

When I saw it in my timetable, that was when I knew the universe was really against me.

its not that I don't like it, I do but my problem with it is that sometimes I don't get all those elements and stuffs.

I follow the other students to the chemistry lab.

Entering the room, I discover something groan worthy.

The only spot available is an empty seat near the teacher's table.

The universe is clearly working against me.

I mentally groan as I sit down ready to endure the hell I was put in.

I zoom out to never land as the teacher kept talking about the electronic configuration.

I mean how on earth are we supposed to learn how electrons configure?

I was far gone in my never land that I didn't notice the teacher ask me a question.

I must probably look like an idiot cos by the time I came back to earth she was strangely looking at me.

"Mr dreamer can you tell us what you were up to the whole time I was lecturing?" She asks.

I blush with embarrassment as the class erupts with laughter.

I look down clearly embarrassed as I couldn't look at the teacher straight in the eyes.

"Well Daniel back to the questions how many electrons does Helium have?" she questions clearly amused.

Is she serious??

" 2", I answer as the bell was rung signalling the end of the lesson.

I quickly pack my books and left the class before the others.

I don't know about you, as for me I don't want to be their next gossiping target.

I look down at my schedules and nearly jump with happiness as I noticed my next class was Economics.

I mean who doesn't like economics?

all those scarcity, want ,need and demand stuff?

I went to the class happy that at least I have a subject that agrees with me.

The teacher Mr M as he prefers to be called is a friendly and carefree man.

I really mean that.

most of the teachers at my former school are mean.

I mean they act like there is a stick up there arse. sometimes I think they are agents of the man downstairs, If you know who I mean.

"Class?" he clapped to gain their attentions as he motions for me to come to where he is,

"there is a new handsome boy in our midst if am not mistaken.

Please sire can you come to the front of the class so I can embarrass you a little?" He says with a smile on his face.

The class erupted with laughter at his speech.

I nervously walked to the front trying not to notice the stares from my fellows.

" oh young prince can you please introduce yourself to the class so we can be assured you are not an ex convict"he jokes.

I smile at his comment as I clear my throat and faced the now surprisingly quite class.

" um hello friends my name is Daniel but I prefer to be called Danny.

am an Ambivert if there is a word like DAT.

I love reading novels and most importantly I love football although I don't play.

Thanks for your undivided attention I hope I don't disappoint you." I made for my chair as the class starts clapping.

I smile to my self glad that this school is more receptive than my former one.


The day went by in a blur, after lunch break the three classes I had were mentally draining …. I think the teachers are out to no kill us with their boring lectures.


I take the route closer to my house as I hurried to go home.

trust me am famished.

I take three steps at a time not paying attention to where I was heading.

My lack of attention caused me to bump into a wall.


"You fool didn't your mother teach you to watch your steps?" The wall said as I was roughly shoved to the sides.

I look up and see him glare at me before he took off.

If it was under normal circumstance I would have gawked at his handsomeness, I mean he looks like a Greek god incarnate.

I looked at his retreating form annoyed by his lack of manners.

Iknow I was the one who bumped into him but what audacity he has pushing me to the sides, he should probably thank his Gods I wasn't in the mood for some fist fight, I huffed as I retraced my steps home.