Unwilling to call him on his faults in my mom's presence as I don't want some after scolding about ethics and conducts, I smile like a fool.
"It happens, you see someone for the first time and thinks you have seen them before, a sense of déjà vu " I smile although it wasn't what I have in mind to say.
I wanted to say" you douche bag, you obviously pushed me when it wasn't my fault, and on top of that you insulted my mama. I will teach you a lesson." ( but I said it to myself so nobody heard it).
"No that's not it.
I know I have met you somewhere am really confident about that," he says obviously trying hard to recall our meeting while am doing my best to make him forget.
"Boys you can't spend the whole evening debating if you have met before or not" my mum calls our attention to them * have I told you how much I love this woman?*
Walking towards the chair I normally sit on during dinner, I was surprised to find out Dave chose the one near it. What a frustrating co incidence.
With everyone seated, mom prays and we began to eat.
"Danny I heard from your mom that you are attending Young Scientists Academy, is that right?" Rosy asks.
" ummm yeah " I answer. A shy smile on my face.
My mum always been one who can't let a good conversation pass her chirped in.
"Yeah his really good in the science subjects.
He wants to be a pediatrician although I want him to be an engineer.
I mean why would he spend his years schooling just to carter for children?"
Oh gosh!
I mentally face palm.
The dam have Being broken.
"His choice is equally good. It's obvious he loves children " Sam thankfully comes to my rescue.
"Your son must be exceptionally intelligent to make the mark for the school.
My son here isn't all that intelligent.
He couldn't make it so I had to bribe my cousin to help him, he was admitted on trial." The mother says with a sad look.
If I thought my mother is the worst when it comes to talking without minding about the other's emotions, then am in for some surprise.
When it comes to embarrassing your children, mother is better than her.
"Danny as you are good in the sciences can you help my Dave?
I know it's too early to ask considering we met today, and I will pay for it" Rosy offers.
I blush at her Words.
who wouldn't be?
I get to teach like the hottest guy in the universe.
if I were to be a girl I would have squealed inwardly, but I didn't as I hate guys that does it.
Noticing their eyes on me made me recall i have an unanswered question. One they're obviously waiting for me to answer.
"No problem ma.
I will do it.
Don't think about paying after all he is in the same class as I, it will just be like writing an assignment." I smile.
Mother beams with pride at my words. You can see happiness clearly on her Face.
"Thanks son you don't know how happy I am" Rosy gush.
"You are welcome "I reply.
Chancing a look at David, I notice he isn't even looking at us. He's busy eating his meal, and acting as if we're not discussing about him.
"Thanks for the dinner we hope we get invited again" Sam says.
Rosy nods obviously agreeing with him.
" Thanks ma, goodnight Daniel " Davie says before he walk out the door.
"Night to you too" I wgisper although am confident he didn't hear it.
"So how was the family ? I know you are still blinded by their beauty.
I mean it's a crime to be that beautiful"my mum fans herself.
" That's gross", I make a face at her.
I help her with the washing before I retired to bed.
the image of Davie lured me to a deep and peaceful sleep.
I woke up with a real headache.
my mom didn't allow me to get a good nights sleep last night, she played all the Sia's songs in her collection.
I don't understand her sometimes.
She played chandelier till two in the morning, and I was tempted to ask her if she is planning on committing suicide... .. you never know, its just to stay on a save side.
Thankfully my grumpy neighbor threatened to call the police if she doesn't lower the volume and luckily that shut her up for good.
"Manuel!!! Am leaving " my mum shouts.
With how lively her voice is, am left to wonder if she's the one who played music till day break.
Am over hear battling a splitting headache while she's not feeling anything. It's just not fair!
I slowly walk to the bathroom with my eardrums still repeating her words.
I really hate it when I develop a stubborn headache.
I take some paracetamol tablets hoping to God it will be able to stop the headache before I reach the school.
I did my morning business as slow as I can, I wasn't bothered by the time.
I know I have almost two hours before school starts.
I wear my school uniform and put my P. E inside my bag .
today been Wednesday is our sports day, and I happen to forget to keep one in school, that's why am no taking it.
Mom thankfully prepared a Meal for me before leaving. It's as if she's aware I don't have the strength to do anything else.
I savour my meal slowly never wanting it to finish. I really did enjoy today's breakfast. It's as if there's an extra spice put into it.
I decide to take the school bus since my mom have already gone to work. Walking to school isn't an option at all. It'll only make me late to school.
I arrive at school thirty minutes before assembly.
"Hi Danny," a girl calls to me, waving at me, she smiles brightly.
I smile back as I continue walking to the hall.
at my previous school, I was Mr popular.
Everyone loved me until the incident that changed my perspective about everyone except my mum.
she was the only person that stayed by my side through thorns and problems.
Still lost in thought, I wasn't paying attention to where I was heading until I bump into someone,
"Umm sorry I didn't mean to do that," I apologize without looking at the person.
I made to walk out on the person when a single word he said stopped me on my tracks.
"Daniel," the familiar voice said. I look up in surprise to see a smiling David.
"Oh man never expected to meet you here."