Wolf Boy

When we enterthe room, he stands at the entrance with his mouth agape.

I've forgotten how people react to my room the first time( it's not like I've had people here, am just saying)

Should you enter my room for the very first time, you'll understand exactly what it is am talking about.

   The walls are filled with paintings of werewolves, but not the particular one I like drawing.

I don't know why but I have an odd sense to protect it from prying eyes, so currently it's hidden in my drawers.   

"Wow, your room is howlfully beautiful," he says as he walk round to inspect the drawings like a pro.

   "Are you the one that drew them?" he pick the ones I drew on paper last night.

   "Guilty as charged," I smile.

 "They are beautiful.

How did you manage to draw them so accurate and perfect?" he look awed at the drawings.

  "I've had a penchant for werewolves long as I could remember never really knowing why." *Moana, I quote*

  "I thought people believe them to be myths," he trace his fingers on the black one I drew on my desk. That's the particular one one I drew last night after Dave and his parents left.

   "Believe all you want.

My wolves are not extinct they exist as we do and they are not myths, they are real." I huff protectively, I can't believe he's calling them a myth.

   He raise his hands in surrender " am sorry if my words offended you, I just said that because it's what some people say."

 "What about you, do you really believe them to be myths?" if he don't believe on them, then my crush will die out.

 "I don't know what to believe, this world is full of mysteries," he vaguely says.

"but I truly believe there's no smoke without fire.

there might be an inkling of truth in the myths."

 He walk towards my bed and sits on it, thankfully he didn't comment on my choice of matters.

It's filled with my besties.

 "Ok let's start with the business in hand." I bring out the physics textbook.

  "Wait before we start I want to ask you one final question." He says suddenly.

"Go ahead" I breathe out.

My heart beating really frantically.

Is he in any way goings to confess his love for me? Is that the reason he's asking for my permission?

 "If you see a werewolf what will you do?" He fidgets "let me rephrase the question.

if werewolves happens to be real and you meet one, what will you do?"

 I looked at him funnily.

the answer to the question is right in front of him. 

 "Nothing other than to hug him or her and make it my bestie if you get what I mean."

I'll keep the wolf on a leash, and never let him go.

 "Aww okay.

but wouldn't you be scared?"

 This time he's looking at me like I have gone bonkers.

  "Am drawn to them so I don't think that will be the case." I smile at him.

 "Enough of the questions, it's almost 8 and my mom likes preparing night sweets."

We start learning, from what I observed, Dave is really intelligent but he pretends otherwise.

when I asked him about it he said he does it to piss his momma off.  

 We finish the lesson 30 minutes before sweet time * I won't miss it for anything in the world, not even Mr handsome can keep me away from it* 

 "So what do you think we should do with this remaining minutes.

I don't want to go home just yet" 

 "Well you can tell me some things about you. I know my mom have already told you everything about me. " I smile at that, and it caused him to chuckle.

   "I changed school as my mum wants me to experience a new life.

That's why we rented a flat here, she wants to see if I can feel my ma...

I mean she wants to see if I can feel genuinely wanted.

In my former school I was popular due to my dad being the principal and no one wants to piss the principal off. Those boys you saw me talking to are my friends who transferred with me, they also wanted what I want."

  "And the girl?" I painfully will myself to ask although I already know the answer. 

  He hesitates for a moment "She is my girl friend"

  I feel like I can't breathe when he said it.

it wasn't like I want him to confess his undying love for me but it still hurts, my heart feels like a car just ran over it. 

  I don't believe myself to be in love, but believe me am in lust. Is it possible to experience heart break if you don't know you are in love?????

  "Boys!!!! It's sweet tym!!!!!!! and you better not be late" my mom shouts.

 "You go ahead, I will be down in a few" I say to him as I run into the bathroom without waiting for his response.   


Dave had a sweet family time with us * Mom acted all cozy with him, if I don't know my mom, I would have sworn she's into him* before he went home.

I try not to think about his earlier declaration of *she's my girlfriend" but try as I may I can't seem to erase it from my mind. It's as if my mind is playing a repeat on me. 

I don't know why am hurt about that.

I've Sworn out all notions of love since the world taught me there is nothing like true love in this realistic world.

only lust and heartbreak, but my heart seems not to have learnt the lessons I did.

Maybe it was absent or on vacation on the day I took the class.

I bade Dave farewell as he left "till tomorrow wolf boy," he smirks.

 I blush at his pet name, I won't mind being wolf boy if he's my mate.

If I can't get true love as a human, then I get to have it as a wolf.

I couldn't help but feel drawn to him, its like there is a magnetic force drawing me close to him, am a metal and his the magnet drawing me with it's force.


"Darling what's wrong? " my mum questions immediately I enter the kitchen.

"There is nothing wrong, am probably feeling the stress of school changing nothing more"I try to maneuver my way out of her clutches. 

"Its really something, you look really depressed during dinner, tell me if there is someone I need to beat the hell out of for touching my baby. "