How Could you?

"Eh it's nice to also see you around….."


"yes Jane." I smile at her before I turn to my food.

"Do you mind of I seat here with you? " she asks rather shy.

I really love how cute she looks when fidgeting. 

"Its not a problem ,make yourself at home." I smile. *not knowing what am signing up for.*

I thought it was going to be a one time thing but it developed into more and she insists of taking lunch with me.


School today was bearable, no teacher disturbed me and aside from Jane's constant bickering today was uneventful. 

As I pass a mango tree on my way home from school, I can't help but recall first meeting with Dave, it's right by this tree.

As I remembered it a strange sense longing enveloped me.

it's been long since I saw him and I have been worried sick about him.

I tried asking his friends about him but it seems like they are avoiding me for reasons best known to them. 

At first I thought they were busy but when they repeated the busy word over and over, that was when I knew they were avoiding me for reasons am unaware of.

When cornering his friends didn't work, I tried his girlfriend.

obviously they were all in on it as she avoids me like the plague. 

I walk inside our compound.

We live in a two storey building.

My mom and I on the last floor while Dave and his family lives on him the first floor.

while climbing upstairs, I will pass Dave's flat before ours.

As I pass by their door *we make use of stairs since its not a three storey building* I notice the door was slightly ajar.

My first thought was "intruders!

I slowly open the door, quietly I tip towards their parlor door.

The door opened before I can open it. 

Without looking, I kungu *not the movie one, but my self produced one* kick the intruder.

I clap my hands as I turn turn to inspect my handi work .

I know no human can survive the kick except a werewolf* laughs *my kicks are really pathetic. 

"What did you do that for?" A female screech in anger.

"I turn and was met with the furious face of Dave's mom.

The kick mark visible on her stony face.

Am quite surprised to see her on her feet instead of on the floor as I hoped.

Before I can stop myself I blurt, "you must be a builder, no ordinary person can withstand that kick"

She laughs despite the anger on her face "Son I have more stamina than the average person" she winks.

Wait a minute,

Since his mom is here does that mean Dave is here also.

I was stupidly going to ask of him when my intelligent but equally stupid brain reminded me that I have not apologized for hitting her earlier. 

"Am sorry for hitting you ma.

I thought it was an intruder and am really sorry for not apologizing faster, I wasn't in my right mindset" I rush my words. 

"Oh its nothing dear.

Am really happy you were looking out for us even when you thought we were not around, but that kick was really uncalled for.

if I was a hum… I mean a feeble person you would have hurt me real bad."

I'm happy she isn'tangry with me.

I'll really hate it if my mother in-law *hits myself on the head*.

How can I be thinking of Dave as a potential husband while he is straight?

I know he is, for the love of God he have a girlfriend. Although when I really think about it, I have only seen them talking together, but I have never seen them making out or holding hands like most couple.

I know I sound somehow but you can't blame a guy for hoping?

Remembering the mum was waiting for my reply, I coughed awkwardly *my cheeks Were already pink*

"Ok ma am really happy you're not offended by the stunt I pulled." I blush at my words. 

" oh dear you are so cute!" She ruffles my hair.

"I was on my way to your flat to see your mom and equally tell you Davvy is back before I was attacked * chuckles* we actually returned yesterday."

Recalling my earlier inward question, I voiced them out " eh ma where Is Dave? " I fidget.

"His inside probably stuffing his mouth with the porridge I ma..... "

I didn't wait for her to finish her sentence as I dash inside.

"teens"she mutters but I ignore her. 

My mind was clouded with the thought of him.

It's have been almost two weeks since I last saw him and I have no room for anything else but seeing him. 

I wasn't going to hug him when I see him, instead am going to give him a piece of my thought. 

How can you call someone your friend when you can't even tell them your whereabout?

Am going to run in there and give him a piece of my mind. 

I run into their kitchen * I know where its is located, the layer of their house is same as mine* and see him eating on their dinning.

I walk towards him with an angry expression.

he wasn't aware of me when I entered, but when I storm towards him, he rose up in alarm. 

I was reciting what I will say to him but as I walk near him and perceive his cologne( I have really missed the smell) and the unique musky scent he seems to have, I lost all sense of reasoning as I enveloped him in a hug. 

At first he was receptive but when the hug became unbearable he started squirming. I reluctantly release him " that's one great way to welcome a person" he jokes.

As if released from a spell I recall my main reason for storming in " well am not here for you jokes.

how could you leave without a trace? did you vanish into thin air?

I tried asking your so called friends but they started avoiding me. 

Even your so called girlfriend doesn't want to tell me where you were.

Am really mad at you. I even went to the extent of asking the principal of your whereabouts out, do you knowhow bad I felt?

Do you know how worried I was ?

You came home since yesterday and you didn't even bother to check on your friend.

I mean then what are friends for If you are not caring?!" I shout at him. My anger taking the hold of em.

I storm out of their house angry at him but mostly at myself for giving in to my urges to hug him senseless. 

I enter our parlor and was greeted by laughter coming from my mummy's makeshift study.

" darling welcome!"

I ignore my mom as I went straight to my room, locking the door I slump on the bed.