
The class went smoothly and before you knew it the bell for dismissal rings.

I quickly pack my bag intending to leave the class as early as I did in my last class.

As stupid as I was, I didn't count on him blocking my exit.

I escaped the first class because he was sitting at the back, but this time he intercepted my escape.

"Danny please we need to talk." He looks pained about the fact, but I wasn't giving him a chance.

Jane tried linking her arm with mine but I give her a sign that I will see her at our next class.

"Talk? You say ,hmmm are you going to tell me why you disappeared without a word?"

When he looked reluctantly at me, I raised my hands,"Forget it", 

I turn to leave the class, but his words stop me on my tracks.

"I was in an accident,okay" he scratch his hair



The teacher was giving us a funny look but I didn't pay heed as I rum out of the class leaving a dumfounded David.

I walk alone to my locker.

Jane had an after school detention, apparently she was caught surfing the internet during lessons, so it's me against the locker.

Turning the corner towards my locker, I see David leaning on my locker.

Having no time to spare for confrontation, I run before he could notice my presence.

I dashed out of the school like all the demons of hell were after me.

I managed to escape a confrontation with David and so far so good it's being successful, all I need now is to sneak home before he detects me.

I wasn't still angry with him, rather am ashamed of myself, my ex best friend was right about me being a self centered prick.

I was only thinking of my feelings ignoring other's.

I can't believe I slapped him on the day he probably returned from the hospital.

Here he is apologizing to me while I should be the one apologizing and not the other way round.

I am trying to postpone my apology as am not ready for that yet.

at least I need a day or two to think of how to go about it and hopefully he won't hate me by then.

I screech to a halt at the gate, leaning on the gate and looking on with a nonchalant look was no other person than Dave.

What's he doing here?

I was quite sure I saw him at my locker, then how did he mysteriously appear here?

As if sensing my presence, he look up with a smile and waves

Oh God, no no no, I know that smile.

It's the same a predator gives to a prey before bouncing on the poor creature.

I turn with the sole purpose of returning to class before he I regret ever being born.

"Danny! Where are you going to?"he shouts as I round a corner.

I turn with a forced smile.

It seems he ran after me as he was beside me in the amount of time it took me to turn.

"Oh there you are !!" I force out a chuckle.

"Yes here am I.

I was waiting for you so we could go home together.

Where were you going to?

if my memory serves me well I saw you heading towards the gate before you turned back." He raise a brow.

I scratch my hair, thinking of a believable lie,

"Um….um…um… Yeah I recalled that I left my chemistry book in my locker and I seriously need it for the assignment, that's why I was heading back, to take it"

He raised an eyebrow at my pathetic lie.

he knows and I know we weren't given an assignment on chemistry.

"If you say so", he smiled "you are in luck today"

He unzipped his back pack and brings out my chemistry book.

"How….how d…id you get it?" I look at the book in surprise.

His smile was still in place,

" It happens that you accidentally dropped it when you ran out of the class and I being a good friend picked it up."

I know it can't be possible.

I didn't take the book to class, I can't possibly call him out on his lie, some things are better left alone.

"Thanks" I smiled at him"so are we good?"

I looked Hopefully at him, I hope he won't ask for an apology cos I suck in that.

"Of course we are, now everything is settled, let's go home."


We chat about uninteresting things as we walk home.

I smiled like I haven't done in ages and I was still smiling when I reach home.

Mom is kn the parlour watching UPSIDE DOWN MAGIC.

Sometimes my mom acts like a teenager.

Seeing her engrossed in the movie, I need no prophet to tell me I have to prepare my lunch.

"Mom am home!!!"

I shout as I head for my room.

"Darling how was school today?"


"Made any new friend?"


"Am sure you will, no one can resist your charm I know I can't"

That's moms for you always trying to make you feel better.

I hope her words were through where David is concerned *sighs*how I wish.

Entering, my room, I remove my school uniform, and put on my house wears.

Lying on the bed, I decide to rest a bit.


My phone beeps

Unknown:Hi Danny, it's David

My heart skipped a bit.

How did he get my number?

Dan: how did you get my no?

Dave:your mom gave it to me, hope it's okay?

Mom, mom what am I going to do with that woman?

I really have no sense of privacy where she is concerned.

She didn't even ask for my permission before she gave him the number.

She obviously thought she was doing me a favour.

Dan: yes, it's okay

Dave: Is your mom home?

Dan: yeah why?

Dave: my mom is not at home, didn't leave any food for me and I can't boil water to save my life. Help!!!!!

I chuckle at that.

Dan: Mumsy is busy having a date with the television

Dave:Have you eaten?


Dave: Dress let's go out and eat

As giddy as that made me feel, I know he meant as friends not couple as my poor heart jumped to conclusions.

Dan:Is it not a little too much? I mean I can cook for the both of us, if you want??

I didn't just send that did I ?

Someone please slap some sense into me, now he will think am trying to seduce him* not that am not* but, come on.

Dave: you can cook ????

Dan: its not a big deal

I shrug although he can't see me

Dave: shut up, I will be there in a few, don't disappoint me am really counting on you.

Now you have gone and done it, what if he doesn't like your cooking?