We'll cross the bridge when we come to it

"Okay I will", I reluctantly walk into the kitchen.

"Great!" he lifts my small lithe body up, and twirl me like I weigh nothing, "thank you Dan you're much love!"  he twirls me more.

" Bring me down their instant! " I try to wriggle my body out from his sturdy hands.

I won't lie and say I don't like the feel of his hand on me, but a boy can only endure much before he finally breaks.

His close proximity is making my brain turn into mush.

"Aren't you a cute baby when you do that?" he brings me down, intentionally making me slide down his body.

When my feet finally touched the ground, he made no move to remove his hands from my waist. He kept his grip tight on my waist.

He bends closer to my neck, and I could have sworn he actually did breathe on my neck.

His breathe making me more giddy than a school girl in the presence of her crush.

"Let me go", I remove myself from his grip before I can further embarrass myself in front of him. I've had enough embarrassment for today.