
David's pov

I sent twenty texts to my mate, but he ignored them all, not even a reply text was sent back to me.

I lie frustrated on the cushion in our parlour, my mind on my mate.

I can't believe I stupidly rejected my mate when he told me of his love for me.

Not only did I reject him, I said bad and hurtful Words to him.

words I made use of because of how I felt for a person who isn't my mate.

My feelings for him then made me afraid of what it will mean to my mate if am to fall for a person not her.

I know I should have thought more on the feelings I had for him then, but instead I insulted those feelings by insulting the first person to truly fall for me.

A person I rejected for fear of what will happen between us if we remain friends.

I was afraid I might cheat on my mate with him if I continue on with my relationship with him.