David's in danger

You're acting weird," he says with a smile.

His words causing me to scoff.

Acting weird?

Says the same person who've been acting weird for two days now.

Between us two, who's to be called weird?

"There's nothing wrong with me. I just hate secret things," I said in a whisper in order for the teacher not to overhear our conversation.

"Who's keeping a secret?" David raised a brow. 

You're the one!

I wanted to shout, but wasn't able to because I was afraid of what he might do if am to say those words.

Who knows if he will angrily reveal things about his secret girlfriend if am to force him to do so.

" No one. "

Luckily for me, the bell rang to signify the start of cafeteria break.

Hastily David packed his books. His urgency to leave made me raise a brow.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I ask as I slowly pack my books. My suspicion about his secrets destination getting more solid.