The dance

I took on a very deep breath, waiting for him to complete his sentence.

"Fabulous. You look cutely handsome," 

I gave his attire a once over. He's also putting on the same type of suit I am wearing. The only difference is the design on his.

His hair is slicked back, giving him a laid-back bad boy vibe.

"You don't look bad yourself," I smiled at him. 

David looks more than not bad, he's freakishly handsome, but I don't tell him that for fear the compliment might get into his head.

"Thanks love. Your compliments mean more to me than that of a thousand persons. Here I bought this for you," he brought out his hands from the back, and presented me with the flowers he kept hidden on his back.

Seeing the flowers made me giddy, but I expertly comported myself. Not wanting to be seen as a baby based on my inner giddy self.

"Thanks," I took a long whiff of the flowers. The sweet floral scent filled my nose, "Lovely." I smiled at him.