The surprise is on the way

"Why are you not answering your phone?" David glanced at the phone on the table.

"It's Jenny, and I'm not in the mood to answer it. I will just ignore the calls until she gets tired of calling."

"Get it, I will answer it for you."

Oh, no.

You dare not.

I hastily rose from the bed and took the phone.

Already aware of who it was that has been calling me for a day now, I didn't look at the caller ID.

I just switched the phone off, and dropped it back, on the table.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you answer the call?"

"Nothing," I shrug in answer. "I just don't see any reason for that."

Answering the call meant I'm going to listen to Smith telling off on me. And I just don't have the strength to do that.

"Did you and Jenny have a misunderstanding?" He raised a brow, in question.

I slowly nodded at his questions, "it was over a trivial matter. But don't worry, we will go back as friends before you know it."