Wierd Girl

As soon as they reached the hotel room, Niklaus kept gazing at Beau with curious eyes. He knew Beau was digging about Liliya on their way.

Beau gave a frown with disgust written all over his face. He wasn't aware that Niklaus could look and act that way. Nik appeared like a child waiting for his favourite toy. Beau was actually frightened, as the news he had might not be as appealing and wonderful as Nik expected. "I think she isn't a good fit for you." Beau finally blurted out and shut his eyes.

He slowly peeped to see Nik with pinched brows, flared nostrils and tightened jaw. "It's me that should decide whether she is a match." He was offended by the fact that Beau judged a person just by some random background verification by random people.

"Fine! This is the daughter of a businessman, Andrew Meyers. 21 Years. Third year Business student."

Nik gave a nod, waiting for the thing that made Beau declare her as an unworthy person.

"There is a rumour going on that she slept with many clients, so that her father could get the deal. I have confirmed with one of those clients and…. it's true."

"Do you think her father forced her? What kind of person is he? How could he make his daughter sleep around?"

Beau stretched his lips and nodded, as if expecting that question. "Her father is famous for using alcohol and girls to entertain his clients. So, probably it must be his idea to use his daughter, but…" he paused, hesitating if he should reveal the latter part, "People say that her daughter would happily drink, entertain and sleep with them."

Nik shivered to hear that. He was perplexed and sad, but somewhere in his heart, he didn't want to believe Beau's words. "Where is she now?"

Beau huffed and spoke to a person over his bluetooth, "A small restaurant outside the University."

"Small? Isn't her father rich?"

"Ya.. He is!" Beau answered, shaking and nodding his head at the same time. "Are you sure?" he asked the person on the call, who sent a photo of Lili. Beau blinked his eyes and scratched her head, not sure if his eyes were seeing the right thing.

"What happened?" Nik walked to Beau and glanced at his phone screen. His nose wrinkled and lips pulled up with disgust. The screen showed Liliya holding a chicken leg. Her mouth was covered with sauces and to the side of her plate were multiple bones with zero flesh over it. Both of them looked at her and swallowed hard down. "Are you sure that the information you are giving belongs to the same person?"

After seeing that picture, Beau himself was stunned. "Are you sure that she is the daughter of a rich businessperson?" he asked again to the informer. As an answer, the informer sent another picture showing an elder man and Liliya.

"If you have a doubt on that man, search for Andrew Meyers over the internet." the frustrated informer groaned. Beau, at once, searched for that name and under the children's section was Liliya's name.

"Thank You" Beau said and cut the call, staring at Nik, who almost had the same expression as his. "What are you thinking?"

"Let's keep an eye on her for a week."

"Why?" was the instant question that came out of Beau's mouth.

"To know why she is eating there when she could afford a five-star restaurant. Make sure you let me know her whereabouts every day after she leaves the university."

'How many of such pictures am I going to have?' Beau looked displeased about his friends' choice. Neither of their tastes nor principles matched. He could only recall Niklaus eating in a five-star restaurant or food made by a dedicated expert chef using forks, knives, and spoons. Regarding the character, Liliya was an absolute 'NO.' Though being the richest and the most eligible unmarried man, Nik never thought of sleeping with some random people. He always maintained a respectful distance with woman, even if every girl out there wanted to get into his bed.

For the rest of the day, both were busy with multiple meetings and, of course, with an hourly update on Liliya Meyers. However, there was nothing much about her. After having the enormous snack, he walked to her dormitory and didn't step out later.

As Niklaus completed all the work as per schedule, he and Beau went to a five-star restaurant. The staff already made the food that they had ordered on the way. Nik sat in front of a plate with an evenly chopped chicken breast in the center surrounded by lettuce, tomato, and avocado, while Beau ordered Lemon Pepper Baked Chicken.

"Aren't we free after five tomorrow?" Nik inquired, and that question made Beau's heart go crazy. He was sure that Nik was planning to do something regarding the weird girl.

"Yes! Why?"

Nik smirked, and Beau felt the chills with that smile. "We are following Liliya."

"Don't we have an informer for that?"

"I want to see her with my own eyes."

'No,' Beau screamed to himself. "People would follow you instead. How are you planning to hide your million-dollar suit, diamond studded watch, and the hair styled by the famous stylist?"

"Isn't that your duty?" Nik glanced at him while putting a piece of meat and veggies in his mouth.

Beau pouted and gave a slight nod.

The next day, while Nik was busy with the conferences and meetings, Beau raced into the busy and chaotic market to find appropriate and decent costumes. 'Girls are dangerous' he panted, realizing how his life has changed with one girl.

And soon the time to play the role of detective arrived. Nik stood uncomfortably in a plain black T-shirt and blue shaded jeans. He rubbed his empty wrist as if missing a part of his life. He was wearing a brown wig combed into a middle partition with he was adjusting multiple times with uneasiness. "Your hair looks wonderful." He growled at Beau's natural mahogany brown hair.

"I suggested you just run your fingers through your hair, which you didn't want to," he shrugged by keeping an eye at the University gate.

After a few minutes, Lili came out and walked to the same restaurant. "I don't want to see her eat!" Beau complained as he suddenly felt nauseous after remembering the photo from the informer.

"Today she might order a different dish, which could be eaten pleasantly." Nik assured and pulled his friend inside the unhygienic place. Even he wasn't sure what the weird girl might order. A disgusting and stomach-churning smell welcomed them, which made Nik dizzy. With great difficulty, both made to the nearby table.

Before they could stabilize, a guy in a dirty tank top and a pen behind his ear came to them. "What do you want?" He blurted, pointing to a single page menu on the table, which was filled with chunks of food and marks of spilt juices.

"Two plates of fried rice," Beau told the only item he could see on the so-called menu.

"Veg, Egg, Chicken, Beef, Fish, Prawns or Crab. Which one do you want?"

"Two Veg!" Nik hissed, unable to bear the deadly smell of the waiter.

As the waiter left, both shut their eyes and exhaled, only to witness the most horrific scene a second later. Lili was holding a chicken piece with both hands while biting on to it. Her fingers, lips and area around the mouth were covered with sauces and tiny bits of chicken.

Nik's eyes widened, and shoulders dropped after witnessing that awful scene.