He Is Not So Ordinary

The next morning, Quinn woke up first. He sat up in bed and groaned as he felt how sore he was. He looked to his right and saw Riley was still sleeping beside him. Good, he didn't think he could handle any awkward conversations right now. He got off the bed and turned on his phone to see that he had close to thirty missed calls from last night alone.

Most of them were from mom, but there were two other numbers too. One was Charlie, a friend in his college back in Osaka and the last one was his brother. This one only called once and never again. Quinn shut the phone and then turned when he heard someone knocj at the door. He moved to open it and he saw that it was a mailman. He was wearing blue shorts and s shirt and holding out a newspaper.

"Good morning Riley - Who are you?"

Quinn took the paper and he could see how the man's eyes narrowed at him. Maybe I shouldn't have answered the door. I don't want to start any rumors around Riley. Well, it doesn't matter. She doesn't go out that much anyway.

Once Quinn shut the door, he opened the paper and he blinked as a huge picture of him stared right back! Huh!? They put him in the paper!?

"Quinn, who was that?"

Shit! I got to hide this! Quinn quickly took the paper to the side and dumped it inside the paper bin there with the other newspapers. She wouldn't find it in the midst of all these! When Riley sat up she looked around and wondered what was going on.

"It was just your neighbor. He said something about the noise. It was too loud last night,"

Riley blushed as she realized why it was so loud. She will have to go apologize later. She doesn't want them to start telling the landlord that she is doing something to the room! But wait, if Quinn answered it like that then that means they saw him!

Quinn was only wearing a boxer and nothing else! There is no way they will see Quinn and not suspect anything!

"Uh... Are you okay?"

Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about how my life is over now. Everybody is going to think I'm a cougar!!


That day was one of the more peaceful days for them. The two of them didn't feel all that nervousness or awkwardness that people usually felt after having sex. Riley was so grateful that Quinn was so calm about it. If he acted like a child at all then she would have definitely regretted it. But the one thing that still wasn't clear was how much Quinn was avoiding the issue of going back home.

Today was the day he was meant to leave and even though she wasn't in any rush to kick him out, Riley still wanted to know that he had plans of going. So they say down to talk about it once she was ready.

"You ran away from home?"

Except things didn't go exactly as Riley planned. Her idea was that she would just tell him and that would be it. She didn't expect all of this to be happening. It turns out that Quinn actually ran away from his home back in Osaka because of some personal issues. It wasn't something he wanted to tell her, but for some reason, he was asking her to allow him to stay a few more days. Riley didn't want to! She wanted him gone because this house wasn't big enough for two people!

But he looked at her pleadingly. Like this was his last resort. And really, it was. Riley didn't know how to say no to that, so she told him that she could allow him to stay for two more days. He had to go back and solve his family issues with those back home. But she'll allow him to do it at his own pace.

Once that was done, Riley had to go to work. She left the house, and immediately she was gone, Quinn became bored!! He was someone that has never been used to being alone. He usually has a legion of either maids or butlers around him. They would take care of everything he needed and he didn't need to ever ask for anything more than once, but this place was o different.

Riley was tough and irritable and also annoying! But he couldn't get her out of his head. He wanted to see her again. Damn, Charlie will call me a simp, won't he? I came here and I'm falling for someone I really don't know too much about.

Quinn moved his seat swivel seat around and around before he stopped at the drawing table. Some of Riley's drawings were there. The ones she told him to never touch! Quinn wanted to touch them! He wanted to see what she has been working on since friday!

She won't be back for some time, it'll be fine just to look at it once... Right? Yeah, it'll be fine. What can she do even if she catches me? She'll probably just break my spine, but I can live!

Quinn moved to the table and grabbed the folder containing the papers. And once he opened it, his entire body relaxed and his breathing slowed. This was him. Him and him and him and him again. Or to be more specific, it was him on the train. The drawings were so amazing. Quinn never bothered to brag about how his eyes were before. He knew they were something exotic, but he never bothered to brag about it, but the way Riley drew it just took his breath away.

Was this how she saw him? Were these the images in her head when she looked at him? He was beautiful in her head, wasn't he?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Quinn rose a brow and turned towards the door. Who could that possibly be? He stood up and walked to open the door and once he did,p he sighed tiredly and closed his eyes.


"Your majesty, we've been looking everywhere for you. Your mother is here and she wishes to talk to you,"

Quinn opened his eyes as he ran his hand across his face. Fuck.


Riley came back later that day with a bag of groceries in her hand and a skip in her step. She couldn't believe that she was actually looking forward to seeing that spoilt brat. She needs to get him out of her house before she gets used to him being there. It won't be good if that happens. She was using an umbrella to stop the heavy rain from getting to her, but the sounds of the people in front of her house still reached her easily.

"Woah, look at that bently! It's the latest model!!"

"And there are ten of them! How can someone just buy ten Bentleys!!?"

Riley slowed down as she saw a crowd of people looking at a convoy of cars parked in front of her apartment building. That's weird. Did something happen? Why are there so many cars here? And they were all so good-looking too! And are those bodyguards!? Look how they're just standing in the rain! They'll catch a cold at this point.

Riley was about to pass all of them and enter the building when a loud voice shouted out.

"And what if I don't want to! I don't want any of this! Father should have left it to brother instead of me!"

"Well, it was left for you! You don't have a choice! Your father is dead and you have to stop acting like a spoiled child!"

That was a woman's voice that shouted back. But that first person, was that not Riley?

"Well then just take everything and leave me alone!"

The sound of footsteps reached her ears before Riley saw Quinn run past her! She reached her hand out to stop him but she was too late and he ran into the rain and disappeared down the road. What the hell was going on?

"You. Are you the one that made my son come here?"

Riley turned around and saw a woman standing in front of her. She was wearing a long gown with fur lined along the shoulder. Riley felt very out of place in her ordinary jeans and sweaters.

"Who are you? What's going on here?"

The woman narrowed her eyes at Riley before she finally told her exactly what was happening. The more Riley heard the wider her eye got and at the end of it all, she dropped her umbrella to the ground and bolted into the rain!!