
June 9-12th 1994

The scrap yard was run by this old Scottish man named Lewis McAllister, who was kind enough to pay me £3.60 an hour and the pick of the scrap he wasn't going to sell. He also agreed to let me sleep in the office here till I save enough up to move out.

The old man just sat in his office and would occasionally drop off large appliances, so I am able to use my unseen servants to do my work while I work making a computer as I definitely could not afford one currently and I wanted to begin developing game I know would be popular.

I know Doom had had been made in the past year and in the next couple of years a bunch of other clones would soon be released. My first idea was Command and Conquer/Quake as they are both extremely popular in the future.

In theory I should be able to use my unseen servants to make it, but my current problem is sustaining my current "load" of servants, by having the two constantly drawing "mana" it is actually slowly increasing my regeneration rate and stores but it would take months to make any actual progress in gaining a meaningful amount.

Then while working on my computer I had idea hit me I could make a magical battery, which I had a couple ideas for as their were 100s of I.Ps that had them even D&D which my Wizard self had heard of from his master.

A Pearl of Power which In game terms gave the user an additional spell slot, the problem is that they are actual Pearls that had runes and Arcane equations carved onto it. Which would take months of careful work using specialized magical tools, but with modern technology and some help from my mundane tech boosts I could make have a bunch acting as batteries.

So, using my servants as an example once again per level in DND terms would extent the time available by 2 x (the spell level), so using a Pearl Of Power at level 4 would give my servant for 8 hours.

My problem is that I have no clue on how to actually make one or anything that could act as a conduit to provide mana.

It actually made my choice of what I want for future magical knowledge harder, as I want something to help defend myself in the short term as most adult wizards could kill me right now.


That became my life for the first week of living in 1994, my unseen servants would disassemble or gather scrap while I slowly made my computer which upon finishing I began to develop my first video game.

During these days I began scouting and looking into the Old mans paperwork for the junks yard and began planning on having it be Given to me in the event of his death.

I do not plan on killing the old man but he is like 70 something and he is getting more and more forgetful. It does make me feel gross and evil but I need to think about my future over others right now.

During the week I also made more concrete plans for the future; one I need a source of passive income which I am going to get by selling video games and books from my home dimension, like A game of thrones or The Martian. Two, look into the magical world and help Harry or this version of him/sleep with a number of HP girls. Three, figure out jumping dimensions so I and whoever I want can travel the multiverse.


Then on the 13th of June while I was practicing coding via my unseen servants which was not going great as they were to dumb. I felt my charges reappear finally and I actually had a idea of what I wanted to do, first my magical knowledge i put into *Hogwarts education* this was an obvious choice as with it I will gain basic knowledge of the world and some better protection.

For mundane I put a charge into *Literature modern* which felt like a waste but it gave me a bunch of books I could publish as my own with out having to try and remember them.

With my charges in place I began work on writing out some books which while time consuming would get me some money.

I also planned my going to the magical side of things to get some books and find out some Info on the state of the wizard if world.