
A/N Daniel should be level 5 since when he started he was technically a level one wizard. Cause I ducked up my math and I wanted to push the story along a little.


August 1st 1994

Waking earlier than normal to prepare the estate I get my charges build and I dropped on into *DnD Wizard 5* which means I had access to 3rd level spells and I can make the spell to contact other planes.

I put my mundane charge into blacksmithing making me one of the most skilled and knowledgeable people about smithing and giving me knowledge to make Damascus steel and one more charge will make me the best smith has ever lived.

With that I wrote down a couple of things I would need and some ideas about how to transport good across the plans.

Rose who was never up before 9:00 was sat at the table a light breakfast of Grits and Toast which a side of OJ she Was practically vibrating in her seat as I sat down.


Hermione Granger prided herself on being prepared and having using her brain instead of just blindly jumping in. But her best friend on the other hand had did not, she was hard headed, full of fire, and practically ran off spite.

So when her friend wrote to her that she was staying at a strangers home who just so happens to be related to her she was immediately suspicious.

The man Daniel Armstrong was someone she had actually heard of before in her life one as a computer programmer that had released a couple of interesting patents on code and who had written her current favorite book.

It all seemed a little to convenient so she talked to her parents and they agreed to head to this "Estate" to check up on her friend and if it was true they would have a great time learning about magic. If not her dad left a message with some of his military friends if they didn't hear back from us.

The drive from London wasn't that long about and hour, her family stoped in the village near the estate to ask around a little bit.

They of course stopped by the library because librarians hear the most gossip besides hairdressers.

When they entered the library they were surprised by the construction going on around it, it looked like they were adding an entire new wing to the library.

A woman in what she guess to be her early 30 greeted them she wore a men's suit that was clearly custom made for her.

Librarian-"Good morning welcome to Padworth Library....You all are new oh oh you must be the Grangers, Rose was talking about your visit yesterday when she visited.

Where are my manners my name is Primrose Evergreen Head Archivist / Librarian here till my apprentice takes over one of them"

Hermione-"That's good I had always had to fight her on studying she has such a hard time sitting still."

Primrose-"Different learning styles I see That a lot, Rose is quite the intelligent girl she is just a hands on learner. You should have seen her during the fighting tournament, for a girl who had never even picked up a blade she is quite the swordsman."

Ms.Granger-"Fighting tournament I thought this went out of fashion when I was young, I remember my brothers being so sad when they stopped holding them."

Primrose gave them all a mischievous smile, "You could say we are quite in contact with our ancestral roots, and now with Lor- Mr.Armstrong a couple of the older shops have reopened even the old blacksmith."

Mr.Granger-"Speaking of Mr.Armstrong can you tell us anything about him, we have not met him in person so what can you tell us about him."

Primrose rolled her eyes,"He is a very nice young man that has been working to improve the town, I will say that he works himself a little harder than he should but he is dedicated to his goals."

Hermione-"Oh we need to make it to his estate, have a wonderful day."

Primrose-"Thank you, same to you please come and visit again when the construction ends we will be add over 200 new books to the main hall."

Her family then headed north to the Estate and it was beautiful, perfectly manicured hedges and multiple tractors getting ready to plant.


Running a quest Sufficient Velocity called [Sponsoring A Commoner (ASOIAF Quest)] it has DND elements like this quest and kingdom building so please come over and try it out.