
August 19th, 1994

With Hermione gone I decided to spend more time with Rose which meant we were going treasure hunting as even though I cared about her like a little sister is didn't trust her with the secret of the Black Prince yet.

Also this would be good practice for the future, we are heading to one of the many abandoned mansions of pure bloods that died in the war.

I had made sure to get us some real adventuring gear though Percy and supplement it with some of my own things like enchanted armor (+2) am a shot gun I bought while in Mexico.

It I had experimented with by enchanted it to be silent which was a little terrifying once I got it working. Rose was using a real rapier not a training one and a shield she had been transcribing some spells on to with the help of MacCormack the smith.

Rose-"You said this was a old pure blood castle but not who owned and what they did." She asked as we drove down the M54 towards Wales.

Dan-"It is the Protheroe or Rhydderch if you are welsh, they are a off shoot of the mundane branch that ruled Gwent/Wales around the 1060s and stayed active way passed the mundane branch that lost power in the 1150s.

They were once a acted as advisers to their mundane brothers but do to tensions between the two sides (The mages being pagan while the mundane Catholic) would go separate ways in 1100s.

The magical side would continue to gather knowledge, power, and influence in the magical world.

For example they joined their mundane bothers in the crusade and brought back a large number of magical books from Arabia, that advanced their medical knowledge tenfold and would lead to them having a chokehold on medicine for a couple of centuries.

But once the magic government of Britain formed they lost much of their power and influence via the mundane governments not trusting one family to be impartial while healing his nobles.

So they were "convinced" to found a small teaching facility in the 14th century and then a slow fall from grace and a number of internal family incidents had some books and treasure "lost"

Which what we are looking for, now what are the rules of adventuring."

Rose rolled her eyes but repeated the song I had annoyed her with for the entire drive.

-[Never Split the Party-By Emerald Rose]

🎵Don't you know you never split the party?

Clerics in the back keep those fighters hale and hearty

The wizard in the middle, where he can shed some light

And you never let that damn thief out of sight

So then we heard this bellow (Ow!) from back around the bend

We turned around to see if there was aid that we could lend

And suddenly the corridor was covered up with orcs

We fell back in a panic, feeling like a bunch of dorks

The thief had pissed his leathers (no); our monk was turning blue

Our wizard got all flustered and he covered us with goo

The cleric swung his holy club, some orcish skulls to break

We tried to dodge his backswing as we pondered our mistake

Don't you know you never split the party?

Clerics in the back keep those fighters hale and hearty

The wizard in the middle, where he can shed some light

And you never let that damn thief out of sight

We finally found our fighters; they were hacking at a troll

They chopped off knees and elbows, but it kept on growing whole

Our wizard flung his fireball, (hahah)

He torched that troll and left our fighters roasting in their mail (Barbeque)

Don't you know you never split the party?

Clerics in the back keep those fighters hale and hearty

The wizard in the middle, where he can shed some light

And you never let that damn thief out of sight

Don't you know you never split the party?

Clerics in the back keep those fighters hale and hearty

The wizard in the middle, where he can shed some light

And you never let that damn thief

You never let that damn thief

You never let that damn thief out of sight

The cleric had his hands full; apologies were said (I'm sorry)

We swore an oath we'd stick together just like we were wed (Yes, dear)

But then we found that sneaky thief had vanished in the gloom

We caught him stuffing pockets in the secret treasure room (Hehehe, I'm in politics) 🎵

-[Never Split the Party-By Emerald Rose]

I of course sang it right along it with her as long car rides were something I had missed from my old life as I grew up an American and road trips were so much fun.

We continued on the road for a couple of hours stopping for road side attractions and pictures for fun till we reached a heavily forested area in the heart of the Welsh mountains.

Locking up the car and gathering our gear we began our trek into the woods, using a mix of hp and DnD I am able to see the flow of magic through the air and with it the wards that dotted the area.

Following the heavier flows of magic we eventually made our way to main estate, there we found a place frozen time. A village form all across the history of Wales; huts from the 900s, larger stone home from the 1700s but off to the side is a large stone keep that was rather well kept for its supposed lack of human habitation.

Signaling Rose to stop-"Keep and eye out this place is to well kept and managed for a place with no humans, that could mean Golems, Zombie servants or even house elves now stay close."

[This is a rework of a DND game I played with some friends for this part]

With the danger rising I Called Tet-anhur (Undead Cleric) into being and a undead Minotaur to act as front line fighter.

We avoided the village for now and went off the dirt path into the once farm fields which are plowed but nothing planted.

Leading the group of us to the castle is my undead while rose and I covered the Rear, approaching the front door and looking up we could still see the murder hole for boiling hot sand and arrows do used.

Rose and I stopped before being under them while I had Tet knock on the door and if that doesn't work the Minotaur break it down, as castle this old just had a large board or iron latch hold it shut.

*Knock Knock*

We waited for a moment and before I could give the order to smash the door down she waved at me to stop and attempts to transfigure the door which fails at it has been warned against magic.

But following her lead I have the Minotaur wedge his axe into the henges of the door and with a loud thud as the door slammed into the ground.

Walking into the main chamber we saw a large hallway and a number of various off shoots and at the far end a open arch way to the "lords" chamber here they once held court.

Along the walls are various set of armor from the 900s to the 17th century all Bering the family crest of the lords, sticking to the edges and casting mage armor and mage sight once again.

We were stealthy making our way till the Minotaurs lack of true sentience came to be a problem as it accidentally missed stepped on a trap and a series of things all happened at once.

First two large iron bars block off the entrance and the lords hall blocking our retreat and progress and a group of 5 of the various armors began to move and grab their weapons off the walls.

Dan-"Shit, aim for the legs and arms!" Dodging a swig of mace and letting out a sharp whistle as a ethereal Warhammer slams into the side of the armor. (Custom Spell Summoned Weapon)

Dan then moved away from the nearest armor and looked over to Rose who was in a Bladesong trance dodging and weaving among two set of armor and right before one was about to hit her she parried the hit and using the momentum summoned series of spectral blades that cut into the armors. (Sword Burst)

The Minotaur running on it most basic muscle memory let out a roar and slammed its axe into the helmet of the armor. While the Tet the cleric summoned a spiritual weapon and fought his set of armor which was being quickly taken apart by the mix of the spectral scimitar and his own mace. (Spiritual Weapon)

Dan then pulled his shotgun out and fired a solid slug that had been enhanced with a booming shot making the slug blowing right into the chest of the armor blowing its back plate completely off and continuing into one of the armor rose was fighting. (Reworked Green Flame Blade)

With mine taken care of I willed my spectral hammer to assist her as it her teamed to disarm the armor, and quickly dispatched it and with her freed we killed the remaining Armors easily.