Blair: Demetrius

Blair tumbles through the sky after getting dropped off by an Aztec goddess along with one of her new besties, Samsara and her kinda prick boyfriend Spectre.

Not to mention this happened right after she apparently blurted out some ancient prophecy like she was an old timey Oracle.

Blair involuntarily screams her lungs out as she plummets towards the ground. Absolute fear consuming her whole mentality as the ground gets closer and closer.

Just before she hits the ground, she falls onto a net trampoline type thing.

It springs her up a few feet above it and when she comes back down she crashes onto someone else in the net.

"Sorry, sorry!" Blair quickly says as she gets off.

"It's... fine…"Samsara groans from below her.

"Look out!" She screams as she scrambles to get up.

Spectre comes in from out of nowhere and lands right next to Blair, causing the vine net to snap underneath them.

They land on the grassy ground below them in one big pile of limbs, a satchel and vines.

Blair pushed herself out of the pile and got back up to wipe the dust off herself.

Blair watches as Quetzalcoatl flips herself back over and continue to fly off in the distance.

"What a bitch."

"I know right." Samsara says, pushing her boyfriend off her.

"Who would just drop people off their dragon like that. Did she even warn us? Like what the hell."

Spectre slowly sits up and looks around at his surroundings. "Dude… what is even happening right now."

He makes a small chuckle. "Altair's good. I didn't know you lace dab pens."


"Wut?" He turns to look up at his girlfriend with a dumb innocent smile.

"Don't tell me you're high right now." Samsara says with a disappointed look on her face.

"Okay I won't."

"Hey! Hey! Don't kick!" Spectre scrambles to get up on his feet, nearly tripping.

Samsara had a funny grin on her face after kicking him. She still had her foot up in a martial arts stance, ready to strike at any moment.

Spectre looked like he was trying to get ready for a fight but had to lean on a tree just to get his balance. He was laughing uncontrollably, holding his stomach for breath.

"Wait, you brought a dab pen to the Vying?" Blair asked as she watched the scene unfold.

"Heh heh… yeah."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me." Samsara got out of her fighting position to talk to Blair. "Are you two cool with smoking? We weren't really sure."

"I mean… I'm okay with it. I don't really do it but I don't care if you guys do it even once in a while. I know Gloria's prolly the same."

"Okay we just wanted to make sure."

"Yeah I get it."

Blair looks around at her surroundings. There really was no trace of any sort of civilization around.

Thankfully the forest didn't look that scary. It didn't look much worse than the Cedar forests they were just in. She could already spot a few little berry bushes and clean water ponds for them to use.

"Oh my god. It's a squirrel." Samsara put her arm out and crouched down.

Blair looked over at her and saw the cute little furry gremlin that had run out to investigate the humans that had fallen out of the sky.

It was staring at Samsara, standing completely still. The only thing moving was his tiny nose twitching as it smelled them.

"Spec use your shadow hands to grab it. We're taking it back home." Samsara said as she continued to very cautiously sneak up on it.

"Have you guys never seen a squirrel before?" Blair laughed at Samsaras tactical advance towards the common animal, not even exclusive to just the islands.

"No, all we have are stupid pidgeons that steal your food if you look away for even a second." Spectre groaned, like the idea of them was bringing back unpleasant memories.

"Yeah all of the cool animals in Deimos are in the Underworld. The outskirts of Deimos are so boring on the surface. Don't even get me started on the center of the city. Literally nothing lives there except crows." Samsara complained.

"Come on Spec. Hurry up. Who knows how long it'll be till this little gu…"

Just as Samsara says that, a figure jumps down in front of the squirrel causing it to scurry up the tree behind itself.

The figure is wearing very similar clothes to Vega. The only difference was he had even more camo and didn't wear the hood, showing off his extremely long brown hair. He still had a mask on, covering his face.

Blair was glad she didn't have to see his face though.

She hated this guy.

"What a coincidence… Blair."

Demetrius walked past Samsara with a dumb "knightly" strut over to Blair. He was nobily holding onto his jade sword every forest knight had with one hand and had the other on his belt.

"What a coincidence Vega just so happened to assign me to look after your group." Demetrius lied.

Knights never wanted to help the champion with the Vying, this was the one time they got to have control over the capital.

Blair had heard about how forest elemental users can send signal messages to each other telepathically if they are standing on the same extension of forest. Honestly a broken power if they lived in Alfheim.

Blair was 100 percent sure as soon as Vega sent out a signal for help with her new group, this guy must've been the first to respond.

"You know this knight?" Samsara asked Blair.

"Nope. I've never seen him before."

"You know, you don't always have to play hard to get. It sends mixed signals." Demetrius said, he most likely had his stupid looking frat boy smile under his mask.

As soon as Samsara heard that her expression turned from confusion to "Ohhhh."

"Oh my god this can't be happening right now!" Blair screamed in her head.

"Come on, didn't I just save your life? Not even a thanks for Umbervilles only knight?" Demetrius had his arms out like he was gesturing for a hug from her.

"Don't touch me." Blair started backing up.

She wanted to kick him in the nuts, or flash his eyes with a bright light and blind him but that would be way to impulsive.

That's something Gloria would normally do right now. It would get them in massive trouble but at least they would stop most of the time.

How the hell was this the guy that all of her friends liked years ago? Highschool really shouldn't be 6 years long on the islands. Those two extra years of a required community college just down the road are stupid.

This guy spent the first 3 years of Blair's highschool flirting with her and her friends. His reign of terror should've ended 2 years earlier, like highschool normally is on earth.

"You gotta calm down."

Samsara walked in front of Blair and a finger gun in Demetrius's face. Shiny blue water was coursing around it, ready to strike at any moment.

Demetrius looked down at her hand and playfully put his hands up like she had put a squirt gun in his face.

"Woah woah. Blair you should stop your friend, I'm sure Pentas wouldn't like it if you blinded his big bro."

"I wish he didn't take all of the gay genes in the family. I think you would be way cooler if he shared." Blair responded.

"Wait Pentas? Like the kid at the inn?" Spectre said as he looked up at the knight. Demetrius probably was the same height as him, but Spectre looked a lot smaller when he leaned on the tree.

Demetrius was also just bigger. Spectre was kinda skinny and the forest knight had worked a lot in highschool to train for his S ranked combat class and to play football and basketball in the meantime.

"Yup I'm his big bro. I didn't know he had a job at the inn though. That must be new."

"He's had that job sense 2018." Blair reminded him.

The more she thought about him, the more this guy became the complete opposite of his brother.

Blair really didn't want to think about him though. It made her want to crawl out of her skin, even more than she already wanted to. She could tell he was looking at her all over, it made her really regret when she was getting herself to look good this morning. It was meant for herself, not for him.

It really didn't matter though, he would've stared anyways.

"Hey buddy." Samsara got Demetrius's attention again, despite the hand she still had in his face. "I think we got this trail, we don't need your help."

"Yes, of course you do." He said bluntly.

"There's only three of you. Vega told me the strongest one and Gloria are going with her to the Draconic Rainforest. Man… that girl looked so different on tv. She definitely had a glow up from the last time I saw her."

"Y'know what, maybe we can't be out here without you." Blair says as she gently moves Samsara out of the way of Demetrius, tapping her shoulder.

"I hope Samsara gets this signal." Blair thinks. She never does shit like this, but Demetrius was making himself an exception.

"Yeah… I know." Demetrius looked confused as Blair walked up to him.

She even makes sure to give Demetrius a sly flirty look, hopefully the last time he ever sees something like this.

Blair puts her hand up to Demetrius's face, like she's trying to give his face high five. It makes him go cross-eyed for a second.

She tries to think of ways she can try and fake flirt with him like she's princess Jasmine.

"Uh…can you uh… look at my hand."

"Okay? I guess it's a very pretty hand. It's very small." Demetrius says, confused.

But unfortunately for Demetrius, Blair doesn't have the same tolerance that Jasmine had for Jafar.


With a very satisfying shimmer sound, Blair blasts the brightest light she could right in his face and takes off towards the direction Vega told her to go.

"How do you fall for that!" She laughs as she starts to run away, her two friends following her.

Demetrius is yelling in pain with his hands to his eyes. He tries to run after them but runs in a very wrong direction and bashes his head into a tree.

Blair can't help but laugh at him as she watches him in pain.

Normally she hates hurting other people. Even killing insects or spiders, as annoying as they were, she always hated taking their little lives away. But she can't even deny that it makes her very happy. She's always wanted to blind one of the creepy guys that have tried hitting on her and her friends.

"I call on all forest knights to hunt down the contestants! I want it done now!" Demetrius shouts out from way behind them.

"Oh no."

It was at this moment that she knew…

She fucked up.