Chapter 10

When we finished eating we got back in our car and got on the road for San Antonio, we hadn't been driving for ten minutes when I got a call from Jade.

"Hey, how close are you to home?"

"I don't know, maybe an hour and a half? Why?"

" When you get there tell Derek to save a case of .9 mm bullets for me, I want to make sure there are some for me too, not just for Ashley."

"Alright, but if he can't you can't become a rage monster."

"Fuck you too, asshole," She said and hung up the phone, making me chuckle and turn on the radio, "Bad Medicine" by Bon Jovi, started playing and we sang along to the song as we got back on the highway, we traveled for another hour before we got off the highway into San Antonio. I plugged my headphones into my phone, told Jack I'd see him at home, and Jumped out of the car, wings out flying upwards. My favorite thing to do whenever we came back to San Antonio was to fly around for a little bit, and by now the stops I made were all the same and people would anticipate them. Dive bombing towards the sidewalk, I pulled up at the last minute and flew down the street towards the Alamo and flew over and into it, it was nice to check it out every once in a while, I used to do it all the time with my family but we never have time to do it anymore. I walked around a little bit, reading about the history of the Alamo and admiring the building, it'd be cool to own this place, but we respected the history of this place too much. After walking around for a little bit, I walked outside and whistled for my motorcycle, and when it pulled up in front I mounted it and rode off towards the seven eleven near my old house. When I got there I saw the owner of the place cleaning the counter and his boyfriend cleaning his car, he had his headphones in so I didn't bother him and walked inside.

"Hey, Jake, how ya doing my man?"

"I'm not bad, not bad at all, how's life treating you?"

"Pretty good, business is going good, anything worth mention happen to you?"

"Nah I-" I got cut off by the loud rumbling of tank treads driving down the street behind me, I turned around and saw that it was Miguel, so I had nothing to worry about, "Yes actually, Miguel and I stole a tank."

"A tank!?"

"A tank."

"Jesus Christ, that'll be fun to drive around I bet," He said and rung up my stuff, I was getting some chips, a soda, and a beer.

"Yep, we drove it from Arizona to Texas and the fact that it's still intact is shocking to me. It's taken a few rockets and I'm hoping that Miguel will be able to fix it, or at least give it a crutch to last a bit longer."

"If anyone could, it'd be Miguel, good luck with your tanking," He said as I left the store and got back on my motorcycle, I sped past the tank and saw that the rest of the trucks were in front of Miguel, passing by I waved to Jade and then Alex, before speeding up and getting far ahead of them all. When I got home I parked my motorcycle in the garage and headed inside, I hadn't even gotten in the door fully before I got tackled to the floor by Johnny.

"Jesus Christ, JJ, you good?"

"I thought y'all died, you ass fuck!" I got up and walked past him towards the armory, where I saw that Derek was working with Ashley to unpack the guns and ammo.

"Ash, you don't get all the .9 mm, Jade reserved a case," I said before grabbing an M16 and a full clip, I wanted to see how well these things worked, or at least that's what I thought I would do, Johnny grabbed the gun and gave it to Derek who put it on a weapons rack.


"No shooting until we get everything organized and take stock, Jake, that applies to everyone, even you."

"Boooo!" I heard behind me and saw Jack walking in with Miguel right behind him, keys to every truck in his hand, Miguel walked over to where Ashley was standing and gave her a kiss before walking back over to where we were standing.

"What's the point of having a lot of guns if we can't shoot them? That's like having a tank with no gun! Or a burger with no bun!"

"Jake, we can't just go out shooting whenever we want just because we want to," Ashley said as she took a big case of bullets out of a crate and handed it to Derek, they were 7.62 x 51 mm bullets, which meant that if they hadn't already unloaded it, there was a minigun somewhere in these crates.

"But we have a lot of bullets!"

"Jake, shut up, she said no for a reason," I heard beside me and saw Alex leaning against a wall, I hated that she was mocking me too, so what I liked shooting, sue me. I gave her the finger and grabbed my soda, handed Jack the beer, and glared at Derek.

"You can prevent me from shooting all you want, but the second no Microsecond- that we can shoot, I'm getting my hands on that minigun, Derek."

"Fine, Now get out of here, we got a lot of crates to open and even more bullets to put away," He said and Jack and I walked towards the front entrance, Jack asked Alex to follow us since I was still pissed off that I couldn't shoot the minigun yet. When we got outside Jack opened his beer, only for Alex to take it and snag the first drink from it, that made me laugh and Jack look like he was going to punch someone.

"Thank you for the help, Alex, anything else you want before you head back to your pack?"

"Yeah, when you blow up El Oro-"

"We're not blowing it up...maybe," I looked at Jack and he just shrugged his shoulders, we didn't have a reason to blow up the bank but should we have a reason we wouldn't hesitate.

"Whatever, anyway, when you do whatever it is you're planning, gimme a call, it's been a while since I've done something fun like that, and I'm getting bored of hunting the same prey."

"Alright, we'll think about it, we usually don't play nice with others," Jack nodded his head, which was now ablaze, and brought up the last time we tried to play nice with someone.

"They tried to stab us in the back, and take all the money for themselves when we were done there weren't enough pieces of them to be put in a soup can for a funeral."

"That was a fun one, remind me to pay their graves a visit, we could pour some gasoline in it and see how long they'll burn," I said and took a swig from Jack's beer, he was now down half a beer and he snatched it back from me and chugged the whole thing, glaring at me the entire time.

"Well, if you want to learn to play nice, give me a call," She said and I was about to make a sarcastic comment about how demons don't play nice in general, but was rudely interrupted.

"If you knew anything about us, you'd know that we don't-" I said and Alex kissed me, interrupting my statement, and leaving me dumbfounded, Jack started laughing until Alex did the same thing, shifted and ran off in the other direction, and before we could say anything she was gone.

"D-did she just?"

"I-i think she did."

"What. The fuck. Was that," I said and Jack started laughing, we were both shocked, not just because she had kissed us, but because it wasn't a normal kiss either.

"You wanna go for a drive to wipe that blush off your face, Jakey?"

"I will fucking shoot you...and yes, lemme get a drink first though," I said and walked inside, I prayed to Satan that he was lying about me blushing, unfortunately, it didn't seem that he was.

"Hey Jake, hold up a second!" I heard behind me and turned around to see Nicki and Jade running up to me, Nicki looked happy and Jade looked like she knew something and was hiding it.

"What's up?"

"Derek's planning to propose to Johnny after the El Oro heist, he asked me to ask you if it was okay if we hit a jewelry place on our way back."

"Yeah, sure, Imma go out driving with Jack, I'll see y'all later, alright?" I said turned around towards the fridge, only for Jade to grab me by my shoulder and turn me around.

"Yeah, but why are you bright red?"

"Ummm I got a sunburn on my way back here, don't touch, it kinda hurts," I said and Jade place her hand on my cheek, and it didn't fade temporarily so she knew it wasn't sunburned.

"What is it, really, Jake?"

"Nothing, it's nothing at all," I said, trying to turn around again, only to be interrupted again.

"It's something alright, now tell us, now."

"You tell anyone else, and I will rip your intestines out and use them to hang Nicki, I'm dead serious."

"Deal, I won't tell anyone," Jade said and I knew I had her word, Nicki was the one person that Jade would kill someone else for if she got hurt, understandable seeing as she was her mate.

"Before we left for San Antonio, Jack and I went to a bar or something to get some food, and when we were there Alex was stalking us again."

"I know that I told you about her not being at the hotel anymore."

"Right...anyway, I was able to chase her for a little bit but she eventually got away, she's good at losing a hunter, I'll give her that, and when I got back to the bar she called me. Well, when I picked up she said something along the lines of 'You shouldn't chase me' and that was that. Well, that's what I thought before she left to go back to her pack Jack and I went outside to talk with her about the El Oro heist and she said she wanted in, well after we talked about it she kissed us both and ran."

"So, you are blushing! I knew it!" She said and it took all of my willpower to not run, I hated being cornered, and I hated it when I was blushing.

"Fuck off, Jade."

"So, do you know if she's your mate then? I mean an alpha wolf and an omega demon is pretty surprising."

"I don't know yet, I don't know if I will until after the heist, I can't get distracted if we want this to go smoothly though."

"Blah blah blah, work is more important, yatta yatta yatta. I get it, just don't put your mental health off just because it's you, take some time for yourself every once in a while."

"That's what I'm doing right now," I said and grabbed a couple of beers before jogging outside and meeting Jack in front of the garage. He was sitting in our pickup and blasting some music, I got in the passenger seat and handed him a beer, we both needed some time to breathe for once.