
"Master, what should we do now? It seems the other humans are wary of you and intentionally avoiding the Labyrinth. If we spend too much time here, there won't be enough time to clear the other trial towers." Uri said after landing on the ground and furling his wings.

William looked at the Flame Dragon ahead, "There are other trial towers like the one in the Labyrinth?"

"Yes Master, there are two more towers, and plenty of loot inside each of them." he responded with a sigh. Uri knew there wasn't enough time to clear both towers, but the dragon started to drool when he thought about the number of treasures hidden within each tower.

Dragons were greedy by nature, almost comparable to William's loot goblin tendencies. Many books depicted dragons as treasure hoarders that stored all of their items in a large room, sometimes even covering themselves with glittering jewels and shiny coins.