Good Riddance

They both rushed into the air at the same time, using the brief moment of respite to burn their blood with forbidden techniques and escape William's Domains. Their figures quickly approached the same portal hanging in the sky, avoiding the other one entirely.

William didn't bother chasing the two Cultivators, sensing that the Heavens were watching him right now. Any rash moves would result in more trouble than it was worth.

-The Heavens are watching you closely: +3 Attention

Instead, he healed the few wounds he had suffered in the last few minutes, restoring his physical condition to its peak while refilling the Arrays in his Array Wheel in case another enemy showed up.

When Supreme Left and Unbreakable Right reached the portal, Supreme Left turned around and spoke to William. "We've lost this one, and you're sure to be stronger than us when you Ascend. I only hope that you won't take your feud out on our families; they had nothing to do with this."