Setting Off

William opened his eyes to look at the ceiling, enraptured by the array of glittering stars that described the unbeatable beauty of the night sky. When he looked at the slumbering girl in bed next to him, he suddenly felt the need to change his thoughts of the sky to "almost unbeatable beauty".

Charlotte seemed to wake up at the same time as him, because her eyes fluttered open, surprised at first to see William until she remembered the events of the night before. She became calm while the two looked at each other for a while.

"What should we call this?" William asked. He had never been in this kind of situation with a girl, so he hoped she would have an easy answer.

"Let's think about that later." Charlotte smiled as she got up from the bed, scanning the room for some clothes to wear. Despite the previous night, she felt bashful when William looked at her.