Soul Inheritance

The Ultimate Tribulation ran out of energy a few hours later, but the Superior Tribulation activated next, striking with one Lightning after the other that he didn't even bother to defend against. Superior Tribulations couldn't even crack his skin, so what's the point of wasting Mana?

Speaking of Mana, his Reserves were almost completely empty, but four Tier 3 Mana Regeneration Pills were enough to solve that problem for the most part. While waiting for the Superior Tribulation to end, William used some Water Magic to splash Marcus' face, waking the old man up.

"Old man, are you going to give up the Soul Cultivation Technique now?" he asked.

Marcus was still trying to make sense of his surroundings when he heard William's voice. He frowned, "Not a chance in hell, you're asking me to die!"

"It's not that serious, just give us the Technique and we'll be on our way." William shrugged.
