Provoking Space

Including Order, I have five Elements left to upgrade. Let's start with Gravity, System.

-Upgrade Gravity to SS-Rank?

No, all the way to X-Rank. 


-650000 PP

Ouch. Just upgrading the Gravity Element is the combined cost of all the Epic Elements... William winced in pain as almost half of his remaining Potential Points were gone in the blink of an eye.

From S-Rank to SS-Rank, the Gravity Element pressed William down to one knee, his body shaking as he struggled to maintain his position. The difference between an Epic and Legendary Element was made obvious at a glance.

Even with all the effects of his other Talents, William was placed in a difficult position right from the start. The Gravity Element was domineering, finally able to showcase its strength compared to when it was being ordered around by Chaos.