Mortal Threat

William watched with a smile as Fria's greatsword cleaved apart dozens of peak Magical Beasts in an instant, slightly disturbed by her carefree attitude that allowed blood and guts to spray everywhere.

Damn, she really doesn't hold back. he commented while using Wind Magic to keep the blood from landing on his Illusionist's Cloak.

"Hehe! Do you see this?" Fria waved her greatsword around excitedly while shouting to William, a stark contrast from her usual cold personality. She raised her sword for another heavy strike, extending its length even further.

-The Arcturis Continent is on the brink of destruction.

William's expression changed, "Fria! Don't destroy the Continent you idiot!"

Fria lowered her greatsword and looked back at William, "How are you going to call me the idiot? Weren't you doing the same thing a few days ago?"

"Not like you are!"