Eighth Host

When William tried to compare himself to Efretta, he was only left disappointed. His strength was higher than hers, but her ability to get others to do things for her was unmatched. After being targeted by a weaker enemy, she didn't even bother to take care of them herself, finding it a waste of time.

Instead, she used tricks or her loyal subordinates to handle the issue either politically or with force. There was no need to get involved directly.

System, how long ago was this? William asked as he watched Efretta toying with an Ascended Cultivator. The man cloaked in golden aura was casting dozens of Spells in quick succession at Efretta, but his attacks seemed to narrowly miss each time.

When he became frustrated and went for a large-scale attack, Efretta cast Space Magic on the man and teleported him to the center of his own Spell, then marked him with Chaos Mana and teleported herself away.