
A picnic in the woods


A picnic in the woods

The daylight invaded the cabin, gently touching Erika's face who was lying on the bed. How much time had it passed? What time was it? At that moment her mind was in blank, she was so exhausted and the bed received her with open arms. She had not rested like that in days, completely ignoring everything surrounding her and focusing exclusively on her sleep. Slowly she opened her eyes, which were greeted by the wood roof, she stretched and let out a sweet yawn with which she obtained enough energy to sit.

Her mind was trying to get in order while her eyes wandered the humble abode. What had happened yesterday? How did she get there? Suddenly her memories projected like frames in a movie reel; breakfast with the director-general and Claudius, the tour around the academy, her encounter with Friedrich (which made her frown), the attack to the Royal Academy and her consequent escapade. The last forty eight hours had been full of events, each more unexpected.

It felt good to be able to take a break to breath after being in constant movement, a time out to be able to meditate and arrange her ideas. A month ago, when his majesty's doctors diagnosed that they could not do anything else for him, she felt as if she had been told that she had necrosis and would have to amputate one of her extremities. After all, he was the only of his two parents that she knew. The queen died giving birth, giving her life in exchange for her daughter's, which broke the king's heart; however, he still had something tying him. A compromise that gave him enough strength to keep on living and enjoying life. That's what Erika meant to him, like a ray of happiness that gave meaning to his existence. He suffered enough with losing his loved one; he didn't want to feel that pain again, so he protected Erika against any danger that could exist. As a child, she was locked inside the castle walls so that her visits to the garden were always an adventure for her. She didn't have many friends, in fact, she had none.

The king was conscious that perhaps this wasn't the happiest life he could offer her, but the fear of losing her impeded him from daring to run any risks. After learning that his life was reaching its near end, he realized how hurtful it would be for Erika; she would feel the same pain as him when the queen died and possibly she wouldn't be able to endure it. With this same idea, he thought of the ideal solution. Love itself brought happiness back to his life, if he could make Erika feel that same love, surely she would get over his death and would learn to live with that burden that represented life itself.

The very next morning he summoned in private both Erika and Claudius, who had been an important support for the majority of the decisions he had taken over the years, even during the hundred wars. Despite Erika's objections, the king gave his final word and things would be done his way. He thought that once she bore children her motherly love would distract her from pain and would help her prevail, besides that it also represented the continuation of his lineage.

Erika rubbed her eyes, whose lids were still protesting. Her dishevelled hair gleamed under the sun rays. A fit of curiosity washed over her and she quickly looked around. She noticed the musket resting on the opposite wall to the bed and the uniform perfectly folded next to it. ''Where is that idiot?'' Her increasing uneasiness removed all of her remaining sleepiness, throwing the blankets and turning her body; placing her feet on the ground. With a grunt she got up, making one final stretch that liberated tension on her back and arms.

With confident steps, she made her way towards the hut's door, which she opened to get out triumphantly as if the world itself owed her the fact that she was alive. The singing of the birds greeted her good morning and the sun that a few hours ago had timidly risen behind the lake now shone surely, illuminating the steps of all the creatures in the forest. Erika was not very happy with the fact that the sun was hitting her directly in the face with its rays, with a greater force than through the window situated next to the door. She looked at the cabin’s surroundings, it wasn’t the first time she visited a forest, but it was the first time that she felt a sense of freedom. Usually, when his majesty would go hunting, where he would invite various noblemen, Erika would be at his side at all times or she would even stay in a specific spot escorted by soldiers. No matter how much curiosity she felt to explore such enigmatic places, she always had the limitation of having to represent a role that was expected of her. She took a deep breath; she inhaled and held the air, feeling its freshness as if it were a gourmet coffee. Then she let it all out with the same gentleness, like a sigh of satisfaction. So this is what life was all about.

‘‘What are you doing outside?’’

The unexpected question took her by surprise; she turned to see the source of that voice. It was Friedrich who was wearing an outfit that made him look like a huntsman; a cream-coloured shirt under a brown leather vest combined with pants of a lighter brown. Also, Friedrich was charging a quiver that he carried in his right shoulder, a bow on his left hand and what appeared to be a rabbit ready to be cooked in his right. Erika was so concentrated in her inspection that she forgot to answer the question.

‘’So…?’’ Friedrich was a little uncomfortable with the way he was being observed, although it felt good to be out of that tight uniform after so much time. Erika noticed that Friedrich was awaiting an answer.

‘‘I wanted to see where you took me to. It ain’t that bad, I guess.’’ Erika talked with an arrogant tone, at the same time she shrugged.

Friedrich was about to complain, but he then realized that that was the closest thing to a compliment he had heard come out of Erika’s mouth, that was a progress. Friedrich walked past her and entered the hut. Erika watched him from the door. He left the bow and the quiver full of arrows on the other chest, which was full of various gadgets. He took out a casserole and a large kitchen knife, which he grabbed from the blade. He then got out once more to the front of the cabin, where there were various conveniently piled branches to make a bonfire, he most likely collected and placed them before going hunting. He placed the casserole on top of the branches and in a matter of seconds he lighted up the fire, then he proceeded to cut pieces of the rabbit to make them fit in the casserole, once he finished he stood up and addressed Erika.

‘‘Do me a favour and watch over the cooking meat.’’

‘‘Uh, I don’t… I never…’’ Erika was too ashamed and didn’t know how to tell him that never in her life had she cooked without hurting her own pride.

‘‘So you’ve never done it before… It doesn’t surprise me.’’ Friedrich said it mostly to himself rather than to insult Erika, although he didn’t care if he did. Erika felt the comment penetrating her chest; it resulted worse than straight up admitting it herself. Friedrich sighed. ‘‘Come, I will teach you.’’

Erika without saying any other word placed herself next to him, her eyes full of expectation, like a child on an excursion excitedly waiting for her teacher’s lesson about nature. Friedrich slowly explained to her all the steps to follow in order to cook the meat. It wasn’t going to be anything luxurious or extremely delicious, but with a good enough preparation, the natural taste of the meat was appetising to the palate. Erika was taking mental notes of everything being taught to her, besides observing carefully all of Friedrich’s actions, how he occasionally moved the meat so it would get cooked from all sides. After the learning session, the breakfast was ready. Friedrich put out the fire and went back inside to grab some plates and cutlery which he evenly divided with Erika. Friedrich observed how Erika got lost on the taste of her portion of meat. Perhaps it wasn’t because it had a prestigious taste, but it was certainly a memorable taste. All of that was memorable to her, never before in her life had she been able to coexist in such a direct way with nature.

After a while both were satisfied. The meat was, for their surprise, delectable despite it not having any spice that gave it any spiciness or sweetness. Erika had broken her diet and honestly, she didn’t care, after smelling the first bite her stomach roared in protest and the rest was history. Both laid their backs on the grass, observing the sky. Friedrich had not realized how much he missed that scenery; the birds singing, the pines making noise with their branches and the wind caressing his face. He closed his eyes and sudden memories started flooding his mind; how his parents used to love contemplating the lake, when his father taught him how to fish and then… when they were not there anymore, his hands tainted in another man’s blood. Friedrich made a grimacing face after remembering such dark and painful episodes of his life, at the same time he did a major effort to push them aside and focus on the ones that really mattered to him. Erika, meanwhile, was thinking of how fortunate she was on having the opportunity to have such a pacific experience. Maybe this escapade was just what she needed to get her mind away from the problems at the castle and make hear realize many things. Then she turned her head towards Friedrich. What a mysterious boy. What could he be thinking? How is it that he is so familiarized with a place like that?

‘‘Hey, you.’’ Friedrich was a little annoyed with the “you”, at this point in time he expected her to at least know his name and call him with it.

‘‘Hm?’’ Friedrich didn’t direct his gaze towards her; he kept looking at the sky.

‘‘I was thinking… How is it that you know of this place? Is this hut yours… or a family member’s?’’

Friedrich opened his mouth to say something, but he then retracted and shook his head.

‘‘It has been my home for a long time.’’

Erika kept staring at him with expectation waiting for him to finish the sentence; however, this didn’t happen, Friedrich remained silent. She turned her gaze back to the sky. ‘‘How pretentious, trying to make himself look more interesting.’’ Erika thought. Friedrich sat and then stood up, shaking off the dirt and grass from his back.

‘‘I have to do a couple of things at the village, stay here and don’t get out for anything’’

Erika looked at him incensed. Did he see her as a hindrance? Did he see her like some sort of pet that he could just leave tied at home? No, of course she wasn’t going to allow anyone to treat her that way. She was the princess goddamn it! She was going to make it very clear that this matter involved her as much as it did him.

‘‘Of course not, I will go with you. It is not negotiable’’ Erika stood up and looked ferociously at his eyes. She was full of determination.

Friedrich stared back at her with a raised eyebrow. If out of pure coincidence one person from the opposing side was at the town it would mean problems for both. On the other hand, the flames of the Royal Academy would barely be extinguished, so it was unlikely that they would notice the absence of her body among the corpses. It would take them various days to identify the majority of the charred bodies. Besides, he preferred to take things peacefully with the idea of avoiding hearing complains throughout the entire journey, if that way she was going to remain silent, it was better for him. Friedrich shrugged.

‘‘All right, let’s go’’ Without waiting any longer, he turned and started walking.

Erika was happy; she didn’t believe that it would be that easy to make him comply. At long last he was starting to know his place and respect her authoritarian figure. If from now on he followed all of her commands blindly and loyally, definitely things would not be as bad as she initially thought.

Friedrich turned back to her as if he had just suddenly remembered something.

‘‘By the way, starting from this very moment you will stop being Lilisburg’s princess.’’

At that moment, all of the ideas that Erika had just started to get shattered like a window getting struck with a rock. She stood open-mouthed.

‘‘What the hell do you mean by that?! That won’t happen ever!’’ Erika crossed her arms and looked away.

‘‘If anyone blows the whistle on us we would be in serious problems. However, if they just see a generic girl travelling alongside a “dull” man,’’ Friedrich made quotation marks with his fingers. ‘‘like me, then it will be easier for us to go by unnoticed.’’

Erika was clearly unhappy with the “generic girl” remark, but what Friedrich was saying made sense. She knew that she had no choice but to accept those terms no matter how humiliating they were for such an important personality like her. She let out a “Humph!” under her breath, which Friedrich interpreted as a “Fine.” Friedrich started walking and Erika followed him in silence, crossing a path that passed through the woods’ trees.