Time for presentation

Wednesday came, and it’s time for me and Eion to present in front of the class.

For me, I had been sweating profusely. It's not that I am a coward. But bad things happen to me every time it's my turn to present something in front of them.

I'll always end up embarrassing myself...And believe me, quite a few got so used to it that they consider it as a routine for me. Which is not good!

And may I remind you that I. AM. WITH. EION!

Was the offer I made last month even valid? Eion hasn't mentioned it, and I always forgot to bring it up. Well, screw that.

Mrs. Johnson didn't waste a minute that as soon as she came into the room, she called out random names to present in the class. Time sure flies by so fast that the next thing I know, it's our turn already. I almost froze in panic. Keyword: Almost.