Stop pretending

"It's too tiring." He responded.

Tiring? "Hmm…why tiring?"

"I mean...I just..can't see the point of why I have to use my energy to let everyone know what I am feeling inside. No one even cares. Life still goes on. It's better this way than making an effort." He said.

I took in what he said, my eyebrows meeting. I'm confused...

Is he thinking like this all this time? Is that really the reason? It feels so long that I know him, and yet here I am, wondering about him.

About who he truly is. Not the rude, stone-faced robot I know. It looks like I still don't know him that well…

Him thinking so deeply like this made me want to dissect, and study each part of him, each story he has, each scar he hides...

"But why? If it's so tiring, then would it be the same as smiling? All you do is glare and scowl. Or if neither, then just a blank, expressionless face."