Chapter 45

The place was dark and stuffy, the only way air could penetrate is the small square at the ceiling, not bigger than a laptop. That only space seems to be the only source of light and a person would hardly see the face of the next person.

It was also silent, dead silent that all that could be heard is the slow humming of a weird song coming from the darkest edge of the cell-like room.

The noise of chains and unlocking was heard, disturbing the peace of the lonely jailbird. Well, not for much, the song stopped for a few seconds and continued after a while.

"Hello, Brother," The prisoner said from the corner cell, sounds of dangling chains filled the room then stopped "What will you tell father?"

"Hit the light"

Was the order that came from the second voice and immediately, the room was given light, Williams the second voice stood few inches away from the door as he started his brother that was chained to a bed at the far end of the room.