Chapter 35: -
Alex wanted to exhale his frustration by doing something drastic, but he let go of the thought of that. Making his way toward his room, he let the door close with a click. He was turning the lights off, stripping down to his boxers. He pulled open the velvet cover and duvet, watching her shudder with the cold.
The real task was to strip her down, which he didn't want to do, but he had to do it. He started to pull off her top-up and saw a long gash just below her chest.
It was long and what his eyes saw was not something you get when you mistakenly fell on a rod. No, it looks like a deep cut. The one you get when someone has an intention to hurt you to death.
He traced it with his index finger, and the thought of how she got this was jamming his brain—making him see that he is not the only one with a past of dark shadows—shoving that thought aside. He pulled her top off and slowly pulled her pajamas down.