Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Xavier inspected her face and then her arms, but Regan stopped him when he wanted to go down to check her stomach.

"No, stop. Xavier, you should not be concerned about me when you hold a part in what happened last night" her comment made Xavier still; for a moment, he started thinking of what he did to make her drink and get wasted.

He did not find an answer, so he looked at Regan's face.

"What do you mean?" he asked. Confusion draped his face with a slight mix of hurt.

She huffed and glared at him. Regan feels so tempted to slap Xavier as he knows his brother more than she does. He should have known Aisling was not in danger, as Alex never called anyone the entire night after Xavier left. This means there was no threat to Aisling, So why didn't Xavier come back.

She keeps accusing him of her painful mistake, but some part of her knows there is no one at fault but her and her heart which breaks her down.