Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Alex had a frightful night, or may he say, a nightmare. He woke up in the middle of the night, his body soaked with sweat and his sheets clinging to him like other skin. A bolt of lightning shined outside his window, indicating that his not the only one in a terrible mood.

Hundreds of droplets chimed against his window, and another roar broke through the sky.

Alex heard a small shriek which, for a moment, he thought was nothing important, but when after a moment or two, another lightning struck his attention, and he did not let the shrieking sound go by.

He pulled his shirt from his nearby chair and went out to find the culprit for that annoying sound.

He went and searched the bar at the poolside, but with another strike of the devil's sword, he knew the sound was coming from non-other than his lonely little wife. He tried to turn on the lights still no relief. The world was surrounded by darkness.