Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Oh, you got to be kidding me.!!!

I kept repeating that in my head when I tried to make the log list of shits. I wanted to kill someone, but I couldn't. If only I could hurt that bitch in her face.

I put the last dish down after wiping the water off it. My hands hurt so bad.

Mandy was trying to help me as much as she could, but it's two people who only could do as much. I sigh in frustration.

"We won't be able to complete this on our own, Mandy," I said, sitting down on the floor Indian style.

"We need help. If only I could get some from my god," I huffed. Mandy pouted her face and then sat down next to me. Her face was red with sweat at the heat. I feel like b with itch whining like a five-year-old when she is not saying a word.