Fight back

To think that Lady Vienna forced herself to behave just for today. She opened her fan now, containing her anger. She held the glass in her hand, but her grip was so strong that the glass broke into pieces.

Fighting the urge not to throw it at Countess Tumaini, she smiled at her. “Oh, yeah. I really enjoyed that dance last night. How about you, Countess Tumaini? Weren’t you jealous because your husband loves his work more than you? Or the fact that your husband is satisfied with you?”

The countess gasped at that. Glaring at her, the countess laughed hysterically. “How outrageous! At least my husband is human, not like your beast fiance.”

Beast fiance? She stood up at that. “What did you just stay?” She felt angry now hearing someone call Raziel a beast. She couldn’t stay still. She knew fighting idiot people would get her nowhere but here she is.

Countess Tumaini grinned smugly. “Why? Isn’t it true? He always wears a mask to hide an ugly scar on his face. He’s a monster.” She continued. “You’re only engaged with him because you wanted to make the crown prince jealous. It’s a contract marriage right?”

Smirking, Lady Vienna inhaled to calm her nerves, dropping a remark that she’s sure every lady worries about. “Oh, I apologize if that's bothering you, Countess Tumaini. Your wrinkles are showing. How about you take care of your old face properly? Maybe then your husband will love you again.”

Countess Tumaini’s face turned red in anger and she stood up wanting to slap Lady Vienna in the face but Lady Vienna was quick and caught her wrist, twisting it. Countess Tumaini yelled in pain.

The table was now disarranged. She felt a bit of pity for Princess Avelina for ruining this but she knew she had to end this fight. She’s a villainess, after all, she has to live up to her name, right?

Ah, it feels good to let people taste their own medicine. She thought. It was satisfying to watch Countess Tumaini struggling at her hands. She has the upper hand, of course, she wouldn’t lose.

She then retorted, “Can you calm down? You’re a noble lady, maintain your dignity. Your morals are slipping off.”

Countess Tumaini was shocked that she is fighting now as she was quiet. Releasing her enemy's wrist, Lady Vienna then slapped Count Tumaini’s face.

“That’s for trying to copy me by wearing dresses like mine and spreading rumors about me.” She slapped again. “That’s for destroying Princess Avelina’s tea party.” And with the last slap, she ended the blow, “And this is for calling my fiance a beast.”

Count Tumaini’s face was now horrible. Her hair was all over the place, and her makeup was so messy.

Lady Vienna turned to look at the shocked faces of the noble ladies on the table, including Princess Avelina. She glared at them. “Take this as an example. No one dares to backstab my fiance and call him a beast in front of me. Or else, I’ll do more than ever you can imagine.”

They all nodded.

She looked again at Countess Tumaini’s poor state. Gosh, seeing her like that felt so satisfying for her. “Consider yourself lucky today. I cut my fingers and collected them like a jewel.” She threatened. Of course, it was a lie. She never did it, but just to scare the countess.

“What is happening here?” She hears a voice.

Turning around, she saw Duke Raziel standing a few meters from her.

“Estelle.” He called her.

This is unexpected, but he’s just in time. “Oh, good timing, my dear Raziel.” She said, “Wait for a minute.”

Turning back to her chair to get her clutch and fan, she bowed graciously at the princess who was still gaping at the sight. “I apologize, your highness. Punish me for ruining your tea party, but I don’t have regrets. Then...I’ll leave now.”

Walking towards Raziel, she clutched her hand to him and Duke Raziel looked at her, confused, and seemed to go along with her. He bowed to the princess and said, “If you’ll excuse us.”

She saw her maid, Roxy blushing as she talked with a man. The man was chuckling nervously and bowed his head. that Raziel’s personal attendant, Huxley?

When she and Raziel neared them, she gave Roxy a teasing look. So it’s confirmed, she really likes him. She’s shipping them! Roxy just shrugged, feigning innocence.

“I’ll go with Raziel home, Roxy. Where’s Titus?” She said, interrupting them.

“Your father had asked for him, my lady,” Roxy replied.

Lady Vienna then whispered to Raziel beside her. “Let’s give them space, let your attendant escort my maid.”

Raziel was confused at first, then looked at his attendant, Huxley, then nodded his head. “Huxley, I want to spend some time with my fiance. Escort my fiance’s maid home.”

Huxley bowed at his command. “Yes, your grace.” And with that, Huxley offered his hand to get Roxy inside the carriage. Roxy threw a grin at Lady Vienna, widening her eyes and blushing.

She chuckled at her maid’s reaction. “Let’s leave them.” She said, and when they got on Duke Raziel’s carriage, Lady Vienna explained. “Forgive me for that. My maid seems to be interested in your attendant the moment she saw you two last night.”

“Oh really? My attendant is unmarried. Let’s leave fate for them.” Raziel replied, sitting across from her as he shrugged. He then couldn’t help but ask her. “What happened earlier at the gardens?”

Lady Vienna offered him her famous smile. “Nothing. You appeared just in time. How did you know I was there?”

“I was actually going home as the emperor asked for me.” He responded. “And he mentioned that the princess was hosting a tea party and you were there so I came to check. You should have told me so that I could come with you.” He responded.

She shook her head. “Thank you for the offer. But we just had a lovely tea party. Did you hear what Countess Tumaini said?”

“No?” He was unsure about that.

“Then good. You don’t have to hear it. I was just protecting your name as your fiance.” She replied.

Raziel seems to be chuckling beneath his mask as he stares at Lady Vienna. “I saw you slapping her….Who won?”

Lady Vienna beamed at him. “Me.”

“Good. As expected of my future duchess.” He commented, his red eyes blazing. “Next time, don’t bother losing your time to punish them. Just tell me, and I’ll make sure they suffer.”