Our room

"VIENNAAA!!!" A loud voice boomed outside followed by the loud crashing of the door. Poor door.

Lady Vienna grimaced at the sound. She didn’t have to look up and know who it was. It was her brother's. Letting out a tired sigh, she asked. "What is it now?"

"My poor sister, did the Duke forced you to marry him? I swear I'll beat that bastard! So that is why he approached and got close to me!" His brother was clearly angry, looking at her with a fiery gaze. He was almost glaring at her.

Of course, who wouldn't get furious knowing that their sister agreed to be the fiancé of the villainess duke.

Pacing back and forth, he finally made a decision. "I'll talk to him-"

"No." She said, cutting off his sentence. Standing up, she faced him. "I thought you'd be happy with this? You even said that we were good together.”

“I was only messing with him! I didn’t know that it was you who he was talking about!”

She laughed at his reaction. “I’m good, brother. It’s alright. I agreed and I thought of it carefully.”

He paused, examined her sister’s face to see if she was lying, sighed, and just nodded, "I see, but if he dare do something, don't hesitate to inform me. I know you can fight, but marriage is a matter that should be taken carefully."

His brother then left her alone. She looked at her empty room now. Roxy had finished packing her stuff and loaded it on their carriage. When Roxy heard about her sudden marriage with the Duke, Roxy wouldn’t even talk to her. But when Lady Vienna reminded her that she would be able to see Huxley everyday, she instantly caved in.

Going to her father’s study and her mother, everyone in the house gathered to bid their goodbyes at Lady Vienna.

“Take care okay? You should have informed me about this before agreeing, this is all too sudden.” Her mother said, wiping the tears on her eyes.

She shrugged, turning to her father, “Take care of mother, father.”

Her father nodded and it was her brother’s turn to hug her now. He looked at her sternly, “Remember what I said, Vienna, be careful.” He reminded her, before whispering in her ears for her parents not to hear. “Always have with you your sword.”

She nodded at what he said and looked around, looking for a specific person. When she saw he was not here, she bit her lip and asked, “Where’s Titus?”

“He’s still in his hometown, Lady Vienna.” Replied the maids.

She sighed. She couldn’t even say her goodbyes to her knight.

Walking away, she bowed graciously at them one last time, “I have to leave now.” And with that, she left her home with Roxy. She felt her heart feeling heavy, but she has to do this.


“Let us welcome the Duchess.” Said the Head maid once Lady Vienna arrived at the duke’s residence. The maids came to greet her all lined up and bowed at her. She looked around. It felt like a long time when it was only uesterday she came here. It’s now her second time to be here, but now, it will be her home...

Huxley came and helped her in her luggage. “I’ll put this in your room.” He said. When he came back, he gave her a tour of the house.

Everything was normal, in fact, too normal except the fact that she had to stay away from one room.

“Do not, never enter this room, my lady.” Huxley informed.

Lady Vienna’s brows rised at that, now peaking her interest. “Why? Is there a bad spirit there? Or is the duke hiding something there?” She asked.

When they reached the Duke’s study, she entered the room to see the Duke busy signing some papers. He’s acting all too normal, as if they were not just married.

He looked up and noticed her.

“Welcome, Vienna. I apologize for not greeting you as I have to sign these papers.” He said, standing up.

“It’s alright, Raziel. I just wanted to inform you that I arrived now. I’ll just take a stroll around.” She said, and left the room.

With Roxy by her side, she went to the gardens. It was already afternoon and she asked for some tea.

“I really can’t believe that you are now married to the duke, my lady.” Roxy said, looking at her surroundings.

“Me too.” Lady Vienna said, sipping on her tea.

Just then, a maid approached them. “His grace wanted to give this to you my lady.” She said, laying down some cookies in front of her at the table, but her hand was shaking that she hit the teacup, making it fall to the ground.

The maid’s eyes widened and quickly kneeled in front of her, her body trembling in fear. “Forgive me my lady!”

Lady Vienna raised her eyebrows. “That’s alrig-“

“No, please don’t kill me!” The maid yelled, now crying her eyes out.

She glanced at Roxy, then it hit her. Her reputation was so bad that people were too scared of her, especially maids….

Roxy then stepped in. “It’s alright, Lady Vienna does not kill maids when they make mistakes like the rumors say.”

The maid then nodded, still looked at the ground and stood up, “Thank you my lady! I am beyond grateful! I’ll repay you someday!” And with that, she quickly cleaned the mess and dashed away.

Well, that was an experience….

As the sun had set, she returned back to the mansion and ate dinner with the duke. But in his case, he only watched her as she ate.

It bothered her a bit so she couldn’t help but ask, “You’re not going to eat?”

He nodded, “I’m already full.”

“Then why do you keep watching me eat?” She raised her eyebrow at him.

He avoided her gaze and looked down, “Oh forgive me, it was rude of me.”

“Where’s my room?” She asked him, yawning. She didn’t do that much today, but she felt so tired.

Duke Raziel glanced at her, “You mean our room?”

That took her attention, suddenly feeling wide awake. Wait a minute, I didn’t think of that… of course we’re married now. She thought. It was even written in their contract. “Oh yeah...haha.” She chuckled nervously. Damn.

After they were finished eating, the maids helped Lady Vienna to prepare. They applied different kinds of oils on her bath, helped her put on a robe and put some lotion all over her body.

“Goodluck my lady, we will be cheering for you.” Said Roxy, grinning at her.

Sitting at their bed, Lady Vienna sat in silence, looking blankly at the wall. She read a book with her, and when she closed her eyes, she heard the door opening. She hid under the blankets, pretending to be asleep.

Taking a peek, she caught sight of an incredible view. Raziel was only wearing his robe, his chest partly showing. His hair was still wet, and his mask was still there.

She felt the feeling of the bed deepening, feeling his gaze on her. She gulped, hearing his breathing. He blew the candle and the lights disappeared. It was only the moonlight that offered some light.

He caressed her cheek gently. His hands were cold and calloused, but it was big compared to her face. “I’m sorry, it should have been our first night…I let you sleep alone.”

This is not it. She needs to talk to him. Opening her eyes, she sat upright, seeing the amazing view of Raziel beside her. She gulped at the sight, his chest was bare and his robe was almost falling. She looked away.

Raziel still gazed at her. “Did I wake you up?”

“No.” She replied.

“Are you not comfortable? Maybe I’ll sleep on the sofa then.” Said the duke.

She shook her head. “No. It's okay. You’re a duke for goodness sake.”

The duke nodded. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen tonight….” He said, grabbing on his mask and looked like he was about to remove it. “Then if you’ll excuse me.”

She stopped him, “Wait, what are you going to do?”

He stopped. “You were curious to see my face, weren’t you? That was even one of the reasons why you married me right?”