The Huge Beast

Just then, a loud sound of the trumpet came, and loud steps came in. Lady Vienna was all tied up and she struggled to get out. She managed to loosen the rope from her hands and she removed the sack from her face as she was about to pull the cloth from her mouth, a slick and wet tongue licked her from her foot to her hair.

She froze.

The smoke slowly cleared up and the loud sound of footsteps was near her. She removed the cloth from her mouth and saw something big.

A beast.

No, it was a big dog, almost like a wolf with sharp fangs and dark red eyes. He had some blood from his cheeks and whiskers and gray fur all over. But what caught Vienna’s attention was the three eyes on his face.

Vienna gulped, now face to face with a beast.

The beast stared back at her, standing still and analyzing her as if she’s a weird creature.

Vienna forced herself to form a smile, “Hello there.”