Chapter Two


who the fuck will that be, Milly should check the door......


ahh seriously!, I walked to the door with my arm still trying to pluck into my sleeves yea guess what? am moving to college today

"Yea who's that?" I asked and pulled the door open still struggling with my sleeves, yeah finally it's in, then I have to concentrate on whom is at the door and it's a delivery man.

"Hello boy, I was asked to deliver this package here, um it says Maryland park block 8...

"Yeah yeah whatever, it's mine I'll take it from here" I took the package almost closing the door, "thanks man" I'd have to keep my courtesy well it sucks, I walked briskly to my room and tore open the package, yeah baby, I glanced through my new laptop and picked up a little pamphlet which looks like the guidelines for the laptop, whatever, I tossed it away still beaming at my new laptop.

"Tom who was that on the door" Milly peeped through my door and her eyes went straight to my new laptop.

"Why didn't you check it out and know" I blurted picking up my laptop and some of the other things I'll need at college, seems like am gonna need a lot of stuff cause my bag is already filled up.

"Ugh", Milly snorted and walked away with her flip-flops greeting the floor, anyways I'd have to get my stuff ready before my mum.....

"Tom!!! Ain't you done packing" mum screamed as she closed the door and I guess she was going to the car

She would never stop screaming, jeez, it's so annoying, I dragged my stuff down to the car dumping them into the back seat.

"Seems like Milly isn't coming with us" I was buying more time to get my stuff ready in the car.

" She got more important stuff to do, now will you get into the car!" She said knowing fully what I wanna do, I guess am done.

"Alright, mum am ready," phew!.

She started the engine and then we embark on the long journey well on my way to college, hope it'll be cool.

A lot of cars are parked on the driveway seems like many students will be attending Mascot college, my mum drove to a safe side where she wouldn't be disturbed, well she's a careful driver always obedient to traffic rules and regulations, ugh! It sucks.

"Alright Tom, hope you're ready for this," my mum asked as she pulled up.

"Yeah, sure " I was looking a little bit shaky though, seeing many girls and boys chattering and laughing, am no social person, so I don't give a shit, so I climbed out of the car bracing myself, I waited for my mum to take the lead into the school administrators office.

"Tom we will get your files and then get your stuff to the West coast area, I'd already find an apartment for you" my mum beaming at the school building.

" What did she just say, WESTERN COAST AREA!!, Yippee!", I leapt up in my head, I looked at my mum still beaming at the school building, should I call you the best mum ever! Still leaping in my mind.....

"Hello miss, how can we help you?", a young man in uniform asked my mum as he saw us standing for like 10 minutes.

"Um sorry, actually we want to meet up at the administrative office", my mum said looking nice and polite.

"Wtf!, did she just act polite," I thought as my mouth dropped.

"Alright, ma'am this way" the young man lead the way,

I and my mum followed, seeing hot girls was now my main aim as we walked to the office and finally, my aim was accomplished as I saw a tall curvy blonde girl looking into her phone, wow, as if she heard my mind she looked up at me and fortunately our eyes met.

"Oops, she's staring at me" I brought my eyes down looking a bit nervous, before I could look up again we are already at the office.

" Here it is ma'am" the young man directed,

"Thanks, mister", my mum said

"You're welcome", the man said as he walked down the hallway.

Knock! Knock!!

" Yea, come in", an elderly voice came from the office.

" Hello sir, am Mrs wellson and this is my son Thomas wellson," my mum said as the principal ordered a sit for us.

"Ok, um Mrs wellson you're welcome at Mascot college and it's a great fortune for your son Thomas wellson", the principal said as he beamed a smile at my mum. why won't I just go outside and wait for this discussion to be over?

"Thomas, how would you like to complete your college education here," the principal said still smiling.

"I already applied for this college so it's obvious am completing here," I said looking unconcern

" Yeah you're right there boy", the principal laughed, then he turned to my mum and asked her a few questions about my high school and so many other stuff I wasn't paying attention to.

" Ok Mrs wellson and Thomas wellson, you're both welcome to Mascot college", he said extending his hand for a handshake.

I immediately leapt out of the office, I wouldn't want the rest of my day to be ruined with some old people discussion, as I walk down the hallway I saw some girls chattering but I couldn't make up what they are saying, I turn to the other hallway avoiding any eye contact.

" Well, this place is not that bad as I thought " I roamed around some few blocks and walked up to some Framed art covered with glass and something was written boldly on it "HALL OF FAME", wtf is that supposed to mean, I reached out to feel the surface of the frame and I saw some names written in it, it's looking like Guinness world records, who does this help ugh!... Jonny Lang first student to date a celebrity

Mary Payne first student to swim through a waterfall...

"Anyone could swim through a waterfall, phft," still looking at the hall of fame and I saw something scary, oh shit!.... Clarke moon first student to commit homicide...

" That's some scary shit! Who the hell wanna commit home....." My thoughts were cut off when my phone buzzed

Where the hell are you, Tom

"Oh shit", I already knew am in trouble with my mum again.

I rushed out of the hallway to the car park, I didn't see my mum anywhere around the park, where the hell is she now..., I was disturbed when she honked and not just once but twice or more.

"Will you get your ass over here" she yelled, I have to walk down the lane to get to her.

"Where the hell did you go", she's still yelling as she carefully reverses the car, I had no answer to that so I kept mute avoiding her eyes. We drove off to the West coast area, seems like I wasn't the only person considering it cause I saw many others parking in, the western coastal area is the coolest place to stay in college and it's not far from school.

"Here we are," she said as we pulled up, seems like my apartment was the second to last but I wasn't bothered, I hurried my stuff out of the car, can't wait to have a look at the inside, I stood at the door post waiting for my mum to get the keys.

"Finally!" I yelped as I leapt inside, actually what I was expecting, I beamed at the room and its designs and it must've cost much.

My mum helped me pack in stuff and some things were replaced, well I checked my room out mapping out the best place for my game box cause that's the only thing that keeps me company since I got no social life after a few things were done my mum set to leave and that was the first time I felt something is missing in me, I noticed all this while she's been shouting at me I never stopped loving her since our dad got away, I looked like am gonna cry but I kept it instead there were stings in my eyes but she noticed it, fuck.

"Hey Tom, just be a good boy," my mum said as she smiled at me, that was the first fucking time she did that since I turned teen, am gonna miss her for a while.

Well, I walked her to the door but something else got my attention when we got outside, some guys chattering about some hot girl well she's not far from my glimpse, wow that's tally 2.

"What are you looking at, Tom?" My mum asked as she tries to read my eye direction which I took caution and looked away, if she ever notices I have a thing for hot girls she'll kill me.

"Well I got to leave now tom, take of yourself," she said as she pecked me, ugh hope no guy saw that, I never wanna be mummy's boy.

"Alright mum, bye," I said beaming

"Bye baby," she said as drove off

"Did she just call me baby, wtf" I looked lost cause I have forgotten the last time my mum was ever this sweet to me, maybe she's just missing me as am missing her too, hmph..., I walked inside my apartment hoping the rest of the day can figure itself out.