The beginning


"Cole please help me set the table"

"Whatever" said Cole making Emily smile at her husband.

Cole was a werewolf while she was a human supposed to join in the extinction of werewolves.

She still remembered the day when she saw him.

It was love at first sight.

She was coming back from home when she saw a large werewolf in the middle of the road.

She should have run back to the company and ask for security to get rid of the wolf but something compelled her towards the wolf.

She had managed to drag a thousand pounds back to her car all by herself.

She had nursed it back to health when it shifted to the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes upon.

She was twenty years old and was still single.

So when Cole proposed to her, she immediately accepted.

Although no real wedding has been done, she still loves to call herself Mrs Cole Smith.

It was a secret marriage that no one knew about but she had plans to leave the country with Cole and go somewhere once she got this months salary.

"Delicious" said Cole giving Emily a peck on the cheek before going upstairs to the bedroom they shared.

Emily sighed tiredly as she began to the dishes.

She was tired of being treated like a child.

She wanted to be treated like a woman but that won't be possible since Cole didn't want to touch her.

Now she was stuck with herself and her job.

Perhaps she wasn't that attractive and that's why nobody had stared at her.

She was going to get her salary and leave this country with her husband.

She was going to go to a place where romance was in the air.

A place where no one question anyone's relationship.

A place where she and Cole can be intimate.

A place called Paris....

Short chapter?

I know but please keep reading.
