First sight


"It can't be Specimen C" Emily said, convincing herself.

But something in her gut told her that specimen C could be Kelvin.

She hoped not because that would be a slap to her face.

She had just pulled up the zipper on her gown when a knock was heard.

"Come in" said Emily making Rosie face pop out from the door and into her room.

"Looking good, Emily. Come on, everyone is waiting"

Emily nodded at her and then began to follow her out of the room.

'Help me, O lord' was Emily's last prayer before the door opened revealing him.

She knew it.

She knew he would be here.

She knew Kelvin was specimen C.

But instead she chose to ignore facts and face fantasies.

The smirk Kelvin wore only seemed to add more shame to her already shameless pride.

Rosie led her two seats away from the head of the table and beside Kelvin.

Her heart was racing and her palms became sweaty as soon as Rosie let go of her.

"Emily" a deep voice said startling Emily making her look at the man who stood at the head of the table.

"Welcome back home" he had said and began to eat making everyone mimick his move.

That was all? The nerve of this people! No introductions, No apologies, No thing at all.

And what pathetic demon possessed him to think that she would call this place her home?

What kind of useless manners were they exhibiting?

If there was one thing Emily Walter have always hated and will always hate is mannerless people.

With bubbling anger, she stabbed the spaghetti with her fork and tried not to imagine it was Kelvin or the rude old man who thought he could call himself her father.

As if that wasn't enough, the old man spoke again.

"Kelvin and his mate shall be going on a date"

And with that he left with Rosie in his tail.

Right now, Emily was outraged.