The Truth


Kira sat opposite of me with Ashley beside her.

"First of all, does anyone know about Cole apart from us?" Ashley asked making Emily shake her head signalling NO.

"Good and you're going to have to keep it that way" said Ashley making Emily whisper a YES.

"Cole and Kelvin are twins and well I'm their younger sister" Kira stopped waiting for Emily to absorb her words.

"They were so close and so dedicated to the pack so it came as a surprise when Cole gave WAE the company you worked at a tip on how to find us. We vacated the pack house and settled down in the Emergency house but twenty percent of us lost their lives that day. We still had no idea that the mole was with us until he said it himself"

Emily's eyes went wide.

How could Cole admit he was the mole when he was in the midst of his dedicated kind?

"Yes, Em. Cole admitted he was a mole in the midst of an emotional pack. Some of us lost our dear ones that day so clearly Cole was seeking death for him to have mentioned shit like that and death he got. He was beaten and then burnt with the pack house and everyone thought he was dead"

"Except he didn't die" Ashley interrupted before releasing a scoff.

Emily was quiet as she absorbed everything.

She found Cole injured on the road. They were burns on his fur and he was in his wolf form for two weeks before finally shifting to a human.

At this moment, Emily didn't know what or whom to believe.

Ashley saw her hesitation and sighed.

"I know it's all too hard to take in but we care about you. A lot."

Emily smiled at Ashley and then it was silent again.

"Fuck this, Em. How about we tell you a story of our kind?" asked Ashley making Emily smile.

Emily wanted to know everything about their kind because no information was useless and perhaps this info might end up taking her back home.

"Okay. Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Diana. She was a goddess and she was so beautiful that everyone wanted to have a taste of her. She didn't have any powers or creatures that could worship her so that made her an outcast" Ashley said before taking a deep breath and then continued.

"One day she came across an injured wolf whom she nursed back to health. The wolf turned out to be a pack's Alpha. They had sex and boom a werewolf was made"

Emily furrowed her eyebrows I'm confusion.

Ashley nevertheless continued, "Their love blossomed to the point where they finally began to live with each other and by then she was already a mother of seven werewolves until one day on her way home, she was raped by a beast. She took in and then delivered a peltgra. The Alpha wanted nothing with the child so she went back to the beast who accepted her and then together they made more children until the beast died. The Alpha also died making the werewolves turn to their mother for guidance. The peltgra wanted nothing to do with the werewolves and since the goddess couldn't endure the fights in her home, she sent them down to earth. Werewolves multiplied along with Peltgras. The end."

said Ashley finishing it up with a smile.

Emily was still in disbelief because that was the most useless storyline she had ever heard in her whole life.

Plus that story wasn't going to get her anywhere out of this place.

Kira rolled her eyes at Ashley who seemed too excited to hear Emily's comment.

"That was good" Emily said making Ashley smile at her.

"Thanks, what can I say? I'm a pro at whatever I do"

There was a knock at the door and when it opened, Rosie's head came in view.

"Hey, Emily. How are you doing?"

"Good, thanks for asking Rosie"

Emily saw the flash of hurt in Rosie's eyes before it was gone.

That was when Em decided that if she wanted to leave here alive, Rosie was the way out but first she needed to gain her trust.

Kira and Ashley seem too keen on keeping her here so now it was Rosie.

"I just wanted to check on you. Goodnight Emily" said Rosie as she made her way towards the door.

"Goodnight mom" Emily said making Rosie halt in her footsteps.

Rosie turned around with tears glistening in her eyes and smiled at Emily.

"Okay girls, come on. Let Emily have her beauty sleep. She needs to look good for her date tomorrow" Rosie said ushering Kira and Ashley out who mumbled a goodnight on their way out before Rosie shut the door.

And then Emily realized something.

She was going on a date tomorrow which meant she was going to have to leave the house right?