

Her head was hurting.

"Em? Hey Emily, wake up?" Someone whispered causing her to groan.

She tried opening her eyes but her eyelids felt like they were glued to her face.

What the heck happened?

She tried again, concentrating her strength on them and this time it worked.

The room was dimly lit and she had to blink rapidly to adjust.

She recognized herself to be in some kind of cage before looking through the bars.

Finally, she could see several objects like a chair behind a table with a desk lamp which turned out to be the source of light.

"Emily?" Someone whispered causing

her to whip her head in that direction.

A woman sat in a similar cage looking through the bars at her.

"How do you know my name?" She demanded immediately, fear coursing in her veins.

"Don't feel flattered. I didn't remember your name at first until my Alpha kept saying it. We met few months ago in the forest"