Chapter 15

Riya's POV

It was morning and I got out of my bed with a bit of difficulty. My foot had a slight pain. I got ready to go to the hospital. But was not in a mood to cook food.

So I thought of having something from the cafeteria itself. I was locking the door when Dr Parth also came out.

" Good morning, sir."

" We are neighbours here, you can call me Parth. " He said

" No, sir!! You are my senior. I can't think of doing it. " I said avoiding looking at him. He looked very good in his casual shirt and denim.

" How is your foot? I was coming to ask you if you are still having pain?? " He asked.

" Just a little... I will take the medicine after I have my breakfast. " I replied with a smile.

" You haven't eaten anything?? Not even tea or coffee?? " He was surprised.

" No, I didn't feel like cooking. So I will have it in the cafeteria at the hospital. " I replied and he nodded.

"By the way, the coffee you made yesterday was very nice." He said.