Chapter 25

Parth's POV

I was getting irritated so tried to calm down myself and decided to enjoy the party. I didn't want to spoil my mood as well as Sid's as he was going to announce their relationship to the rest of the people.

I reached the party and saw Mayank enjoying a drink, after grabbing a drink, I joined him.

" Where is your date?? Don't tell me, you are short of options. I heard you have two female assistants. " Mayank asked.

" The one I thought of asking had already committed to someone else. Actually, asked at the last moment because I was very busy." I said.

" Awww... Never mind. There are many beautiful girls out there, enjoy. " He winked at me and I nodded with a smile.

Just then we saw Sid and Shruti entering the hall. We went towards them.

" Oh my God !! Someone is looking very pretty today. " I said to Shruti.

" Hi !! " I said shyly, I smiled at both of them.

" So, my dear lady, can I have the honour to dance with you tonight? " I asked.