You Make Me Feel Special

Lavanya thought for a moment and said to herself, “Come on Lavanya, maybe the reason he wants you in his life is because he thinks he can find his lost happiness with you. You should give him a chance and trust him.”

She placed her hand on his hand and said, “I promise to always stay with you.”

They stood there, looking at the Thames River in silence, and soon the sky started turning dark. Eden looked at the sky and said, “Let's ride the London Eye and enjoy London's best view.”

They went to the London Eye, and Eden went to buy the tickets. There was a lot of crowd so he decided to buy fast track tickets because he didn't want Lavanya to wait. He held her hand, and soon they were sitting inside the capsule.

After a few minutes, the ride started, and Lavanya closed her eyes. Eden looked at her and said, “You should keep your eyes open.”

“I am a little afraid of heights.” She said with her eyes tightly shut.

“Why didn't you tell me before?”