Don't Lie To Me

“Ray.” Eden called him, breaking his trance. Ray turned his attention to him. “Yes, Sir.”

“Tell me what do you want to say?”

“I wanted to discuss something with you. It's not that important. We will talk about it later. You can enjoy your family time.” Ray said and left before Eden could stop him.

“What happened to him?” Jaime asked, and Lavanya tried to suppress her laughter, looking at Jaime. Even Lavanya wasn't an expert in such matter, but staying with Eden has made her experience this thing that how a person behaves around the person whom he or she loves.

“I will ask him later what he wanted to say?” Eden said, looking at Jaime.

“By the way, I am really happy for you Brother. This year, you will attend Our Family Annual Ball with a beautiful and gorgeous partner by your side.” Jaime looked at both of them with a smile.

“Oh, God!”

“What happened, Brother?”