
Eden was holding a silver tiara and a diamond ring in his hands. He slid the ring on her finger, then placed the tiara on her head smiling, and this moment reminded her of the moment when Daksh placed the tiara on her head with a smile on the day of her birthday.

A tear escaped her eye. Eden noticed this and asked, “Why are you crying? Did you not like this tiara?”

“I am sorry. I really like it. Thank you so much.” She carefully wiped her tears.

“Then, why are you crying?” He asked, taking her hand in his.

“It's…it's nothing.” She said and smiled.

“Don't lie, Lavanya. If you're crying after seeing this tiara, there must be a reason behind it. Tell me.”

“This tiara reminded me of my brother.” She said and looked at him.

“You really love him very much, but you shouldn't cry. If you will cry, he will be sad, and what will happen if he beats me after knowing that I made his sister cry.” Lavanya laughed, hearing this.